Monty 蟒蛇, python and The Holy Grail What is your 最喜爱的 scene?

Pick one:
The knights of the round table?
The knights who say Ni!
The God scene
The battle with the black knight.
The killer rabbit
The Witch
The damzel in distress
French 城堡
Watery Tarts
Added by DrDevience
The Bridge of Death
Added by tessajanuary
All of them. duh. ^^
All of them. duh. ^^
The Opening Credits with the subtitles
The Opening Credits with the subtitles
The swallow- coconut argument
The swallow-coconut argument
Added by jopageri13
The Two Guards
Added by glelsey
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 irishratgirl posted 一年多以前
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