Miley, Demi, and Selena Updates

a comment was made to the photo: demi and selena 一年多以前 by bryauna13
an answer was added to this question: WHICH 1 DO U LIKE BEST?????? 一年多以前 by Maria1307
a comment was made to the poll: who is prettier? (i pick miley) 一年多以前 by cutegirl45love
a comment was made to the poll: who do 你 think is a better singer 一年多以前 by cutegirl45love
a comment was made to the poll: Who is the most beautiful girl? 一年多以前 by cutegirl45love
a poll 增加: who is the better singer? 一年多以前 by alishana
fan art 增加: cutie awwwwwww !!!!!!!!! 一年多以前 by mileyfannumberd
a poll 增加: Who's your 最喜爱的 character? 一年多以前 by epickcristal
a photo 增加: djonas 123 一年多以前 by MarReun31
a poll 增加: who is prettier 一年多以前 by emzygurl15
a poll 增加: whos the best singer 一年多以前 by emzygurl15
a comment was made to the photo: demi selena miley 一年多以前 by KarimaAyoub
a comment was made to the poll: Which 袍, 礼服 is the most beautiful? 一年多以前 by mileyfan_111
a comment was made to the poll: who's the best singers? 一年多以前 by katy_bw
a comment was made to the photo: Demi & Selena 一年多以前 by swaggg1
an answer was added to this question: WHICH 1 DO U LIKE BEST?????? 一年多以前 by lucila99
an answer was added to this question: WHICH 1 DO U LIKE BEST?????? 一年多以前 by angelbell619
an answer was added to this question: WHICH 1 DO U LIKE BEST?????? 一年多以前 by zoula
a comment was made to the photo: miley and sel hug 一年多以前 by Lilchan
a poll 增加: who is best? 一年多以前 by amu1995
a comment was made to the poll: who has the best smile? 一年多以前 by jasmin1168
a comment was made to the photo: demi and sell 一年多以前 by SellyLover_13
a comment was made to the photo: Singers _3 一年多以前 by paogen
a comment was made to the poll: which smile looks perfect? 一年多以前 by A50P
a comment was made to the poll: Who is prettiest? 一年多以前 by Taylor122
a comment was made to the poll: who has the best TV 显示 ? 一年多以前 by Taylor122
a comment was made to the poll: Are this girl actin good? 一年多以前 by selena15
a comment was made to the answer: all but i like selna 更多 then demi and Miley 一年多以前 by littleangel0520
a video 增加: Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus 2011 音乐电视 VMA Fashion Recap 一年多以前 by maritina12345
a comment was made to the icon: llllooolllzzz 一年多以前 by H2Ocleo-fan
a comment was made to the poll: Selena 或者 Demi 或者 taylor? 一年多以前 by selena15
a comment was made to the photo: Hugs 一年多以前 by hp_maniac
a pop quiz question 增加: What is alexs brothers names in wizards of waverly plaxe 一年多以前 by tiffyg0806
a comment was made to the poll: which 迪士尼 TV 显示 is teh BEST? 一年多以前 by tiffyg0806
a poll 增加: which 迪士尼 TV 显示 is teh BEST? 一年多以前 by aqifahj
a comment was made to the poll: Who is the prettiest?(in this pictures) 一年多以前 by fatimasss
a comment was made to the photo: demi and sell 一年多以前 by retrivere
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: demi 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: Demi Lovato Interview On 20/20 ( HQ) 一年多以前 by mileysmartcyrus
a video 增加: Young Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato 一年多以前 by victoriousgirl
a comment was made to the poll: Mary 或者 Mitchie? 一年多以前 by queenofdevils
a comment was made to the photo: Miley Cyrus Demi Lovato Selena Gomez 一年多以前 by delenagovatofan
a poll 增加: Who is prettiest? 一年多以前 by Angel_1996