Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Club
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Tommy Oliver: You!
Robo Tommy: Who better to destroy the real Tommy Oliver than me?
Tommy Oliver: But unless 你 got a Master Morpher, 你 ain't nothing but a cheap copy.
Robo Tommy: This copy's gonna kick your butt.
Wes Collins: Tommy?
Gemma: Ah, you're free!
Tommy Oliver: Yeah. They didn't know that the Black Dino Thunder Ranger can turn invisible, and when I came to, I used that to escape - but the other Rangers, they're being held in his dungeon. He's cloning them into a massive army of Ranger-powered robots
Gemma: A massive army?
Levi Weston: That's why he wants to tear down the barriers. He's gonna invade all the Rangers' dimensions.
Rocky DeSantos: Whoa! Wes, what happened?
Gia Moran: Last thing I remember, I was meeting with Tommy when some kind of Rangers attacked.
Wes Collins: That wasn't Tommy, and those weren't Rangers, either. They're Lord Draven's robots.
T.J. Johnson: Draven? I was hoping I never hear that name again.
Katherine Hillard: It looks like he's giving the robots Ranger powers.
Trent Mercer: Ranger powers will make his robots tough to beat.
Antonio Garcia: Hey, Tommy, thanks for saving us. So what do we do now?
Tommy Oliver: We gotta stop his plans.
The Green Ranger: [defeats Robo Tommy] Face it. You're just circuits and sensors. You're nothing like me. 你 have no heart.
[Robo Tommy explodes]
Brody Romero: 你 all have your own worlds to protect, and we still have Odius to take care of.
Rocky DeSantos: Please! She doesn't stand a chance. Not with the Super Ninja Steel Rangers on her tail.
Tommy Oliver: The Power Ranger legacy is in good hands.
Katherine Hillard: There's nothing 你 can't do.
Antonio Garcia: As long as 你 do it together.
T.J. Johnson: You're a heck of a crew.
Brody Romero: Thanks. That means a lot.
Hayley Foster: Especially coming from legends like 你 guys.
Tommy Oliver: Rangers forever?
Rangers: Defending together!
[last lines]
Brody Romero: Now that was epic.
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Lord Draven: [after shooting his 秒 《绿箭侠》 at the dimensional cracks] Soon I'll be able to shoot my last 《绿箭侠》 and invade all the dimensions! Give up! 你 don't have any chance against my entire army!
Rangers: [the Legendary Rangers reveal themselves] Ninja reveal!
Lord Draven: Huh, what?
Tommy Oliver: Their odds just improved.
Calvin Maxwell: Unbelievable!
Hayley Foster: There are ten of them!
Preston Tien: Oh, man! Now that is what I call Ranger power!
Brody Romero: Anybody know what time it is?
Rangers: It's Morphing Time! Ninja Spin!
[the Ninja Steel Rangers morph first then the other Rangers morph]
Rangers: Rangers ready!
Red Mighty Morphin Ranger: Your invasion ends here, Draven!
粉, 粉色 Ninja Steel Ranger: We can't give up, but he's so strong!
White Mighty Morphin Ranger: [inside the 鹘, 猎鹰 Zord] Light him up, Rangers! I've got a present for Draven.
Red Mighty Morphin Ranger: Everyone, lock your weapons onto him!
Rangers: Fire!
[they all 火, 消防 at the giant size Lord Draven]
Robo Tommy: [laughing] 你 haven't been Dino Thunder Black for over a decade. You're *old*. But I'm a robot. I'll never age.
Tommy Oliver: There are a lot of things that I can do that 你 can't - like this.
[Tommy pulls out the Master Morpher]
[Morphs into Red Zeo Ranger]
Levi Weston: Mick told us that there were other Ranger teams, but we've never heard of an RPM and Dino Charge.
Wes Collins: Well, there a few different dimensions, and Rangers exist in all of them.
Sarah Thompson: Different dimensions? Cool.
Gemma: I'm from the world of the RPM Rangers. We live on an Earth ruined 由 an evil computer virus.
Koda: I am caveman from Dino Charge world, where 恐龙 not extinct.
Hayley Foster: Wow, I'd 爱情 to go to that world.
Wes Collins: Time Force Rangers created these trans-portal devices so we can travel between Ranger worlds.
Gemma: Jumping between dimensions destabilizes the Morphing grid.
Koda: That why we only use device in big emergency.
Wes Collins: Like right now. Recently, a number of Rangers began disappearing from different dimensions. We're trying to find out what happened to them.
Gemma: 你 seen anything suspicious? Anything at all.
Brody Romero: No, nothing, but we want to help. Whatever 你 need.
Wes Collins: What we need first is to get Tommy Oliver to help us.
Mick Kanic: Uh, Tommy Oliver? I've heard of him.
Brody Romero: Yeah, we all have.
Gemma: He isn't answering his communicator. We don't know if he's been captured too.
Hayley Foster: Then we need to find out.
Wes Collins: I know exactly where to find him. It's time for a road trip to Reefside.
Lord Draven: What's happening here?
Robo Tommy: One of the Rangers damaged the robo-cloning computer and escaped.
Lord Draven: It's not just one computer. My whole Robo Ranger factory is shut down! I shouldn't have trusted you. Nagh! Fortunately, my robot army is already big enough to take over every dimension! March, robots, march!
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