Matthew Knight Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Which pic do 你 like the best? 一年多以前 by gryffindorgal27
a photo 增加: Photobomb 由 Cameron 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a comment was made to the photo: Matthew Knight 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
fan art 增加: Matthew Knight Collage 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a link 增加: Matthew Knight Tribute - Latch 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a comment was made to the photo: Matthew Knight as Jake Kimble 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a comment was made to the poll: do u want ethan 2 be ur boyfriend? 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a comment was made to the poll: SHOULD THERE BE WEREWOLFS IN SESION 2 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a comment was made to the poll: do 你 爱情 ethan 或者 benny ? 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a comment was made to the poll: whos the jeekest?? 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
a comment was made to the poll: Should Ethan and Sarah kiss? 一年多以前 by KassieValentine
an answer was added to this question: In what episode does Eathen get bit by Jesse? 一年多以前 by mbav_xoxo
an icon 增加: little matthew 一年多以前 by taliaruby1
a comment was made to the poll: Who do 你 think is better for Ethan(Matthew Knight)? 一年多以前 by Sydney-Knight
an answer was added to this question: In what episode does Eathen get bit by Jesse? 一年多以前 by Julz3
a comment was made to the icon: Matthew knight 一年多以前 by mattknightxox
a comment was made to the photo: MK 壁纸 一年多以前 by mattknightxox
a poll 增加: do u want ethan 2 be ur boyfriend? 一年多以前 by hrjhfjshfjhsaj
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What was the name of Ethan's colon's name before Benny changed it into a 爱情 potion in episode-smells like trouble? 一年多以前 by ilovematthew
a link 增加: My Babysitters A Vampire 粉丝 gear 一年多以前 by matthewluvr789
a link 增加: Matthew Knight's Official Website 一年多以前 by matthewluvr789
a poll 增加: 你 guys ready for the new season 一年多以前 by FlyWithMeNickJ
an answer was added to this question: watch is cuties matthewknight or justin bieber 一年多以前 by melamelia
a pop quiz question 增加: how long did sarah say it takes for her immortal (i think it is immortal) body to die? 一年多以前 by samlovesham
a pop quiz question 增加: How did Jesse come back from the dead? 一年多以前 by Outgoingirl129
a question 增加: post of banner of matthew knight that sais: matthew knight + taini storm. i'll give you 3 props and i'll be your fan. 一年多以前 by taini
a comment was made to the photo: Matthew Knight 一年多以前 by knight-Liz
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Where did Benny meet Della before the first episode of MBAV the series? 一年多以前 by SGVMPLDCfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Where did Benny meet Della before the first episode of MBAV the series? 一年多以前 by SGVMPLDCfan
a poll 增加: Do u think Sarah is the right girl for Ethan? 一年多以前 by SGVMPLDCfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Why did Ethan not want Doug in "Doug the vampire hunter" to go to the grave yard?! 一年多以前 by SGVMPLDCfan
a comment was made to the poll: What Momment is funnier 一年多以前 by SGVMPLDCfan
an answer was added to this question: In what episode does Eathen get bit by Jesse? 一年多以前 by 1bsitvampfan
a pop quiz question 增加: who did ethan say gave him the doug the vampire hunter calender? 一年多以前 by AtticusLover
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** 一年多以前 by etharah93
a comment was made to the poll: What is your fave episode 一年多以前 by etharah93
a comment was made to the poll: If 你 could, would 你 加入 a mob to destroy Vannessa 摩根 (sarah)? 一年多以前 by ilovematthew_k
an answer was added to this question: watch is cuties matthewknight or justin bieber 一年多以前 by 1bsitvampfan
an answer was added to this question: watch is cuties matthewknight or justin bieber 一年多以前 by hinataxneji1
a question 增加: watch is cuties matthewknight or justin bieber 一年多以前 by armani123hope
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: what is ethans dads name 一年多以前 by 121365
a pop quiz question 增加: what is ethans dads name 一年多以前 by 121365
a comment was made to the poll: WHO AS 更多 SMARTICULS? V_V @_@ 一年多以前 by 12sarah12
a comment was made to the icon: mattthew knight 一年多以前 by summerwazhere1
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your 最喜爱的 character 一年多以前 by ilovematthew_k
a poll 增加: If 你 could, would 你 加入 a mob to destroy Vannessa 摩根 (sarah)? 一年多以前 by ilovematthew_k
a comment was made to the poll: What pic is better??? 一年多以前 by 1BTRfan
a comment was made to the poll: if 你 were sarah would 你 have bite him again 或者 left him to be a vampire?? 一年多以前 by 1BTRfan
a poll 增加: Which pic do 你 like the best? 一年多以前 by hinataxneji1
a comment was made to the video: ‪My Babysitter's a Vampire - Behind the Scenes‬‏ - YouTube 一年多以前 by ilovematthew_k