MasterChef Wall

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Ginevraaa 说 …
Could someone please tell me who left the 显示 tonight? Otherwise, I must wait until tomorrow to find out... and I just can't! 发布 一年多以前
juniorjesteress 说 …
MasterChef Australia girls vs boys best season ever!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
retrolove83 说 …
my Masterchef is on! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
sweety63 说 …
Yeahh !! My Callum won MasterChef All Stars !!! :D:D:D 发布 一年多以前
IrisxDean7 评论…
YAY!!!! 一年多以前
twipotter 评论…
He deserves it!! 一年多以前
big smile
chlira 说 …
I 爱情 MASTERCHEF !!! I'll definitely get a medal !! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
sweety63 说 …
OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppp !!!!!! OMG Im screaming !! hahahahahaha I GOT MY DEDICATED MEDAL !! OMG !! This means so much to me !! OMG i 爱情 this 显示 soooo much !!! EEeeeeppp !! YeeeYYY !!!! ♥♥♥ 发布 一年多以前
big smile
sweety63 说 …
wow im the best Contributor :P :D:D:D:D 发布 一年多以前
samread13 说 …
Hello all fellow MasterChef fans, I'm a journalism student from Curtin Uni in WA - I'm 写作 a feature on the foodie movement in Australia - and i wanted to hear all your opinions on why the 显示 is so 流行的 and if 你 are all going in the home-foodie movement. 发布 一年多以前
cuddlfuzzy 说 …
who do u think is gonna win this seson? i think christin is gopnna win 发布 一年多以前
soda471 评论…
It will definately be Christine. :) 一年多以前
JeffreyDahmer 说 …
I 爱情 This 显示 发布 一年多以前
Ares2002 说 …
has anyone seen masterchef australia junior 发布 一年多以前
sweety63 评论…
YEP !! 一年多以前
sweety63 说 …

sweety63 说 …
I 爱情 Master chef !!! 发布 一年多以前
shizra 说 …
i luv MASTER CHEF AUSTRALIA..........................and specially HAYDEN
发布 一年多以前
sweety63 说 …
I 爱情 Masterchef Australia season 3 soooooo much..! 发布 一年多以前
shizra 评论…
me too 一年多以前
shizra 评论…
=) 一年多以前
gry 说 …
my mom and i are watching the whole australian 秒 season again! woot! 发布 一年多以前
gry 评论…
:'( ran out... gotta buy some more... 一年多以前
sweety63 评论…
really cute..! 一年多以前
shizra 评论…
big smile
EalasaidWooster 说 …
Celebrity Master Chef is starting soon. Yay! Can't wait! :D 发布 一年多以前
gry 说 …
哈哈 thinking about that time when Callum and Adam pretended to be the judges and Gary and George had to cook... that was just them being awesome and hilarious, especially when Adam tied a scarf around his neck and everyone was, like, Hey! It's Matt Preston!" 哈哈 that was just so funny 发布 一年多以前
gry 说 …
哈哈 there was a recap of the 秒 masterchef australia on 星, 星级 world (asia) about a week ago; it was the one when they went to 伦敦 to make pastry. the 写作 below the "masterchef banquet" thing was "sweet callum". 哈哈 i bet loads of 粉丝 liked that! :D 发布 一年多以前
sweety63 评论…
哈哈 .....:P 一年多以前
gry 评论…
ahahahahahaha... 你 would have loved it, sweety63 一年多以前
sweety63 评论…
in season 3 Billy was the desert prince..! 哈哈 一年多以前
partypony 说 …
Well, congrats to Jennifer... But I didn't really think she'd win... Sure she might have gone far, but I didn't think... She would win...
I really wanted Ben to win... But of course he got eliminated in the 5... 发布 一年多以前
just4kmw 说 …
I can't see how a chef that serves undercooked 食物 as many times as she did...wins....Isn't that dangerous???? They didn't choose Christian to 移动 前锋, 期待 because they didn't like his attitude. Wasn't fair, and just made me angry so I turned it off last night and watched chopped. 发布 一年多以前
farsia2010 说 …
i watch MasterChef US and i hate that Witney won the first season. in the 秒 season i am routing for Jennifer i think. 发布 一年多以前
shizra 评论…
i think CRISTIAN 一年多以前
shizra 评论…
big smile
sweety63 说 …
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm really happy about Masterchef Australia Season 3. That is fantastic ! And i 爱情 it.....
But i missed my CALLUM......he is in season 2.........i 爱情 him so much....he is really cute and kind , funny boy......“I like to experiment with 食物 and that’s what my dad liked to do – see what’s in the fridge and try out new things,” ( oh he so cute............... that's why i like him so much. and i 爱情 cooking...but i'm not good at 发布 一年多以前
gry 评论…
ahahahahaha yueah. i bet loads of people feel just like 你 do... including me! 哈哈 一年多以前
TokineOneChan 说 …
why not in indonesia
i luv master chef in indonesia
do 你 爱情 too?????????????????? 发布 一年多以前
lycopene_321 评论…
i 爱情 too 一年多以前
gry 评论…
你 guys live in indonesia, too? 一年多以前
AnimeLover610 说 …
can someone make Junior Masterchef Australia ? 发布 一年多以前
lunaginny 评论…
been made the seson is over 一年多以前
EalasaidWooster 说 …
British Masterchef 2010 ended a few weeks ago......I miss it! :'( 发布 一年多以前
Ziggles999 说 …
In Australia, For Season 1, The Winner Julie Goodwin Is My Mum's Friend! I Know Her, I've Been To Her House And I Knew Her Before She Was On Masterchef! It's True! 发布 一年多以前
Gwenisawsome 评论…
omg that is so cool!!! 一年多以前
athena_02 评论…
omg!! have 你 ever taste her dish?? i hope it's genius!! 一年多以前
gry 评论…
wow, that must be so cool 一年多以前
fabfamily99 说 …
Master Chef Season 1 just ended in the USA, so happy Whitney won! 发布 一年多以前
coolrumi 说 …
1 of the coolest reality 显示 发布 一年多以前
sweety63 评论…
yeahhhhh 一年多以前
sulagnacool2 说 …
yeah quite a good cooking show........ 发布 一年多以前
briza 说 …
masterchef rules! cant wait 4 the kid masterchef 2 air! 发布 一年多以前