Lord N Club
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added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
So I'm in this town (I forgot the name) and Team Plasma is preparing the stage for my dad's epic speech in the plaza. (Sadly, I inherited none of my father's speech-giving skills.) Alicia and I are watching the preparations from behind the bushes.

"So... wanna talk about something?" I say, trying to break the ice.

She stares at the ground and says, "If it please you."

"Kinda weird, being here... with... a girl..."

"I was gonna say the same thing, minus the girl part." She giggles again. Oh, man. What is happening to me!?

"The... speech is almost starting." The look on her face tells me she knows...
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added by pumpkinqueen
Source: deviantart.com
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
added by 1PhantomRfan
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
added by inuysha97
Source: http://ask-plasma.tumblr.com/post/11927415730
added by SheWolf11

I mean, how long can it take for that Trainer to fudging get past those last two Gyms and Victory Road!?

I'm waiting for Black (again) on my golden throne. Ho hum. If this goes on any longer...

Okay, I'm sending the Shadow Triad to Icirrus City. All fudging three of them.

~5 分钟 later...~


Oops. I startled Zoroark.

"I know I can't say this in front of anyone else... but TAKE A CHILL PILL, OKAY!?" Wow, that was the first time I've ever heard Alicia yell.

"Sorry, Ali. I just get kinda stressed out when the whole future of Unova lies in my hands," I say sarcastically....
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My name is N.

I grew up under the care of my father Ghetsis and my friends, the Pokemon of the world. Today is the 日 I've been waiting for. The coronation will start shortly. I know that because a member of my father's most loyal, if slightly strange, servants, the Shadow Triad, just rudely interrupted my dramatic daydream intro thingy to tell me...

"Lord N?"

I can sense him now--

"Lord N!!"

That's him. "What!?"

"Sorry, but the coronation is starting. Your dad told me to come fetch you."

"Okay, there in a few." Now where was I? Oh, yeah. Today my dream, my ideal of a world where Pokemon can roam...
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posted by bigpapapump329
I woke up very early on the 日 I was to receive my first pokemon,Tepig. I played my WII for a few hours untill my mother called me down stairs. I threw down my remote and hurried downstairs. "Brayden, Proffesor Juniper is looking for 你 and your friends. 你 should go 由 and get Cheren and Bianca." I ran hastily out my door straight to Cheren's house. His mom answered the door and told me that Cheren was working on his computer. I thanked her and walked up the stairs to Cheren's room. As I opened his door,I noticed that he was muttering to himself. I cleared my throat and he whipped around...
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So I finally arrive at this city called Nacrene City and... surprise, surprise. There's that Trainer, I think his name is Black. Right in front of the Gym. I walk up to him and guess what?

We battle.

And I lose.

And I run away again. Man, I hope our 下一个 encounter will be 更多 dramatic. I heard there's a ferris wheel in Nimbasa City, maybe I'll go there next.

After creaming the Gym Leader.

~At Nimbasa City...~

I'm sitting on a bench with Alicia, waiting for Black to 显示 up. And... there he is. "Meet me after the ride. Take someone else. Not my dad." I run to the ferris wheel.

Finally, Black comes...
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posted by bigpapapump329
As I exited the Gym, Bianca came sprinting up to me. She was telling me something about how she had been training and how her dad wasn't happy about something... I don't know what that was about but she challenged me to a battle. Her Oshawott had grown to level 15, and I she beats me it'll evolve. She took out my Pignite easily, but my Simisage took out her Oshawott,(also known as her only pokemon). She started crying and ran away, flailing wildly. I left Accumula Town and headed up route 2. I managed to evolve all of my pokemon on route 2. Now I have a, Pansage, Pignite, Herdier, and Watchog. I decided to rest for today since my pokemon were about to faint lord n will have to wait...
added by pumpkinqueen
added by pumpkinqueen
added by pumpkinqueen
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: zerochan
added by 1PhantomRfan