If u see my 个人资料 pic its Taylor Swift! I 爱情 her and i found out that she did the voice of Audrey in the Lorax! I WAS SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!! I 爱情 THE FILM TOO!!一年多以前
Oh gee, in the how bad can i be song,when he came up and put his hand infron of and using he's body laungue to say stop i wanted to grab him out of the screen and hug him when he ran away from the big 树 chopper thing :(一年多以前
"Is there like a musical number that tells me how to get a tree?" "Oh, yes. Right after the one about the boy who kept interrupting the story and was never HEARD FROM AGAIN!!!!!!" "ok fine go on." XD
发布 一年多以前
'Unless someone like 你 cares a whole awful lot nothings going to get better its not' The Lorax is such a great movie! If 你 haven't seen it.... go watch it!
发布 一年多以前
There are already 2 俱乐部 for The Lorax. Here is the link to the pre-existing 2012 movie club: link And here is the link to the club for the book/tv special: link
发布 一年多以前