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Lolita Fashion Is this woman an 哥特式 或者 classic lolita?(this is the same woman)

20 fans picked:
 Mochi22124 posted 一年多以前
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Mochi22124 picked 哥特式:
This woman is Kanon Wakeshima. Kanon is a......lolita it says it on her website.This is my question. Is this tricky for you.
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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blackmagic101 picked classic:
i love her songs!! she does both of the endings for vampire night.
posted 一年多以前.
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ShiroiAlice picked classic:
Kanon Wakeshima seems rather Classy Lolita then really Gothic Lolita, especially when she started to do happier and ''less gothic'' songs in her 2nd album and other songs ^^
posted 一年多以前.
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starzandmoonz picked classic:
This is Kanon Wakeshima as Mochi said i like her music =D
posted 一年多以前.
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LaVocaGirl picked classic:
Still doll :D Love that song!
posted 一年多以前.