The judge stopped Addie and hannah and ethan from leaving.The judge 说 你 all tried to escape and now 你 exection will be painful im going make your exection in 2 days from now.The cops came back with micah.the cops dragged micah down the hall to his jail cell.The cops dragged hannah down the hall to her cell.the cops dragged Addie down the hall to her cell.The cops dragged Ethan down the hall to his cell.The judge asked the cops if they could suck out there brains.The cops 说 is that there exection.The judge 说 yes it is 2 days from now 你 will suck their brains out and strap them to a 表 and then they cant think anymore if they dont have their brains.The judge 说 说 strap them to the tables tommorrow and drain their brains.Hannah 说 guys i know what they are doing for our exection.Micah cried WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO TO US.hannah 说 they 说 they are sucking out our brains.Micah cried WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT HANNAH.Hannah 说 because they can suck our brains out.Ethan 说 thanks alot hannah im going to die young.Hannah 说 after they suck our brains out they are going to kill us with knifes in our hearts.Micah 说 our they going to drain our brains hannah.the 下一个 日