Liv and Maddie
Liv and Maddie Wall
显示留言墙纪录 当前 1-10 总数 28

说 …
Yo I'm 14 now and was obsessed with Liv and Maddie when I was like 10 and I'm back 哈哈
发布 一年多以前

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I watch your shows every single 日 👍😀😍 have hopefully I can see your 显示 live some day.
发布 一年多以前


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Part four of The Twelve Days of Christmas-A-Rooney
7 天鹅 boats a-freezing(New years-A-Rooney), 6 Rooneys a-competing(EVERY episode), 5 weird cat shirts(again, every single episode), 4 veg-a-meat-a-ball-inators(Meatball-A-Rooney), 3 odd minions(every episode that Artie's in), 2 太空 werewolves(Space Werewolf-A-Rooney), and new jerseys for the 篮球 team!!!
Please comment, I worked really hard on this song. I hope 你 liked it!!! :) 发布 一年多以前
7 天鹅 boats a-freezing(New years-A-Rooney), 6 Rooneys a-competing(EVERY episode), 5 weird cat shirts(again, every single episode), 4 veg-a-meat-a-ball-inators(Meatball-A-Rooney), 3 odd minions(every episode that Artie's in), 2 太空 werewolves(Space Werewolf-A-Rooney), and new jerseys for the 篮球 team!!!
Please comment, I worked really hard on this song. I hope 你 liked it!!! :) 发布 一年多以前


说 …
Part three of Twelve days of Christmas-A-Rooney (P.S. on part two, I meant to write SEVEN 天鹅 boats a-freezing, not six)
On the eleventh 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, eleven pieces of pottery
On the twelfth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, 12 食物 cheerleaders cheering(Cook-a-Rooney), 11 pieces of pottery(Pottery-a-Rooney), 10 parker tunnels(like, every episode!), 9 wooly sweatbands(Gift-a-Rooney), 8 cups of Fro-yo(Song-a-Rooney)
(See Part Four) 发布 一年多以前
On the eleventh 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, eleven pieces of pottery
On the twelfth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, 12 食物 cheerleaders cheering(Cook-a-Rooney), 11 pieces of pottery(Pottery-a-Rooney), 10 parker tunnels(like, every episode!), 9 wooly sweatbands(Gift-a-Rooney), 8 cups of Fro-yo(Song-a-Rooney)
(See Part Four) 发布 一年多以前

说 …
Part Two of Twelve Days of Christmas-A-Rooney
On the sixth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, six Rooneys a-competing
On the seventh 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, six 天鹅 boats a-swimming
On the eighth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, eight cups of Fro-yo
On the ninth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, nine wooly sweatbands
On the tenth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, ten Parker tunnels
(see part three) 发布 一年多以前
On the sixth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, six Rooneys a-competing
On the seventh 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, six 天鹅 boats a-swimming
On the eighth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, eight cups of Fro-yo
On the ninth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, nine wooly sweatbands
On the tenth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, ten Parker tunnels
(see part three) 发布 一年多以前

说 …
The Twelve Days of Christmas-A-Rooney (Written 由 Me)
On the first 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, new jerseys for the 篮球 team.
On the 秒 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, two 太空 werewolves
On the third 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, three odd minions
On the fourth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, four veg-a-meat-a-ball-inators
On the fifth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, five weird cat shirts...
(see part two) 发布 一年多以前
On the first 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, new jerseys for the 篮球 team.
On the 秒 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, two 太空 werewolves
On the third 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, three odd minions
On the fourth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, four veg-a-meat-a-ball-inators
On the fifth 日 of 圣诞节 Liv and Maddie gave to me, five weird cat shirts...
(see part two) 发布 一年多以前

说 …
Speaking of which, I found some petitions online to have season four! Just 谷歌 "Liv and Maddie Season Four Petition". Save The Twins! Sisters 由 chance, season four 由 choice!
发布 一年多以前

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Omigod Liv and Maddie better have a fourth season 或者 I will cry for three days straight!
发布 一年多以前


说 …
i just 爱情 liv and maddie im 更多 of maddie who are yall 更多 like liv 或者 maddie?
发布 一年多以前



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Woo! A 显示 that finally takes place in Wisconsin other than That 70s Show! My 日 is made.
发布 一年多以前



