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added by peteandco
Source: zerochan
added by simrananime
Source: if u knw thw artist pls PM me!
added by peteandco
Source: zerochan
added by MaelChan
Source: Deathnote-dvs journal.com
added by michellepotter
I know l is only and 日本动漫 character, but when he did...i'll admit, i cried. But here is something 你 may not have known. l is only dead if 你 believe he is. To me l only faked death, to my sister l ate to much 糖果 and passed out XP, to my brother l was just 展示 light pleasure. This spikey haired, cool sitting, white 衬衫 wearing, panda eyed, 糖果 eating, man will never be forgotten. I found this song on youtobe after looking for good 音乐 for a long time link this song is just beautiful. Peace out my fellow l lovers.
added by peteandco
I put this under review cause it is not an opinion it is a review.Oh yes sorry if 你 thought this was 粉丝 fiction 或者 something.I'm I-Luv-L and I do 爱情 l with all my heart(dramatic)!So lets begin shall we!

Reasons For L: to be my 最喜爱的 Character

1.He is so handsome/cute!
2.He is different
3.He is a genuis
4.He is kinda funny
5.He is sweet
6.He eats alot of sweets
7.He is understanding
8.He is reasoning
9.He is kind hearted
10.He is so interesting
11.He is impressive
12.Has a cool but sad story behind him
13.Alot in common
14.He is calm
15.He is responsible
16.He is dependable
17.He is mature
18.He is respectable
19.He is awesome
20.And he is who he is!

Just like 凯莎 is who she is!

Comment,favorite and that stuff!Support me to do more!
added by SnapeSoulmate
added by michellepotter
added by hetalianstella
added by WoundedSoal
added by peteandco
Source: zerochan
added by edwardcarlisle
From Full Metal Panic! The 秒 Raid. Episode 6
added by MaelChan
Source: Deathnote-dvs journal.com
added by Jade83d
added by IllusionDolls
Source: Text added 由 me on ipiccy.com
added by IllusionDolls
added by IllusionDolls
added by IllusionDolls