Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Morrighan178
added by kazuki_super5
If some of 你 actually come across my stories and start to read them 你 will notice some do not have any real connection to the continuing story. As I have learned in the past. Pen and pencil tend to fade away on paper 或者 anything else 你 write on. So I come here and write it on a screen and send it out as a pop fly into the audience instead of a 首页 run.. Don't know if I'll use them 或者 trash them, I just want to make sure if I burn out and leave the story for awhile I have some record of it somewhere I can still read it. I have tons of paper at 首页 in 20 gallon totes at least 2 或者 更多 and 5 years in and can no longer read due to the fading. So I hope 你 thoroughly enjoy my scribbles in case I end up having a bad case of multiple personalities due to the people I have living inside my poor drooling brain. Probably why I have terrible spelling and punctuation at times. At least I think I do. Never did get higher then a C average in English.
added by mayumy
Rukia sat waiting for the assistant to be done pouring the tea. After leaving she waited until the first sip had been taken. "What is a soul smith, headmaster?" The headmaster set down the fragile teacup. "Why are 你 here Lady Rukia?" She frowned. "I saw Ichigo in full reaper uniform." Yamamoto closed his eyes in thought. "What else?" Rukia shook her head. "You know 更多 than what is being said. Who are the Soul Smiths?" She 说 it without using his title.
Yamamoto chuckled. "You also are keeping secrets, Lady Rukia." A knock came at the door. His assistant opened it gently. The High King's...
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added by Narusasu4EVER
added by usernameinvalid
added by Akuma_Demon
added by Fitch
added by usernameinvalid
Steven watched the 屁股 on the other side of the glass with a heavy distaste in his mouth. A tearful Voro del Fuego showed off his cut off digits. When asked where they were he slammed what was left of the hand. "I don't care! They have my Jamie. My darling fiancé! How can 你 just sit here when they have her hidden!" The captain snorted 下一个 to Sam as he came into the viewing room with a batch of the nearest bakeries finest along with 3 black coffees. "Have 你 ever heard such 公牛 shit in your life. He's good looking and rich but that man is a born liar. But just how do we prove it is the...
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added by LidiaIsabel
added by usernameinvalid
added by BLW
Source: Not Mine
added by Fitch