Kingdom Hearts: A moment of relief Club
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posted by khfan12
嘿 guys, I haven't been on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 for about 2 years now. I would like to let those of 你 know, that if you're still interested in this fanfiction, 你 can go to my page ( link ) to stay updated on it. I might be re-writing it soon. I haven't been active on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 because it got pretty annoying for me, and being on it the amount that i have been on it today, I'm already offence to the owners. I'm 更多 active on my account and my DeviantArt Account (link in my profile)
posted by khfan12
 this is Max
this is Max
Momo and Kairi sent out the bottles to Sora and Riku.

~two days later~

I stood on the dock. "I'm not waiting anymore! I'm going to find Riku!" I thought.
When i got to the Island, everything was dark. Suddenly, darkness wrapped around me and I couldn't escape. It felt like I was suffocating. I closed my eyes and thought of how Riku left the islands last year. "This is just like when Riku left." I thought. I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't on the island anymore. "I-I'm in another world!" I thought. I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked at the mysterious tower,...
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posted by khfan12
 This is Momo.
This is Momo.
Name: Momo
Age: 16
Time era: Kingdom hearts 2
Story/Bio: Momo has lived on Destiny Islands all of her life. She's been 老友记 with Riku and Sora and Kairi since she met them. When the stuff in kingdom hearts 1 happened, Momo was transported to Traverse Town, where she briefly met up with Sora and Riku. At the end of those events, Momo told Riku that she loved him and turned out that he liked her too. When they were 分裂, 拆分 up(Riku going to help with the Door to Darkness) Riku promised that he would come find her again, sometime soon. Now, a 年 has passed and Momo is waiting for the 日 that she...
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posted by khfan12

Max appeared and looked around, scared. The hooded man from before appeared. "Come with me. I'll help you." He said. "Who are you?" Max asked. "I helped DiZ. 你 should remember." The man said. Max stood up. "I'll go with 你 if 你 tell me your real name." Max said. The man sighed. "You really are stubborn, aren't you?" The man said. Max beamed at the comment. "My name's Riku."


"Max...are 你 okay?" Riku asked me. I looked at him. "Um, yeah, I'm just fine." I said, figeting with one of the tassle thingies on my coat. "I guess...that I miss Roxas." I said. " you...
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