Kairi & Sora Club
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"CRAP!" Sora said. "What is it?" Kairi said. "My 3 bros are comin." Sora said. "That not bad." Kairi said. "Yeah it is! "there nuts,there handsome,and rich." Sora said. Then someone knock the door. "WHAT SUP BRO!!!???" Sora's bros yell. "Kairi i ilke 你 to meet Kenny,Mordecai,and Rigby." sora sigh. " It's nice to meet 你 guys." Kairi said. "Well hello milady." Kenny said. then Kairi giggle. "Who's this cute baby?" Mordecai asked. "He's mine. His name is Tallen." Kairi said. "Cool name!" Mordecai said. "Thank you." Kairi said. "Well hello there." Rigby said. then 吻乐队(Kiss) her hand then Kairi giggle....
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Kenny,Samuel,Sora,Kairi,and the other were walking to the mall."Why are we going to the mall exactly?" Samuel asked."It's gonna be Olette's 16th brithday tomorrow we need to get the stuff for the brithday party at the Plamwoods!And the presents!
Party stuff:
2.Plastic kinves,spoons,fork
7.Blue and yellow plastic tablecolthes
8.Blue and yellow ribbons
10.Ice cream cake with blue and yellow frosting and skittles saying "Happy 16th brithday Olette!"
List of gifts:
Samuel: All season of Dragon ball, Dragon ball z, and Dragon...
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There dreams started when Kenny and Kairi go to the audition."Ok did 你 sign up?" Kairi asked."Yeah.Let's get the scrpit." Kenny said. "Okay.This movie is about a female robot is in 爱情 with the super cool general." Kairi said."I'm him!" Kenny said. "Okay then let's go!" Kairi said.Meanwhile Riku,Tidus,and Tallen are up at room 2j."I hope mommy and Uncle Kenny signed up already." Tidus said."I hope so." Riku said. "You want to go the pool?" Tidus asked. "Yeah.Good thing we got our pool toys.Let's go!" Riku said.Meanwhile Kenny and Kairi are practing the movie."We can't do this because i'm...
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The 日 comes!wedding 日 when Sora was at the church waiting for his beautiful bride Kairi,when Kairi was at the church she went to Sora and 说 "I 爱情 you" then Sora 说 "I 爱情 你 too" then the priest 说 "do 你 Sora take Kairi to be your lovely wife and share your 爱情 with her forever" Sora 说 "I do" then the priest 说 "Do 你 Kairi take Sora to be your lovely husband and share your 爱情 with him forever" Kairi 说 "I do" the priest 说 "you may now 吻乐队(Kiss) the bride then Sora and Kairi gave control to Roxas and Namine, Namine 说 "I 爱情 你 Roxas" then Roxas 说 "I 爱情 you...
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posted by JustaNutherKh
 Your keyblade
Your keyblade
你 have a weird dream. In it, 你 are fighting beside Sora and Kairi. 你 have your own Keyblade, Midnight blue and Silver ( Down below). While 你 Fight, The scene changes. from Paradise island, To The End On The World, To 城堡 oblivion, Then Back again. Sora Died, Then Kairi. Your The last one left and 你 are fighting Malificent. She would Summon A weird Minion, but whenever 你 hit them, They dissapear, Then Reassemble, Like evil dust bunnies. Your surrounded 由 them. They grab,claw,scratch,bite,hit,stomp,and yell at you. Then 你 were about to die, Then goofy and donald was at your...
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It was 5:00 A.M. and Sora,Kairi,Kenny,and the gang start packing."I can't wait to go to Hollywood!" Kairi said. "I know!" Sora said. then 吻乐队(Kiss) each other on the lips. "Don't forget to pack the baby's clothes Kenny." Kairi said. "Did it already!" Kenny said. "Did 你 get Tidus?" Kairi asked. "Yeah!" Kenny said. "You guys ready?" Kenny asked. "YEAH!" Everyone said. "Are we taking the airplane Kenny?" Kairi asked. "No. WERE TAKING MY LIMO!!!" Kenny said.Then everyone cheered."AWSOME MAN!!" Riku said.then they fanilly made it to Hollywood."here we are.The Palmwoods." Kenny said. "Thanks Kenny!"...
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5 years later Kairi was 9 月 pregnant agian and went to the hospital with Sora. "Your baby is all healthy I'll see 你 when 你 start getting brith." Dr.Martin said."Thank you." Kairi said. Then they go to there 面包车, 范 and drive to the Plamwoods."I'm so happy!" Sora said. Then Kairi 吻乐队(Kiss) him in the cheek and they went to the arpartment.Then Kairi knock the door."Kenny open the door!" Kairi said."I'm playing Black Ops!" Kenny said."I'll black ops 你 in the head if 你 don't open the door!" Kairi said. "What's the password?" Kenny asked. "I got this Kairi.Your cool." Sora said. "When that's...
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posted by JustaNutherKh
你 woke up in your bed, with your cat, Mimi, curled contently on your feet. 你 squirm, and she lifts her head and looks up at you."Mornin' mimi." She yawned in responce, and 你 crawl out of bed. 你 hear towards your closet, on the other side of your 50x50 bedroom, complete with A walk in closet, a bathroom, and a mini fridge. Your dad and mom are famous actors, but 你 are not very happy. They hardly pay any attention to you, and thats why 你 get in trouble so much. 你 look for a cute oufit to match your 4-inch high heels,(Avoiding brown 或者 yellow.) 你 choose out a blue 衬衫 with buttons...
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It was a 年 after.Kairi was 9 months pregnant.She and Sora were at the doctor's office."She is going to deliver sometime this week.She seems pretty healthy.And the baby is doing good to.Well have a good day,Sora and Kairi Rendam." Dr.Zelphane said."Thank you,Dr.Zelphane."Kairi said.Sora and Kairi hopped into the van."Well.You're gonna deliver this week.I can't wait!"Sora said.Kairi gave him a kiss.Sora drove to the house.Riku was painting the baby's room and putting the furniture in it.Kairi went into the room.She nearly cried at the sight of the white and yellow.She grabbed the bags of clothes...
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