Hello, will 你 please check out my club? Its called "The Journey of Puleaveh." and its the club for my book. I currently have 3 chapters and a plot 描述 up. I would 爱情 any criticism I can get. Thank 你
发布 一年多以前
she has wrote harry potter and she is so amazing. she has also wrote 'Fantastic beasts and where to find them' and also 'Quidditch through the ages',the book that she mentioned in harry potter also. she wrote her first book when she was 6 years old, a tale about a rabbit called rabbit. she got the idea of harry potter when she was on train n when she reached 首页 frm the train,she had the characters fully formed in her mind........she is sooooooo amazing! 爱情 her.
发布 一年多以前
你 guys should make an account at Pottermore.com.....it is a site made 由 Rowling herself.....you get sorted into houses 你 get ur own wand and practice spells.....and explore her 图书 virtually!
发布 一年多以前
随意 J.K. Rowling facts: -She and Harry both have the same birthday, July 31. -She is the first person to become a billionaire 由 写作 books -She named the driver and conductor of the Knight Bus, Ernie and Stanley, after her grandfathers. -She was sorted into Hufflepuff when taking an online Sorting Hat quiz.
发布 一年多以前
She also wrote the book "Tales of Beedle the Bard" (remember, from Deathly Hallows?) and she's coming out with two Harry Potter encyclopedias that explain stuff like Quidditch, Invisibility Cloaks, etc.一年多以前