“I 爱情 that JJ doesn't care what anyone thinks of her except the one person she loves the most [Trish] ” — Krysten Ritter on what's the best thing about being Jessica Jones
发布 一年多以前
“I wanted to do this 显示 because I though the pilot script was one of the best I had ever read. I thought the female point of view was so incredibly clear and empowered....not that Jessica Jones is a perfect, strong superhero....the women are allowed to be messy and flawed. It’s a real portrayal....I thought when I was doing the show, well, I get to be the girlfriend of a girl, and that is better than being the girlfriend of a boy.” — Rachael Taylor working on Jessica Jones
发布 一年多以前
“We’re the same age, we’re into the same stuff, we have a lot of the same values, the same fashion tastes. We coordinate our outfits. We’re bros. We’re buddies.” — Krysten Ritter on Rachael Taylor
发布 一年多以前
“She’s an amazing, soulful actress who brings depth and an incredible access to emotions take after take after take. Talent aplenty, beauty, brains, and a true GIRLS GIRL! My 最喜爱的 kind! Oh and we coordinate outfits on the regular and I’ve gotten all my 最近的 book recommendations from her” — Krysten Ritter on Rachael Taylor
发布 一年多以前