Janus What is your main Janus strong suit?

Pick one:
Art (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Art (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Writing/ creative planning
Writing/creative planning
Art and 音乐
Art and 音乐
Art and 写作
Art and 写作
Art and 表演
Art and 表演
音乐 and 写作
音乐 and 写作
音乐 and 表演
音乐 and 表演
写作 and 表演
写作 and 表演
There&# 39; s only one I&# 39; m not an expert at... (be...
There's only one I'm not an expert at... (be honest!)
I rock at all of them! (I 说 BE HONEST!)
I rock at all of them! (I 说 BE HONEST!)
 BeastBoyCahill posted 一年多以前
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