James Patterson Wall

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hanhclubbl02 说 …
Hi all, i'm new member. Add 粉丝 me ^^ 发布 一年多以前
gretakirsch 说 …
It feels like james patterson can nail anything!my sister made a club about it! nethier of us knew about this club of course.visit james patterson rocks for my sister! 发布 一年多以前
gretakirsch 说 …
do 你 like alex cross? I've never heard of it, but if 你 like maximum ride, I will totaly try it! way to go dude! 发布 一年多以前
aimee246 说 …
WOW..... where do i start? well james 你 are amazing i 爱情 every single one of your 图书 yet, but if it wasnt for 你 then i dont know what i would be reading. Someday i would honestly like to meet 你 发布 一年多以前
cookies22368 说 …
ok, am i the only one that was totally crushed when 天使 died????????? cuz lemme tell you, I DIED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then she came back and i was like "omg! thank god!" 发布 一年多以前
jazminibarra981 说 …
just finished 阅读 th first 16 chpters of th 4th book of th witch nd wizard! this book is a must get for me! 发布 一年多以前
cookies22368 评论…
i haven't read that one yet, but i will! 一年多以前
jazminibarra981 评论…
你 will be surprized at how the book shall end so i am not going to spoil it for 你 一年多以前
cookies22368 评论…
ok, thanks 一年多以前
newfan80 说 …
Haven't been a 粉丝 long and only read 3 图书 but they had me engrossed. Just 阅读 I, michael bennett at moment n its as good as the others 发布 一年多以前
FonzFan82 评论…
I have seen tons of his Alex Cross/Women's Murder Club series and yes he's a good writer. I've been a 粉丝 for a few years now. I haven't seen his young adult 图书 but his Alex Cross/Women Murder's Club 图书 are probably his best. It's been a while since I've read his books. 一年多以前
newfan80 评论…
I didn't know when started readin he does series of 图书 so I've read double 交叉, 十字架 and now 阅读 along came a 蜘蛛 but will read as they are listed from now on. the michael bennett series are an amazing read and I hope there's a follow up to I, michael bennett 一年多以前
cookies22368 评论…
hello???? does no one care about (THE BEST series EVER) maximum ride? 一年多以前
stephanie421 说 …
Has anyone read the women's murder club series yet? Any thoughts? 发布 一年多以前
cookies22368 评论…
im 阅读 the first one, i think that its great it just shouldn't have so great of details if u know what i mean,like when they r talking about the murder of the bride putting his fist inside.... well u know 一年多以前
stephanie421 说 …
阅读 the last book in the private series....Private Games :) 发布 一年多以前
OSL2244 说 …
Best 图书 i ever read. What i think would be awesome is if they put the maximum ride 图书 into a movie! Thumbs up if 你 agree. 发布 一年多以前
stargirl5 说 …
I 爱情 MAXIMUM RIDE!!!! 发布 一年多以前
crash14 说 …
阅读 witch and wizard the gift 发布 一年多以前
big smile
elifsila 说 …
阅读 泳装, 游泳衣 at the moment and it is fantastic !!! 发布 一年多以前
fangfan7 说 …
There are so many James Patterson 图书 that I can't wait to read, I'm waiting for Nevermore and am working on the Alex 交叉, 十字架 series 发布 一年多以前
cl411 说 …
I was at the container store yesterday and saw the book "Swimsuit" on one of the shelves, it was AWESOME!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
arcangel522 说 …
I 爱情 Sunday's at Tiffanys and Sam's Letters to Jennifer 发布 一年多以前
McGbr23 说 …
Loved the Maximum Ride series. [: 发布 一年多以前
julienfan23 评论…
Same here!! I 爱情 fang!! 一年多以前
renesmeetruefan 评论…
i like 天使 一年多以前
stargirl5 评论…
嘿 u like angel?... then 加入 my club called 天使 from maximum ride 粉丝 clud I made PLEASE!!!! 一年多以前
Darkangel_1 说 …
same here jp is AMAZING!!! 发布 一年多以前
stargirl5 评论…
TOTALLY!!! 一年多以前
Welsh-Gem 说 …
JP is a total inspiration to me! He's witty, brilliant, outstanding plots for stories and a fantastic imagination. 发布 一年多以前
stargirl5 评论…
TOTALLY!!! 一年多以前
shoshanawatson 说 …
awesome 发布 一年多以前
weuiplnmrwqa 说 …
awesome 发布 一年多以前
big smile
readbooks 说 …
James Patterson 你 rock on!!!!! keep on writting good books.. like maxmine ride, those are awsome! I want to be a great writter just like you. 发布 一年多以前
allysunshine 评论…
Yes, I 爱情 him. I want to be a good writter like him :) 一年多以前