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added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
Source: tumblr. :)
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by TayTayBieber
Source: TayTayBieber
added by Hot_n_cold
Source: tumblr. :D
The first 粉丝 made video I made. ^^ It sucks, I know. :P
皇后乐队 of pop
粉丝 made
till the world ends
femme fatale
added by Hot_n_cold
Addicted to this song. ♥
time of out lives
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
added by Hot_n_cold
Source: tumblr. :D
posted by Hot_n_cold
basically all I did was replace Amy with Katy. =D

Oh baby baby
Have 你 seen Katy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom
Is she smokin' up outside

Oh baby baby
Does she take a piece of 青柠, 石灰
For the drink that Imma buy her
Do 你 know just what she likes

Oh Oh
Tell me have 你 seen her
Because I'm so
I can't get her off of my brain

I just want to go to the party she gonna go
Can somebody take me 首页
Ha ha he ha ha ho

Love me hate me
Say what 你 want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If 你 Seek Katy
Love me hate me
But can't 你 see what I see
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added by Hot_n_cold
爱情 this song. <3
edge of glory
born this way
added by Hot_n_cold
posted by Hot_n_cold
Wow....I haven't been on in so long. And when I do come on It's only for a few 分钟 now. I'm thinking about leaving for good. I probably won't 删除 my account but I just won't come on anymore. It just feels weird being on here now. My tastes in basically everything have changed so much and my obsessions have changed. I feel really bad because for so long 潮流粉丝俱乐部 was basically my life. All I cared about was getting 更多 粉丝 and trying to get medals. I started crying a few days 以前 when I saw a e-mail from fanpop. I've met so many great people on here and I know there are so many other great...
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