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anyone excited for scream 5?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Anyone Know this Horror 电影院 name ?
What was the last horror movie 你 watched and did 你 like it?
Can someone tell me about the Babadook movie?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Leatherface 2017 - Why did he start wearing faces?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 have any guilty pleasure movies?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Any great horror to watch on youtobe only?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
? any 照片 of dusty springfield at Tudor House Weymouth in the 60's
What is your 最喜爱的 film to watch on Halloween?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What are your thoughts on the New Halloween?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What 2018 movie are 你 most looking 前锋, 期待 to?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
If 你 like horror movies, are there any that 你 won't see?
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Tell me your 5 最喜爱的 horror franchises
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 enjoy found footage films?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What's your 最喜爱的 首页 invasion movie?
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What do 你 think is the most underrated Stephen King movie?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why are so many turned off 由 the B-Horror genre?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What do 你 think about Insidious? I've watched the first two 电影院 and was wondering if it's worth it to watch the thrid one too?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Am I the only one who thinks that zombies are incredibly overrated, especially compared to 吸血鬼 and 狼人 that hardly get anything within a couple years each?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Anyone know of good horror 电影院 WITHOUT POPOUTS?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
The movie SCREAM did really frightened you?
7 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Are draculas and 吸血鬼 the same?
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is horror movie better 或者 a horror story? why
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Have u ever done prank with someone to to frightened them? How.
The Human 蜈, 蜈蚣 is indeed the product of a seriously diseased mind. Who Agrees?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What are some terrible low budget horror 电影院 ?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What 电影院 are the covers on the main horror pages of 粉丝 Pop??
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why do 你 like horror movies?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Most underrated horror films that you've seen.
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is yalls 最喜爱的 Robert Englund movie? I know most of y'all would say Nightmare on Elm 街, 街道 but is there any others that have a different opinion.
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What are some of your 最喜爱的 horror movies?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What's your 最喜爱的 scary movie?
12 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I have seen almost every good horror flick known to man... Nothing really scares me anymore!! I want something to make me scream, jump, and give me nightmares!! I am hoping someone has a few suggestions... ANYONE?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Which killer doll movie is this?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is there any horror 电影院 that disappointed you?
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is there any horror movie...
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
My 老友记 think I'm crazy, I used clips from a horror movie in my 最近的 音乐 video.What do 你 guys think, maybe I am a little "disturbed"?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
what's your 最喜爱的 horror movie of all time?
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Can anyone recommend a movie to me that will make me not want to sleep??? The type im meaning is stuff that jumps out and isnt predictable
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What do 你 think about MAMA movie? It is scary?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
who do 你 think would win in a fight?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Have 你 seen Mama yet?
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
i havent watch a horro film in a long time does anyone have some suggestions? cuz im way bac
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is it just me, 或者 does most of the best horror 电影院 involve evil little girls 或者 scary ghost woman?
just out of curiosity, is there anyone else who does not find "slasher" 电影院 that scary, 或者 is it just me?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know what movie the pic 3 from the right is from on the banner?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is the movie used in this edited gif?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What's your 最喜爱的 horror movie?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I am looking for name of 移动 I watched last 年 it was about a guy who was in his 20s and realized he was turning into a zombie. I remember him hanging out with a buddy 或者 roomate while this was happening. There was a girl that he liked and I belive
What is the MOST 流行的 horror movie today?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
what are some good horror 电影院 that r appropriate for a 13 年 old.
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know what horror movie this symbol is from?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone else think that Silent House was awful?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What would 你 rather be?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Post pic of your favourite horror movie character.....
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Suggest a 标题 for my horror story......
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Good horror 电影院 for party??
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Are 你 terrified of horror 电影院 after 你 watch your VERY first one?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Who is your 最喜爱的 killer?
Answer: Alessa she can control barbed wires and tear people...
Will anyone 加入 my club for The 舱, 小木屋 in the Woods?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do u think u can survive a horror movie
9 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is your 最喜爱的 horror movie?
13 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Anyone else watch horror 电影院 for Friday the 13th?
Has anyone seen Insidious yet???
13 粉丝 回答了这个问题
IS THIS VIDEO DISTURBING 或者 FUNNY TO YOU????? (if u say funny u need a straight jacket)
7 粉丝 回答了这个问题
HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE A QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
how many of yall seen the 移动 intruder
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Any horror movie suggestions...?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What's the best horror movie?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is the name of this 显示 from the Chiller channel??
Whats so good about the human centipede?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is this picture from???
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 like teen slashers? If u like, what's your favourite?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Could 你 do me a favor, and post the scariest picture 你 can find?
12 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I 爱情 werewolves, but there really aren't that many non-cheesy, truly frightening, werewolf movies. anyone know of any?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
what do 你 think is the goriest 'saw' trap and why
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Whats your 最喜爱的 Stephen King movie 或者 mini-series?
10 粉丝 回答了这个问题
what's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
26 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Has anyone seen "The Header?"
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What horror movie do 你 recomend?
10 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What's the bloodiest scary movie 你 have ever watched?
9 粉丝 回答了这个问题
嘿 has any1 seen the women in black yet?
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I know this is a movie spot, but do 你 also enjoy 阅读 horror?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is your 最喜爱的 sequel to a horror movie? Even better than the first?
10 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What do 你 think was the best horror movie based off of a video game?
15 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do the remade's of the horror 电影院 get boring
10 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Are the Psycho(1960 film) sequels whorth watching?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Have 你 always liked horror?
17 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is your idea for a horror movie?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
is horror 电影院 scary
8 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Have 你 ever cried while watching a horror movie? Come on guys! Be honest!
15 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Sweeney Todd!!
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Did anyone see Grave Encounters?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Who is your fav horror movie characther?????
21 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 ever need to take breaks from watching horror movies?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
OK...Freddie 或者 Michael?????
14 粉丝 回答了这个问题
put on a funny horror movie picture! 支持 4 winner!
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
UGH!!!!!!! I am going to kill somebody- John Carpenter is too nice. Some indie director is now making ANOTHER remake of 万圣节前夕 with a $500 dollar budget.
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I need some suggestions on horror movies, please.
9 粉丝 回答了这个问题
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The Mummy 电影院
A Nightmare on Elm 街, 街道
Michael Myers
Horror 女演员
Horror legends
The 万圣节前夕 电影院
My Bloody Valentine 3D
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the guru
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the guru
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