Homework Help
Homework Help Wall
显示留言墙纪录 当前 1-4 总数 4

说 …
I really hate asking for this but its my only shot. I'll be glad to do skype tutoring, just send me a message on here and I'll give 你 a skype. English, writing, Algebra, Spanish... but I need to fund studying in Spain... so if 你 like the tutoring session, please visit here and donate
link 发布 一年多以前
link 发布 一年多以前

说 …
嘿 there if anyone needs help with homework write ur 问题 on my profiles 墙 n i will help u also plz be my 粉丝 n ill be urs n give u 支持 =D!
发布 一年多以前
