H2O:Rikki Chadwick 答案
blitzholly said:
eww no so loves zane not nate eww what are thinking rikki loving nate Rikki+Zane=Zikki 爱情 forever :>) RC+ZB
rikki1413 said:
no way he is soooooo not cute
kellyclarkson12 said:
No,She Loves Zane . But in real life she is really going out with Jamie (Nate) :)
H2ORikki1 said:
EWW! WHY WOULD RIKKI <3 NATE??!??!?!?!! SHE LUVS ZANE.... But i think Cariba dated the dude that played Nate..... (: Peace... <3
udonna11 said:
yes because they are going out together.
Rikki_Best said:
No, no, no... never. She loves Zane ♥ Rikki and Zane forever. ZIKKI <333333 BEST BEST BEST BEST ♥ They are so cute ♥
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