Great pic that pretty much sums up the personality types of the PC world.

Geeks are just smart gangsters and hoes!! Belevie
me I was datin a geek and he cheated on me wit 4 other girls there ya go. Geek mean-
G- Gangsta
E- Enappoirpet
E- Esstancial
K- Killer kissers!!
Srry im a bad speller! hahahahahahahahaha Wells
I have to write a longer thing so i will say that Geeks as a girl is-
G- Girl
E- equal smarts 或者 更多 smartry then a boy geek
E- En a school libary
K- Kickers
srry i messed words up. 哈哈 :) I'm not a geek but I know alot of them. I dont call em geeks but smart gangsters. So do not uderestamite a smart gangsta. Oh when i 说 锄, 锄头 i ment smart 锄, 锄头 或者 girl. lol. Some geeks are just geeks though. Plain and weird. 哈哈 Well live well if ur a geek.
me I was datin a geek and he cheated on me wit 4 other girls there ya go. Geek mean-
G- Gangsta
E- Enappoirpet
E- Esstancial
K- Killer kissers!!
Srry im a bad speller! hahahahahahahahaha Wells
I have to write a longer thing so i will say that Geeks as a girl is-
G- Girl
E- equal smarts 或者 更多 smartry then a boy geek
E- En a school libary
K- Kickers
srry i messed words up. 哈哈 :) I'm not a geek but I know alot of them. I dont call em geeks but smart gangsters. So do not uderestamite a smart gangsta. Oh when i 说 锄, 锄头 i ment smart 锄, 锄头 或者 girl. lol. Some geeks are just geeks though. Plain and weird. 哈哈 Well live well if ur a geek.