Mace Tyrell is the Lord of Highgarden, the head of House Tyrell and father to Loras and Margaery and the son of the 皇后乐队 of Thorns, Olenna Tyrell.
Oberyn Martell in the 图书 is a great warrior, in his 40s, with dark eyes and dark hair streaked with silver. He comes to King’s Landing to serve on the Small Council. Let’s take a look at some of the fans’ 最佳, 返回页首 picks for the role.
Griff is a tough Westerosi sellsword and attentive father of a young man that readers first encounter in A Dance with Dragons. He’s described as clean-shaven and leathery with wrinkles at the corners of his ice-blue eyes.
For the 下一个 feature in our series of Game of Thrones season 5 casting articles, we’re going to change things up a little and speculate about not one but two characters: Prince Doran Martell, the ruler of Dorne, and his daughter, Princess Arianne.
For the season three casting speculation posts, we’re gonna kick things off with everybody’s 最喜爱的 Night’s Watch deserter, Mance Rayder.
The 皇后乐队 of Thorns is the grandmother to Margaery and Loras Tyrell and she comes to King’s Landing following the marriage pact between the Lannister and Tyrell houses.
A 最近的 casting breakdown for season three indicated that the production is looking for a “male 20-30, but weird and extreme looking.” Sounds like Ramsay to me!
Now with the confirmation of season 3, we can begin the 年 long obsession with casting for characters we’ve never seen in the show. In a way it’s a coping mechanism for 粉丝 of the 显示 and the 图书 going through Thrones withdrawal.
The Game of Thrones script 阅读 on June 27th kicked off a fresh round of rumors and speculation surrounding the casting for season 3.
Probably the most exciting piece of news to come out of the casting leak is that Game of Thrones is hunting for someone to play the role of an infamous pirate this year.