Gaius Wall

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fansfunsz 说 …
~♥~he is a very wise man 发布 一年多以前
NanielleRice 说 …
I am Nanielle Rice. I am starting a campaign with the BBC to give Gaius a tv 显示 of his own. I miss his face on my tv screen, please support my dream of returning this hero of mine. Gaius 爱情 forever! 发布 一年多以前
Johnny818 评论…
I miss him too >.< and I think it's a great idea *.* 一年多以前
TheKingsWard12 说 …
He has such a cool job 爱情 Gaius 发布 一年多以前
IcLufeMinBytt 说 …
Gaius ROCKS! :D 发布 一年多以前
amypond509 说 …
Hey, if 你 爱情 天使 Coulby/Gwen then why not 加入 the club"Adorable 天使 Coulby
发布 一年多以前
EPaws 说 …
Why is our favourite, elderly gentleman getting no love? I 爱情 Gaius, even if half the things he tells Merlin to adhere to are half assed. He does mean well! Mr. Wilson ROCKS! 发布 一年多以前
heartmerlin2 评论…
I would 爱情 it if Alice came back somehow! It would be so cute! ♥ 一年多以前
amypond509 评论…
Sweet romance lol! 一年多以前
Ozioma 评论…
yeah! it will be great@haertmerlin2 一年多以前
IcLufeMinBytt 评论…
Alice/Gaius is soooo cute! <3 Bring Alice back! :3 (Maybe she could learn Merlin som healing-magic... Merlin sucks at that! xD) 一年多以前