Freddie Mclair Club
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posted by PoooBoo
 Freds and JJ
Freds and JJ
Right. I’m sorry to do this but I’ve been left with no other options seeing as Cook and JJ claim to remember less than I do about last night. This is an appeal. To the lady... Now Cook says that 你 were ginger but he also told me that 你 were 52 and he’d necked a load of acid so... Any way as I said, I’m really sorry about not being able to quite remember your face but I’m sure it was very beautiful...

We were at the Hot Sundee 船, 小船 Party and I remember we jumped into the water, as I now have a killer fucking cold and my trainers smell like (as Cook so eloquently put it) a mermaids...
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posted by kristin91
It's great being a heart-throb, thank 你 very much. It's good, it's wierd. I've been 表演 for a few years, but now this is different. I've had a lot of attention, 粉丝 letters through my door, and 脸谱 has gone through the roof with messages and friend requests. I keep pictures girls send me. And i hope i have a lot 更多 of them soon...

Apparently, I'm the new Dev Patel. It happened to him so quickly. But does lightning strike twice? i guess it could happen.

I was number 5,282 in the audition for Freddie. I had to wait for four and a half hours. Nine auditions later i got the part.

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