Espio the Chameleon Wall

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big smile
soulslinger 说 …
check 论坛 and follow the steps 你 guys are in for a big suprise! 发布 一年多以前
NinjagoAnime 说 …
Awesome 发布 一年多以前
Freakoutnow 说 …
Forget Sonic! We need a lot 更多 Espionage! 发布 一年多以前
NinjagoAnime 评论…
I know right? 一年多以前
gamergal 说 …
there was a chameleon and espio was his name-o! e-s-p-i-o, e-s-p-i-o, e-s-p-i-o and espio was his name-o! just a little song i made up based on that bingo song :) i <3 espio! 发布 一年多以前
gamergal 评论…
after i 说 "there was a chameleon and" after the "and" it was suppose to say "he is a ninja and" sorry about that. 一年多以前
EclipseShadow 评论…
Ha ha yes and cute Espio 图标 爱情 it ^.^ 一年多以前
soulslinger 评论…
ya it is 一年多以前
blazecat713 说 …
espio is awesome 发布 一年多以前
EclipseShadow 评论…
Hell yes he is awesome 你 got that correct! 一年多以前
soulslinger 评论…
youll 爱情 my story 你 have to see it so check 论坛 一年多以前
TerminatorT600 说 …
Well I think Espio is hot I like him. 发布 一年多以前
EclipseShadow 评论…
Same here 一年多以前
NinjagoAnime 评论…
Hot? Oh no way,I though it was about himself.All about his personality and abilities.Doesn't matter. 一年多以前
soulslinger 评论…
youll wish 你 were in my story check 论坛 一年多以前
ZacharyWhite 说 …
I L♥ve Espio! ^_^ 发布 一年多以前
shadow-g 评论…
how 你 write a heart?? 一年多以前
ZacharyWhite 评论…
Press alt then the number 3 on your right side of the keyboard ^_^ ♥ 一年多以前
soulslinger 评论…
你 got that right 一年多以前
big smile
Starscream112 说 …
Espio is better than shadow dudes!!! 发布 一年多以前
EclipseShadow 评论…
Soooo true 一年多以前
NinjagoAnime 评论…
Yeah,Just like......34% I'd say,In my opinion 一年多以前
shade12 说 …
espio hot^-^ 发布 一年多以前
girlygumdrop 评论…
totally sexy!! ^_^ 一年多以前
Evolia-Wulf 说 …
Espio's pretty freakin' smexy. ^_^ 发布 一年多以前
Espio_ 评论…
thx 一年多以前
Evolia-Wulf 评论…
"Mehehe..." ^w^' "You weren't suppose ta get that." XD 一年多以前
Evolia-Wulf 评论…
"You judge my comment? Ooooh you!" 一年多以前
girlygumdrop 说 …
his voice is so low u can hardly understand him 发布 一年多以前
Espio_ 评论…
ninja way X3 一年多以前
shade12 评论…
sonic9494 评论…
!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 一年多以前
Sharpey_Penguin 说 …
He's also awesome. X3 发布 一年多以前
Espio_ 评论…
thx 一年多以前
Johan_T 评论…
ninja skill awsome 一年多以前
Yue42 评论…
Ivisibility.... (~_~) POOF " " 一年多以前
Espio_ 说 …
sonic9494 评论…
whats up 一年多以前
gamergal 评论…
i like espio... HE IS A BADASS! ♥ :3 一年多以前
PhoenixRoyale 说 …
We need 更多 Espininja fans, PRONTO. X3 发布 一年多以前
PhoenixRoyale 评论…
That's a mix of Espio and Ninja 由 the way. 一年多以前
seuris 评论…
Niinjaa~ .D. 一年多以前
PhoenixRoyale 评论…
Thank you! :D 一年多以前