Eric Carr Club
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added by rakshasa
Source: JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
On November 25, 1991, I got a call from a friend telling me that Eric Carr, KISS' drummer, had just died. I was blown away. Flipping on MTV, my fears were confirmed. Dead at 41 years old... this really sucked. I made up my mind that moment that if the funeral was anywhere in New York I was going to it.

The 下一个 日 the New York Daily News reported Eric's death and info on where the funeral would be held. It would be in Middletown, NY. My grandparents live in Newburgh, NY, which is only about 10 miles from Middletown.

So the 日 after Thanksgiving, I left for NY. I live in Lawrence, Massachusetts...
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added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSc tumblr
added by rakshasa
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
added by rakshasa
Source: rocknrollgypsy aka heavymetalbaby