Doro Pesch Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Doro with Tarja Turunen (ex-Nightwish) 一年多以前 by sid1973
a photo 增加: DSC 5583.JPG 一年多以前 by bohuslav50
a video 增加: DORO PESCH from WARLOCK - 'Hello Your Metal Highness' - Interview for MMTV 一年多以前 by hursh
a comment was made to the photo: Doro with Rob Halford (Judas Priest) 一年多以前 by lose3278
a video 增加: DORO - Wildstyle´s Tattooed 天使 (Official Video) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro - Emotional Suicide 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: How many days took the recording of album "Burning The Witches" ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Which 音乐 video they (Warlock) released as first ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro - Interview Sweden Rock Cruise 2011 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro Pesch - Believe in yourself (official 音乐 video) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: What was her occupation ? (before her big tour with Judas Priest) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Which 音乐 Video ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Which 音乐 Video ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Access: Doro at Sweden Rock Festival 2013 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Warlock - Dark Fade 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Warlock - After The Bomb 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Warlock - Midnite in China 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Warlock - Turn it On 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: What was the first 标题 of song "Signs Of Satan" ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Warlock - Cry For A Rebel (demo 1983) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Beast - Black Devil 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Beast - The 下一个 Could Be 你 (1981) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Warlock - Iron Lady 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Beast - Satisfied 你 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Beast - Lord Of Thunder 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Beast - Twilight City (1981) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro interview 由 Barbara Caserta for linea rock (2012) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Name of her 3rd band ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Name of her 秒 band ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: How old was she, when she get her 1st tattoo ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Who play lead 吉他 in song "Now 或者 Never" ? (album: "Calling The Wild") 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro - Ungebrochen 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
fan art 增加: Metal Tango 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: What nationality is her mother ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: What instrument she can play? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro - Machine II Machine 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: What tattoo she have on the forearm ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a poll 增加: Your 最喜爱的 音乐 video ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro - White Wedding (2nd version of 音乐 video) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: How many times the word "love", appears in the titles of her (covers too) songs ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro - The Fortuneteller 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: What color are her eyes ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: How many times the word "angel", appears in the titles of her songs ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: How many times the word "kiss", appears in the titles of her songs ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: True 或者 False: Doro practise muay-thai 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Which song ?: What do 你 see when 你 look in my eyes a sea of blue, a place where your 心 could lie where it could drown, where it will never survive 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Doro - Eye On 你 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a pop quiz question 增加: Which 音乐 Video ? 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a video 增加: Peter Steele & Doro Pesch - Descent 一年多以前 by polishjettfan
a poll 增加: With who, Doro should make a duet ? (you can add your proposal) 一年多以前 by polishjettfan