神秘博士 My 最喜爱的 moments from Doctor Who Series 1, Episode 13-"The Parting of the Ways"-Which do 你 like best?

Pick one:
When the Doctor and Rose 吻乐队( Kiss)
When the Doctor and Rose 吻乐队(Kiss)
When the Doctor 评论 on how fantastic he and...
When the Doctor 评论 on how fantastic he and Rose were before regenerating
When Jack comes back to life
When Jack comes back to life
When the Tenth Doctor 评论 on his new teeth
When the Tenth Doctor 评论 on his new teeth
When Rose opens the 心 of the TARDIS and saves...
When Rose opens the 心 of the TARDIS and saves the Doctor
 KateKicksAss posted 一年多以前
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