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迪士尼公主 Do 你 watch Once Upon A Time?

41 fans picked:
Yes, I 爱情 it!!
No, and I don't want to
No, but I want to
Yes, I don't like it
 dclairmont posted 一年多以前
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dclairmont picked Yes, I 爱情 it!!:
I just started watching, and I absolutely love it!!! The only problem I have with it, is they don't really portray the princesses accurately, but it's still a cool turn.
posted 一年多以前.
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MaidofOrleans picked Yes, I 爱情 it!!:
I love it! Dclairmont I don't think the princesses are meant to be Disney inspired (except maybe Belle). They are taken from the original fairy tales and then twisted and intertwined together, so its really up to their interpretation how the various princesses should be portrayed. There have been so many movies and books inspired by fairytales that I don't think there's really one accurate portrayal of any princess. Disney has its princesses and OUAT has its princesses as well. They are separate entities.
posted 一年多以前.
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AudreyFreak picked Yes, I don't like it:
^I agree. I didnt even know it was supposed to be DISNEY princesses for a long time.. I thought it was, you know, fairy tale characters. So I was really confused when Mulan was added and there was a brunette in a familiar yellow ballgown named Belle... what? and why is Aurora a brunette who looks NOTHING like her?!

The only one who looks or acts at all close to their Disney counterpart is Snow White.

I'm not a fan of the show. it's a little over the top and some of the lines make me cringe. It's too bad because I loved the idea of it. I wish they had just made FABLES instead, like they had said they were going to. I was disappointed when they made this AND Grimm instead but no Fables.
posted 一年多以前.
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LupinPrincess picked Yes, I 爱情 it!!:
I love how disney created it and added its own influences
posted 一年多以前.
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fiina picked Yes, I don't like it:
I agree with AudreyFreak, I used to like(not love) the first season but the second is turning to be too weird. The characters are sometimes too different from original fairytales and some stories tangled too much. For example Cinderella, she got her dress from Rumpelstiltskin instead of fairy godmother and she knew her life will change if she gets to the ball, I think that was stupid. Sorry if I gave spoilers to someone.
For now only characters Iike are Hook, Regina, Rumpelstiltskin and Henry.
posted 一年多以前.
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mhs1025 picked Yes, I 爱情 it!!:
YES! Me and my mom have both seasons!
posted 一年多以前.
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KataraLover picked Yes, I 爱情 it!!:
It's my favorite show
posted 一年多以前.
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Popcornfan picked Yes, I 爱情 it!!:
Yes, I don't know if I love it, but I follow the show.
I have to disagree with AudreyFreak, I think Snow White is NOTHING like Disney's Snow: In Once... she fights, she's a heroine.
The show isn't based on Disney, but I think it's produced by Disney or something like that, so they use Disney stuff like the chipped cup.
I love Rumspelstilskin's character, as well as Hook's... but I can't stand Henry!
posted 一年多以前.
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Swanpride picked No, and I don't want to:
I gave the pilot a shot...and found the main character annoying, the premise disappointing, and the whole thing had such a "we are all mysterious and will string you around until the ratings are falling and then we will serve you a half-baked excuse for a solution if you are lucky" feel....I decided to sit it out until the show was over and if the solution is deemed satisfying by the fans, I might give it a second shot.
The Show is produced by ABC, the network which is owned by Disney, which is the reason why they add a lot of stuff from the movies in the fairy tales. They are going more for the Disneyfied versions of them, which is one of the main reason I stuck to Grimm instead.
posted 一年多以前.
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Flutey_Girl96 picked No, and I don't want to:
I've watched a few episodes, ones that Mum has recorded and gone back to watch, but I just don't have the time to watch it regularly
posted 一年多以前.
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princecatcher93 picked Yes, I 爱情 it!!:
I just started but I feel in love right away.
posted 一年多以前.
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milky-way picked No, but I want to:
I don't have the time to keep up with tv shows these days.
posted 一年多以前.