What? omg 6 hours man I'll be exhausted in the future I stand for 1 小时 in the HK disneyland Toy story and my legs kill oh dear as an adult it'll be worse ;/一年多以前
hihTHE 爱情 OF YOUR LIFE.TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST 日 OF YOUR LIFE. NOW 1. say your name ten times 2. say your mom's name five times 3. say your crushes three times 4. paste this to four other groups If 你 do this, your crush will 吻乐队(Kiss) 你 on the nearest Friday But if 你 read this and do not paste this, then 你 will have very bad luck. SEND THIs 2 5 GROUPS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN ur DONE PRESS F6 AND ur CRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTER
发布 一年多以前
嘿 hi from Brazil!!!!! I was watching it yesterday but I had to sleep and I 爱情 It :-D so I have a question: does Lightning mcqueen and Sally stay togheter?????
发布 一年多以前