Depression Wall


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kerrpunch57 说 …
hi there
tori here well i don't think i'm special just plain jane
and really ugly
i don't feel like my life is getting better
so who's with me?
how can i find another way from killing myself?
i don't want to go back to the hospital and hear war and peace talk from old folks
sorry that's the way it goes for me
i rather live in germany 或者 london>
good night 发布 一年多以前
kerrpunch57 说 …
i hate my damn self 发布 一年多以前
doubletrouble7 说 …
i feel weak and tired all the time-tori 发布 一年多以前
ben15delas 说 …
Glad I found this but I won't let it run my life! I fight for the king! 发布 一年多以前
2ntyoneplts 说 …
K ppl... I communicate best in lyrics, is that ok? I just really don’t know how to turn thoughts into words... communication disorders suck. So ya... plz don’t judge meh |-/ 发布 一年多以前
cloudstrifefan 说 …
wow this club is so... depressing...shocker 发布 一年多以前
to0ota111 说 …
why life's so unfair 发布 一年多以前
stephencurry30b 说 …
My life fucking sucks nothing is helping me i wanna die 发布 一年多以前
2ntyoneplts 评论…
Remember the morning is when night is dead. Stay Alive |-/ 一年多以前
Ashleigh23 说 …
me rn 发布 一年多以前
Kari_Love 说 …
I have been in depression many times but my 老友记 helped me get out of and 移动 on with my life.
老友记 are the greatest. Releationships suck. 发布 一年多以前
ToxicFart 说 …
700th 粉丝 发布 一年多以前
Beta_spirit 说 …
I have an A-level in psychology, if anyone requires mental help, please message me, it will be a one-to-one session and it will be kept strictly confidential, I understand it may be hard to talk to someone about feelings and emotions, just know I'm here to help if 你 ever need it. 发布 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 说 …
but tell me. who would want someone like me? who gets really depressed and not strong but weak? no one. i tried gettn gfs online only to be used and abused not being a real relationship. i tried outside but aparently i look too nerdy 或者 somthn. and im not even fat! im skinny! wat do ppl want? i want someone to comfort me wenever im down to 爱情 me but will never happen i suppose. i was angry and started blaming the world for my problems but never helped...i just got nothn to live for. 发布 一年多以前
Misszi_Unique 评论…
Don't Say That.. This Broke My 心 Just 阅读 It. Not Everyone Finds "The Right One" At First Be Patient It Takes A While . 你 Don't Need Someone To Make 你 Happy. Smile &" Live Life While 你 Can Don't Worry Bout Little Things Like That Don't Let It Get To 你 Cause All Its Gonna Do Is 你 Bring 你 Down 更多 &" 更多 Its Not A Good Feeling Trust Me I've Been Through This Everything Will Get Better This Is Just A Part Of Life. Accept It 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 评论…
^ but how can i? I was raised with someone like my gradma always being there 由 my side wen i felt down. She got me back up and i was motivated t do great things...When she died, My depression got worse and no one was there to comfort me 或者 cheer me up 或者 give me the 爱情 i diserved. my mo was with me yes but she never understood me. always saying "i should go in a mental hospitol like my sister" I got less motivated and dropped out of school wen i had high honors, I dont have plans for myself just rotting away in my room. U see, I was raised to need someone there for me....I need someone 或者 my life is nothn just a shell. Be patient. I am a patint guy but sometimes its hard seeing how everyone else has someone and i dont. 一年多以前
Misszi_Unique 评论…
I Don't Care What Others Think . I'm Weird Too Myself (: 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 说 …
I just want to know why i have this problem. why i cant socialize effectivly...i pray to God to help me i pray every night for his blessings...i did have someone who understood grandma she knew me so well and knew how i was. i could always talk to her and be happy...but then she had cancer and past away. i praid for a miracle and nothn happend i was nice i had good grades in school now my world crumbles before me. i have a void in me and i want to fill it with someone else 发布 一年多以前
2ntyoneplts 评论…
Wow. 你 just described my life. I. Can’t. Do. Words. For some reason nothing I say makes sense how I meant it. I hate it 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 说 …
I get jealous of 爱人 cause why do they have a 爱情 of there life wen i dont? i asked them why and most of the 答案 were they were long 迷失 buddies wen they were kids and grew up together. I never had any girl i grew up with...always everytime i see couples loving eachother and 展示 their 爱情 i have to go away 或者 ill cry. yes i take anti depression meds but wont work. i never drink smoke 或者 did drugs to sooth this on my own... 发布 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 说 …
I have a problem. Has anyone ever grew up with not one single friend 或者 lover in there whole life? I did...only thing i got is online cause thats aparently the only place i make friends. wen i try to outside they judge me and look at me like im some plague...why does everyone hate me so much? Why? I tried everything i went out i talk but aparently i need to do more? I see people say its going to be alright seeing how they have 老友记 and lovers. 发布 一年多以前
coriann 说 …
if anyone knows depressed guy could 你 update me on how he's doing? thanks 发布 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 评论…
im depressed very depressed 一年多以前
coriann 评论…
that's very unfortunate but i was looking for someone who's 用户名 is actually depressedguy, i think he left 潮流粉丝俱乐部 :( 一年多以前
coriann 评论…
i hope 你 feel better btw 一年多以前
coriann 说 …
嘿 depressedguy, if you're still there, im here, 你 can message me on fb
link 发布 一年多以前
NightFrog 说 …
1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
I read my horoscope earlier's crazy how they can be s self doubt and disappointment likely to be your worst enemies today. 发布 一年多以前
TazerOfDoom 评论…
Itseems that I have problems with this, too. Don't worry, though, you'll find in the end that 你 have accomplished an important mission in life, and that is overcoming the difficult times and progressing on through it! I'm here if 你 need to talk! :) 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
Thank you. Glad someone can relate. I hope 你 feel better too 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
I wish life could be easier....loving someone so much, but they want to change something in my life that will affect EVERYTHING.I don't want to change go along with my mood, it's raining outside.The sky is crying too. 发布 一年多以前
to0ota111 说 …
i am Ugly
I hate That i Am weird and different from my classmates
Why Is that
I Feel That I Am less Than Any other Person
I Just Wan To End It all For Real 发布 一年多以前
pokemonfan909 评论…
You're not ugly. And being weird isn't sad, its're thought to be weird because you're different from other people, and being different is individualistic. You're not less than anyone, you're just beautiful and amazing in a way that normal mortals won't ever understand <3 一年多以前
comic-freak 评论…
Weird is unique:) Don't worry,my friend called me weird tooXP 一年多以前
ravissa 评论…
Well where I am, ppl call me crazy and treat me like a "no good", so I totally understand u, when ppl look at u wronf, u feel bad....fanpop is the only website where I'm treated nicely, so yeah, I definitely understand what u mean...However, to me, u r not uglu, u r a fun, very nice girl to chat with, I don't know what u look like in real life, and I don't care cuz to me, ur beautiful., also, as the others said, being weird isn't always a bad thing. I also know what u mean about being differente from classmates, right now I'm homeschooled but befor I was considered different because I'm an Otaku and my classmates aren't. U r an awesome girl, and please don't kill urself (I actually wanted to die about 2 weeks ago, like seriously, but now I feel better so...) I know things will get better for u...Stay strong girl! <3 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
Life is full of disappointments. NOTHING has been going my way lately. 发布 一年多以前
DepressedGuy 说 …
This group is absolutely for me 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
This is to everyone,so please read. I don't know who 你 are 或者 what 你 look like, but I can tell 你 right now that your beautiful, beautiful in every way. No matter who is 阅读 this 你 are beautiful. If 你 were perhaps looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it. Please don't do it.! Your life will get better eventually. 你 just have to wait. There's this quote that says " People who wait patiently in their struggle, will receive great things." 你 won't regret waiting. 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
And if 你 were on here just out of boredom of just feeling sad, 你 are beautiful too. Don't ever doubt yourself. Feel great about yourself. 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
Don't ever let anyone tell 你 different. EVER. 一年多以前
SasodeiYaoiLuv 评论…
aw... thanks that made my day!!! :3 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
I'm glad that made your 日 :) 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
It's like I'm walking on clouds,but the clouds are gray. 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
That moment when someone calls 你 a beautiful woman,but never backs it up 或者 never proves it. They just tell 你 the many reasons why you're not. 发布 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 说 …
Ever get that moment where 你 look at urself and u think u have nothn. then u see these other ppl who has the thing that u want to hav in ur life and u wanna ruin there life cause of it? 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
sadly sometimes 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
but then most of the time i tell my self that i could have it worse. i could be living out on the streets on a cold winter night with no warmth 或者 ,as my mom used to tell me, i could be a starving in africa 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 评论…
eh thinkn about that makes me feel nothn. 一年多以前
cannibalZoey 评论…
All the freak'n time 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
I got my 秒 medal! my 日 has just been unusually good 发布 一年多以前
tyler_warren 说 …
if 你 need someone to talk to add me and ill help 你 ppl ok ? x 发布 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
kill me 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
I think it's better for me to be depressed because then I'm not a bother anyone. People find me very annoying when I'm happy. Mostly because I talk too much, but I can't fix that. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Are 你 fucking kidding me? People think you´re annoying when you´re fucking happy? What the hell is wrong with them? Do 你 even realize how fucking stupid they are? It´s NOT there RIGHT ot decide what 你 should be in. Seirously, I´m disgusted. 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
*Seriously 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Don´t listen to them, they are complete idiots with absolutely no purpose in life 或者 at least not enough brains to act like a decent human being. 下一个 time someone tells 你 you´re annoying if you´re happy, 冲床 them in their ugly face and laugh. 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
I am such a idiot I am barley at a academic level in school and I have a fucking learning disability I cant take it im such and idiot im to stupid for school I will never graduate I just know I will fail grade 9 too stupid and slow to pass and my weight is just destroying me those are two of the main reasons I am depressed 发布 一年多以前
Rainshadow999 评论…
Everyone is special, just remember that. You're not stupid (don't listen to Sherlock) and everyone's beautiful. If 你 need anyone to talk to I'm always here... Sorry I read your answer in the 随意 问题 about self-esteem, don't think like that, your life is as important as the rest of us. 一年多以前
SeeUV3 评论…
swampfox31 评论…
@SeeUV3: Hey, I know I probably can't make 你 geel any better, but I saw this, and I just have to say, I understand how it feels to go through something like that. I have FIVE mental disabilities, autism included. So, this probably doesn't help at all, but I just have to say that I do understand what 你 are going through. It's not always easy, though. I get it. 一年多以前
Tenten110 说 …
Op, again I am all alone... I guess nobody actually likes me at school... I miss the happy days already (again) but right now it's only a distant memory of mine... Me smiling... I wanna say goodbye to the world already... 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
why doesnt anyone like 你 at school? 一年多以前
Tenten110 评论…
They think I am weird but I don't even get the chance to 显示 me what I am like 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Well, their opion doesn´t matter. They´re a bunch of dicks with no life. Don´t listen to them 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
@Tenten110 你 don't need people like them then.They're missing out on hanging our with a good person. If I were there I would at least give 你 chance to 显示 how awesome 你 are 或者 might be. If it helps any 你 can talk to me. 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
Everyone expects too much out of me. I hate it! Everything is too complicated for me. I had another bad 日 today where I just keep getting 更多 and 更多 bad news.And it's just a 日 before my birthday. 发布 一年多以前
RED2911 评论…
I'm sorry. I hope it gets better tomorrow. :/ 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
thanks i hope it gets better too 一年多以前
LoneWOLF2272 说 …
Here guys and girls. If u like techno 音乐 then this is a good song for u. this song makes me feel better and i whistle it wenever i feel depressed.
link 发布 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 说 …
everyone has a breaking point I don't care how strong they are and I have reached mine 发布 一年多以前
Max277 评论…
awwwwwwwwwwwww wht happened????? 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 评论…
its ok ill be fine just a bump in a road 一年多以前
Max277 评论…
oooh 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 评论…
mhhmm 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
Im. Done. 发布 一年多以前
RED2911 评论…
你 okay? 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
My great-grandma died about two weeks 以前 and I'm still sad.I've tried lots of things to make me feel better and my mom and my sister have been super nice to me. I just can't imagine having our holidays and birthday parties without my great-grandma there. 发布 一年多以前
kasaka 评论…
thats sad but cheer up every one will die one day. 一年多以前
HomosexualTaco 说 …
Am I the only one who finds it weird that we're all technically "Fans Of Depression"? 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
xDD 一年多以前
Tenten110 说 …
Kill me now because I can't 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
What´s wrong? Dx 一年多以前
Tenten110 评论…
All alone again, not opening my mouth 24/7 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“That’s precisely the 问题 everyone should be asking—why the hell not? – Why not you, why not now…”

–Timothy Ferriss 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“It’s not about time, it’s about choices. How are 你 spending your choices?”

–Beverly Adamo
# 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“You can have anything 你 want if 你 are willing to give up the belief that 你 can’t have it.”
–Robert Anthony 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
I hated every 分钟 of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

–Muhammad Ali 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
Check out this amazing site! It´s pretty inspiring:

link 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
It really doesn´t matter if 你 need a daily dosis of youtobe 或者 internet every 日 to keep 你 going, as long as it keeps 你 alive. 发布 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
Why must the nicest people suffer the most? 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
I think that sometimes, when very kind people suffer, it gives all the others who positively affected 由 them a chance to support them and pay back the favor. 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
To find your self: Think for your self. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
When nails grow, we cut the fingernails, not the fingers. When misunderstandings grow, we cut them, not the relationships! 发布 一年多以前
tigerlover14 评论…
indeed 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
link 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
浓情巧克力 is a great natural antidepressant. It contains tryptophan which helps 你 create serotonin, your body's own antidepressant. 发布 一年多以前
PlayingWithFire 评论…
Chocolate, where we be without it? 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
True. x) Eat 浓情巧克力 everyone! 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
What doesn´t kill 你 makes 你 stronger. Whenever 你 let those experiances break 你 或者 not is up to you. 发布 一年多以前
RED2911 评论…
It should actually be : What kills 你 makes 你 stronger. Know why? Because "kill" in my mind has a deeper meaning. I think it means overall: Whatever ruins your life , that makes 你 become 更多 and 更多 willing to take the pain. 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
I feel soo worthless its 不可思议的 发布 一年多以前
Tenten110 评论…
I understand 你 and so do many other people in this club :( 一年多以前
SeeUV3 评论…
but i actually am 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
only youtubers keep me smiling it seems along with video games 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Which youtubers do 你 watch? 一年多以前
SeeUV3 评论…
Danisnotonfire pewdiepie amazingphil tobuscus smosh shane dawson shanna malcom paint drew maleno sara lynn jenna marbels eric light an about 30 更多 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
That´s the name of the series. He reads badly written YouTube comments. =) 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …

Make 你 see yourself in a whole other way. x)) 发布 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 说 …
I am in imperative requirement of someone's solicitude. Please help me, for all I can think about is Death and various means of dying. In addition, I have been hurting myself and whenever I do, can never seem to feel the pain, for I deem it a punishment 由 virtue of my perhaps being a disappointment. Life is abhorrent to me and in my household, I can never seem to convey my opinion without being reprimanded. Please help me. :'( Xxx 发布 一年多以前
Trenzalore 评论…
watch doctor who. thts sumthing to live for! xoxo 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 评论…
Thank 你 for your solicitude, Dear Friend, for it has really helped. I also attempted suicide last year, and having been bullied for 12 years, I do feel a bit stronger, I suppose...this depression started from when I was about three/four. :) Xxx 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Well, I´m thankfull the suicide attempt didn´t work. If 你 need 更多 help, just message me. x) I´ll be happy to talk. x) 一年多以前
burning_flames 说 …
I feel so alone... 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
link 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
link 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
You´re welcome! x) 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
Crap started hurting my stomach... 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Poor 你 DX 一年多以前
SeeUV3 评论…
i dont need that 一年多以前
SeeUV3 评论…
Its not a stomach ach i cut it 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“Just don´t give up, I´m working it out, please don´t give in. I won´t let 你 down. It messed me up, need a 秒 to breathe, just keep coming around. Hey, whataya want from me?”

Adam Lambert: Whataya Want From Me 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“Who told us we´ll be rescued, what is changed and why should we be saved from nightmares. We´re asking why this happened to us…it´s unfair…this is what it means, to be held. How it feels, when the scared is torn from life and 你 survive. This is what it is to be loved and to know that the promise was when everything fails, we´ll be held.”

Natalie Grant: Held 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
*sacred, not scared. ;) 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“I think my heart´s wrapped around, 魔发奇缘 up in winding weeds. But I don´t want to go one living, feeling so afraid of 展示 someone else my imperfections and even though my feet are trembling, every word I say comes stumbling, I will 熊 it all. Watch me unfold.”

Marie Digby: Unfold 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
(the acoustic version is the better on, inmyopion) 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“When 你 get caught in the rain, with nowhere to run. When you´re destroyed and in pain, without anyone. And 你 feel so far away that 你 just can´t find your way home.
你 can get there alone, it´s okay…”
“I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own and I know that I´m strong enough to move. And everytime I feel afraid I hold tight onto my faith and I live one 更多 日 and I make it through the rain.”

Mariah Carey: Through The Rain 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
“Darlin, you´re hiding in the closet once again, start smilin´. I know you´re trying real hard not to turn your head away, pretty darling. Face tomorrow, tomorrow´s not yesterday. Pretty please, I know it´s a drag. Wipe your eyes and put up your head. I wish 你 could be happy instead…”

Avril Lavigne: Darlin 发布 一年多以前
Kait_Wolf 说 …
I`ll be a bit happy if someone replies, but I don`t know what to do with my depression..and myself. Everything was fine, my future seemed bright. But suddenly everything falls apart... Everything seems pointless to me now, even my future job which I`m sure a park ranger 或者 something to help the world... That`s pointless cause of us, the world`s slowly dying.... And I`m being haunted 由 'love' thing... I`m only curious of how it`s like to 爱情 someone who`s not part of my family.... I don`t want- 发布 一年多以前
Kait_Wolf 评论…
to talk about it more, it`ll just hurt me and I`ll end up leaving..... And this one 更多 thing.. I KNOW I`m beautiful/pretty, but it only seems like my family can see that.... 或者 maybe that`s just J. high school cause their`s lots of jerks, but still.... Even though my main oc is kind of cute, I`m not really cute in real life... It just doesn`t 《金装律师》 me, but I`m okay with it...I think...... So yeah.. I`ve also notice I`ve gotten a little insane yesterday..over killing things....and me.... I know I`m not completely insane 或者 I won`t be typing this right now........ I`m not sure what to do, I just feel like leaving this little internet life I`m having and wait for death to come..... But I can`t kill myself, I just can`t.... 一年多以前
Kait_Wolf 评论…
Oh and one 更多 thing, my choices problems... Sometimes I do make the right choice, but sometimes I mess up bad. I even end up making the same mistake..... I`m also having problems with my mind.. I think of doing something, but then my mind tells me it`s a bad idea... I`m not even sure if it`s bad 或者 not.... and it likes to keep negative things and torture me with them. That`s really starting to tick me off now.. 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
xD Okay. If 你 need to talk to someone, just message me. :) 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
I quit cutting ...but now the mental break downs are 10 times worse 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Did 你 know when 你 cut, 你 get a dosis of something similar to the stuff in illegal drugs? Of course 你 can get addicted. There are many ways to get over addictions. Also, its still easier getting over addictions while you´re still under 18 yrs. 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Quitting cutting and hating yourself at the same time will NEVER work out. If 你 cut to punish yourself, then you´ll have to learn self acceptance and 爱情 first before 你 can stop 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
I know! But it´ll help not to start again! 一年多以前
ravissa 说 …
I want a real friend 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
True and strong friendship always starts out small. Maybe there are some people 你 aren´t close to yet, but to get a best friend 你 first have to start out with a friend 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Yeah, it´s always tougher for homeschoolers. My little siblings are getting 首页 schooled and my younger sister is ahving the same problems, she also wants to go out and meet new people. xP Well, I would say work on your confidence its easier to approach new poeple that way. Also, maybe one of the golf players have some kids that are looking for new 老友记 too. 你 could ask around 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Thanx. ^^ Although I´m also very shy about talking to other people in person. xP 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
Im a fat ugly worthless piece of shit 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Why do 你 think that? Becuz you´re different than the others? becuz 你 don´t have the same talents and body as the person 下一个 to you? Why do 你 believe the lies of the media that there is only one type of beauty, only one type of perfect? If 你 try to be accepted 由 being someone 你 aren´t, than 你 will always fail. As soon as 你 ignore the lies and protest that everyone has to be the same kind of person, 你 will be 更多 happier and 更多 peole will accept 你 becuz they´ll see they can´t change your mind about who 你 are. 一年多以前
SeeUV3 评论…
No im just am a fat ugly worthless peice of shit :/ 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Well, 你 should´t. Those negative thoughts aren´t true, they are results of negative influnces and 你 have to get rid of them 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
I don't want to feel any emotions :'( 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
I know its hard, but you´ll make it, no matter what. I did. The promises that you´ll make it thru without any damge is all a lie, but you´ll make it, as long as 你 are determind to suceed. 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
I have to go now, sadly, but we can talk tomorrow over PM if 你 like 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
ok i do too 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
I do not care what they think. They can hate, judge, talk behind my back, try to step up they game. Although, one thing they can never do is get me to change. i am who i am, and the way I act, think, imagine, dream, dress, speak, love, look, and feel. Will always remain the same. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
I've been through alotta s***, but i'ma keep my head up like my nose is bleedin! 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
No matter what 你 do, bad 或者 good, people are always gonna have something to say about it. Just remember this: If people always have something to say about your life, that's saying little about their own. Keep your head up, stay strong, and just breathe. Live. If 你 needed some encouragement today, this is it. So don't waste it. Pass it on, spread it, but most importantly believe it. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
Keep your head up beautiful, 你 can see heaven much better that way. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …

These are amazing stories of everyday heroes. x) 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
One of the best thing to do to avoid depression is learn a new language. (Im learning Russian right now xP)
It always gives 你 something to do, it challenges you, it gives 你 更多 opportunites (especially if you´re going to go to that country) and it sounds cool if you´re like, "Yeah, I´m learning korean right now." XP

link 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
Hold your head up. Take an unplanned road trip. Be thankful. Try everything once. Color outside the lines. Fall in love. Embrace change. Trust in yourself. Do what 你 love. Dance when everyone is looking. Eat 甜点 first. Be nice to everyone. Send thank 你 cards. Be the change 你 wish to see in the world. Play in the rain. Break the rules once in while. Do 随意 acts of kindness. Forgive even when its hard. Make time for family. Don't count the 分钟 count the laughs. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
你 are prettiest when you're happy. Don't waste time being sad. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
If someone can make 你 laugh when you're about to cry, don't give up on them. They're the true meaning of happiness. 发布 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 说 …
I have had depression, since I was two, have had to endure-let us say- not-very-loving parents, am under pressure from immense study hours, cannot accept anything below 90%, for certain subjects, feel solitary and worthless. :( My opinion is always deemed invalid and I am incessantly reprimanded if I proceed with conveying it. :( Xxx
Please help! :( Xxx I want to die. :( Xx 发布 一年多以前
labyrinth75 评论…
You're not worthless wise girl and your opinions are always valid to me, I'm certain your 老友记 feel the same way. And study/exam pressure is normal and like I say 你 are entitled to a rest and 你 of all people deserve it because work so hard. 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 评论…
I feel so inadequate. :( Obtaining 88% in that Maths exam was not what I had hoped. :( Xx I don't deserve to live. 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 评论…
Awww, thank you, everyone. :) 你 are the utmost benevolent and soliciting in this time of distress. :) Xx I know I am probably setting myself such high standards, but I am always so used to obtaining 90% for everything. I suppose because these were the Summer exams and I had to study a year's worth of work in one week, I achieved less. Nevertheless, I still got As and A*s in everything (apart from Geography which was a B, but the teacher admitted it was a past paper...). :) Xxxxx 一年多以前
Animefun21WI 说 …
I'm soo ugly and I'm gonna die alone cuz I'm hideous!! 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
NO 你 are NOT! 你 are not ugly! Have 你 ever heard that beauty begins when 你 start thinking 你 are beautiful? It´s true and the same goes for ugliness. If 你 don´t feel pretty, then 你 won´t see how gorgeous 你 really are. Stop thinking that there´s only one type of beauty in this world. Imagine if all the 蝴蝶 and 花 look the same. It would be soo boring! 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Do 你 know the 浓情巧克力 Cosmos? (Cosmos atrosanguineus) It´s a really rare, really pretty 花 with a rich strong color. You´re that wildflower, a breat-taking, special miracle that will ONLY exist ONE TIME on this earth 一年多以前
Animefun21WI 评论…
Thnx 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
too ugly to be loved too fat to eat too useless to do anything too stupid to think too worthless to live 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
too amazing to be seen clearly, too beautiful to understood, too talented to be not noticed too smart to die too precious to be forgotten 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
That´s what 你 are and don´t try to deny it! 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
its true SeeUV3 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
Even though it talks about work, it´s a great 文章 to get 你 back onto your feet. It´s encouraging and purpose giving at the same time. I highly recommend it!!
link 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
When life gives 你 lemons, squeeze them in other people's eyes. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
When life gives 你 a hundred reasons to cry, 显示 life that 你 have a thousand reasons to smile. 发布 一年多以前
coriann 说 …
help 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
link 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
A cute little picture for you. x) 一年多以前
blossomyumyum 评论…
Woah woah WHAT THE FUCK happened? Here; link 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
Repost this if anyone ever told you, "Show me your arms" 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
Reach for the moon. If 你 fall short at least you'll be among the stars. 发布 一年多以前
Rainshadow999 评论…
And I'm like "what?! As a warrior cat, who loves Starclan very much, I'm confused…" LOL, seriously. (lots of love) 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
xD Yeah, I found that quote in an e-book. I 爱情 it. xD 一年多以前
SamValdezLuv 说 …
嘿 guys. im new to this club and im an ex-cutter trying to get over depression. i havent told my therapist 或者 my parent sive been lying thi whole time. help? 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Well, keep in mind that 你 can never truly get over depression. like there´s no cure for it and it will be gone forever. I suggest 你 really get into stuff 你 爱情 (like Percy Jackson as your name says :D Sammy Valdez? XD) 或者 搜索 in the internet 或者 here on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 for videos\music\games\friends that make 你 happy. x) 一年多以前
19987 评论…
im always here if 你 need someone to talk to! 你 can trust your therapist 100% 你 need to tell them everything so they can help 你 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
x) Yeah, I can read minds and histories of people 由 just 阅读 their user name...It´s a special ability of mine. xD 一年多以前
corahx 说 …
I I'm new to this club and I wondered if someone could give me some help I've gone bk in to depression and have almost reach the cutting stage should I tell my therapist ?? 发布 一年多以前
deathroman13 评论…
Yes I think 你 should tell your Therapist about it. 一年多以前
corahx 评论…
Thanx 一年多以前
19987 评论…
im always here if 你 need someone to talk to! 你 can trust your therapist 100% 你 need to tell them everything so they can help 你 一年多以前
corahx 评论…
Thanx it's sweet of u :) 一年多以前
Rainshadow999 说 …
This 粉丝 Club is making 更多 depressed…or maybe it's me. Sorry complications, it's because of the fanfiction I've been reading. Hurt/comfort. It's really comforting at all…no one knows what I'm talking about… 发布 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 评论…
this club is up for ppl like me a most others who suffer form chronic and manic depression itd where we post here and get understanding 答案 its a place where we can come to to be understood and where we can talk it helps to talk about it and most ppl r assholes and push us away when we need someone this club is here to help us 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
你 know, you´re right Rainshadow. We should make this a place where we can cheer up instead of just feeding our bad feelings. I´ll see to it that we get some help in here. xD 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 评论…
the club is fine u got ppl to open up and share whats wrong if it changes it will only help those who have been helped and the club will lose its respect and 粉丝 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
But the 下一个 to step sharing feelings is to change them. 一年多以前
coriann 说 …
----///-\\\----if 你 have ever felt
----///\\\-----or just felt pain
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Thank you! X) 一年多以前
Kowalskina 评论…
I would put this on my profile, if the last sentence wouldn't be so stupid. "People need to know that they are not alone!" THE PEOPLE KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT ALONE! But that don't help them! ...Well, I think that everyone with depression knows that that one isn't the only one of this stupid planet with depression! People with depression aren't dumb! So well, the last sentence is illogical. 一年多以前
coriann 评论…
well it's good to talk about your feelings sometimes, n i hope everything works out for 你 honey *hugs* 一年多以前
EmilyMJFan910 说 …
I have not updated in a while.....I'm still here, yet my life seems empty...... 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Aww no....check this sight out, it´s fun! link 一年多以前
EmilyMJFan910 评论…
Just checked it out, it's really cool! :D 一年多以前
EmilyMJFan910 评论…
:) 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 说 …
Depression,is something everyone has either extreme 或者 very mild depression is something that lurks beneath the deplths of our emotion we see how our 老友记 act so we 加入 in but in relaity we need someone to listen not pity not symathpy but an ear and 心 an open minded person depression hits us all differently and we all deal with it differently we all can change form it with the right ppl backing us if we have parents, 老友记 that dont understand and dont care it will only make it worse 发布 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 评论…
if we are surrounded 由 ppl we trust ppl we cant look up to and the ones that will help us we will be ok we can beat it depression is something we all go through rather we are born in to a place that is depressing 或者 something clicked in our heads and made us this way is normal not freakish to feel sad unwanted undesired and dead but there is help there are ppl out there that will listen and will help 你 no matter the cost i should know i have had depression sense i can remember and dealing with it alone can cause 更多 trama then most can see just reach out theres a hand waiting for u 一年多以前
Dark-Blood 评论…
更多 then ok we r life long mates we r so much alike its like looking in a mirror 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
xD Aww that is soo cute! :) 一年多以前
SeeUV3 说 …
I am getting help but I kinda lied to the doctor I 说 I haven't hurt myself and 说 I haven't tried to kill myself and she just labelled me has minor depressesion while I cut 5 times tried 你 know about 3 times but just couldent get myself to do it . 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
你 should really tell the truth to the doctor 或者 else he 或者 she can´t really help you. If 你 say 你 can´t stop SI, then they might be able to do something agianst that. Good luck! If 你 need to talk, leave me a message! XD 一年多以前
SeeUV3 评论…
Thanks a lot of people are very supportive on here and im soo scared to tell the doctors 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Don´t be. They´re here to help you. x) 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 说 …
In my mind,everyone thinks I'm crazy.
In my mind,everybody's looking at me.
In my mind I am nothing.
In my mind,it is dark and cold.
In my mind,I am alone.
In my mind,I am broken.
In my mind,no one likes me.
Not even me
In my mind,I am my own worst enemy. 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
(GASP) I know that exact feeling! I have an enemy up there too, I just call her Grey. -.- She´s always bringing me down and highlighting my mistakes...yeah I´m crazy. 一年多以前
19987 评论…
你 are loved and cared about very much 由 your 老友记 & family 一年多以前
cutiepie0310 评论…
thanks. i know,they 显示 it a lot. but my mind makes it look like they don't. 一年多以前
neaaw 说 …
Four years has passed.

Still this pain seems to last.

I wish I could see that joy in moms eyes.

That 迷失 feeling, instead of a frown and a sigh.

Holding your picture, frames of black and white.

Realizeing that when 你 died, 你 also took my life.

Nora Susanne Bhatia 15.10.1994-29.1.2009 </3 发布 一年多以前
neaaw 评论…
So I'd like to dedicate this to my dead sister... I 爱情 her and I miss her. I have nothing else to say, but please cherish those moments with your family and friends. Don't fight about stupid things. Don't waste theat precious time 你 have with them. 'Cos someday they might be gone. 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
I´m so sorry for your loss. i have a big family and even thought they are annoying, 你 have to realize how important they really are, no matter what. I hope 你 never will forget all the good times 你 had with her. Good luck to 你 and your family. X) 一年多以前
neaaw 评论…
thank 你 :) I'm trying to remember the good times altought it's hard sometimes :/ and it's good that 你 have a caring family (: 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Better right them all down. x) 一年多以前
sMCCarthyTV 说 …
I wish I can be 100% open to being gay but of course we have to live in a world where if I do that, I die. 或者 at least suffer 发布 一年多以前
NightFrog 评论…
I know 你 may have heard this before, but there will always be accepting people out there- and tolerance towards LGBT's has become 更多 common.. Did something happen that made 你 think you'd suffer 或者 die? 一年多以前
sMCCarthyTV 评论…
Well I mean there are so many things wrong with being gay: We’re not allowed to get married, we’re not allowed to go in the army, we’re not allowed to adopt, We’re not even allowed to donate blood, we’re 更多 than likely to get HIV and AIDS and die, we’re always getting pushed around 由 the immaturity, hatred and “Christian” beliefs of society, we’re the weakest group of people on the planet, we’ve faced complete discrimination, prejudice, stereotyping, misunderstandings, judgments and most of all bullying for the past hundreds of years and even since the internet was invented it got even worse and no one cares, society is forcing us to hide who we really are because we’re too terrified to come out, we have no rights, we have no allies, we have no freedom, everyone hates us, no cares whether we live 或者 die and I don’t remember ONCE anything ever go our way! So yeah. 一年多以前
NightFrog 评论…
No one cares? I know it feels that way, but there are so many groups out there who are in support of homosexuals. People, gay and not, are fighting for equal rights for gays- now (in America) 9 states legalized gay marriage. Black people had to fight for rights once, and now (most people) realize just how ridiculous racism is and they now have equal rights. There will always be ignorant people out there that don't understand, and who CHOOSE not to understand- but overall, people have become much 更多 open to homosexuals through the past few years. People who are seen as homophobic actually get a lot of bashing. It's a work in progress. Rights will be given, just as they should be. Maybe your environment isn't allowing 你 to see the real progress we've made with LGBT rights. 一年多以前
NightFrog 评论…
I've also known quite a few gay couples who were allowed to adopt. I honestly think the internet as made knowledge about LGBT people 更多 accessible. There also countless companies that openly support homosexuals (J.C Penney's, Target, Sears, Google, Starbucks, Nike, United Airlines, State Farm, etc. etc.) There are also plenty of celebrates who are LGBT 或者 support LGBT rights- Ellen, Anne Hathaway, George Tekai, Brad Pitt, Cyndi Lauper, Kate Winslet, Daniel Radcliffe (who's with the Trevor Project- that helps with LGBT youth struggling with suicidal thoughts), Steven Spielberg, Miley Cyrus, Pink, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Aniston, George Clooney, Josh Hutcherson etc. etc. 一年多以前
videl327 说 …
I started cutting myself a few weeks ago.............. 发布 一年多以前
NightFrog 评论…
I'm really sorry.. 一年多以前
videl327 评论…
It's ok my friend is helping me though it 一年多以前
NightFrog 评论…
I'm glad there's someone there to help 你 :) 一年多以前
Anime1love 说 …
597 member 发布 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 评论…
Welcome to the club. x) 一年多以前
SaturdaySurpris 说 …
嘿 guys, I know a 100 percent fool proof way to get happy again: Watch Pewdiepie on YouTube!
It worked for me today. xP 发布 一年多以前