Depression Club
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 ❤ Inori and Shu❤
❤ Inori and Shu❤
These days 你 don't 爱情 me no more.
Nor am I still treasured 由 you
And this way, I'll be all alone

That is how 你 always
Make me mad and cry in the end
But I loved
How your face looked when 你 said, "I'm sorry"

Please do not let me go
Hold me tight--Yes, with all my heart
I want to be in your arms
Together, with our foreheads touching
We'll fall asleep

Such a beautiful song.The feels :'( The 日本动漫 this song is from, which is Guilty Crown, made me depressed for a very long time. I still get really sad when I listen to this song.
added by r-pattz
Source: all over. none mine.
added by Katherine1517
Source: Tumblr.
added by depression12
posted by depression12
 图书 About Depression, Entangle
Books About Depression, Entangle

"What is it?" Depression is a mental disorder that affects the brains way of thinking. I wanted to share this after 阅读 the sequel to Entwine's book "Entangle." The book is rather dark and pretty intense, however it does have a deeper meaning about control and vulnerability. Entangle dives deep into the reality of depression and sadly takes it in a way composed of a fantasy. While the book isn't based on fantasy. 幻想 in this book refers to unusual desires about love. And Entangle throws it out there in a way I believe is worse then the Entwine book itself. Entangle...
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added by Katherine1517
Source: Tumblr.
added by chan-lee15
added by 1012jackson
Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes + lyrics SONG
added by acidkittyy
added by JStewartFan
If I was gone, who would I leave behind?
If I was gone, would anyone care?
Would I be better off away from my lonely life?
Would I make it better, if I was gone.
No one seems to care. Do they 爱情 me?
Do they even know?
The fact that I am empty inside?
Sometimes I want to say "Forget it all."
Does anyone need me?
Do I have a reason to be here?
All I what?
None of it matters anymore,
I am tired of the mess that is my life.
Am I meant to be?
I don't know.
But will it change?
Do I have a strength?
Is there a lighter side?
A door that can be opened?
I can't open it now.
Is it too early?
...or too late?
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added by cutiepie0310
Source: me
added by hot-mess13
Source: sad
added by r-pattz
Source: LuellaSky on Flickr
added by tabithasb13
added by 749lesliebaby99
Source: 100
added by teamian