Death Sentence What Is Your Fave Death Scene?
Cashier- Shot In The Chest 由 shotgun |
Cashier- Shot In The Chest 由 shotgun
Brendan Hume- Throat Slit 由 Machete |
Brendan Hume-Throat Slit 由 Machete
Joe Darly- 刀 In The Chest |
Joe Darly-Knife In The Chest
Gang Member- Strapped in to car and driven off the... |
Gang Member- Strapped in to car and driven off the 最佳, 返回页首 floor of a parking 车库
Helen Hume- Shot in the chest 由 shot gun |
Helen Hume-Shot in the chest 由 shot gun
Gang Member- Blown His Brains Out |
Gang Member- Blown His Brains Out
Gang Member- Hit 由 Car
Gang Member- Leg gets blown off and hole through... |
Gang Member- Leg gets blown off and hole through chest
Gang Member- Shot Through Window |
Gang Member- Shot Through Window
Gang Member- Shot through 墙 |
Gang Member- Shot through 墙
Gang Member- Shot Through Forhead |
Gang Member-Shot Through Forhead
Billy Darely- on the phone with a terrified Heco
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