Death Eaters VS Order of the Phoenix Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Which Death Eater (besides Snape) is most likely to 加入 the Order 一年多以前 by Samilleasdf
a comment was made to the poll: Duelling Time: Hermione Granger vs Bellatrix Lestrange. 一年多以前 by Emperor1
a comment was made to the poll: Who is the most powerful between those two?? 一年多以前 by LuisMoody
a poll 增加: Duelling Time: Alastor Moody vs Bellatrix Lestrange. 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a poll 增加: Duelling Time: Hermione Granger vs Bellatrix Lestrange. 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a poll 增加: Duelling Time: Harry Potter vs Bellatrix Lestrange. 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a poll 增加: Duelling Time: Harry Potter vs Antonin Dolohov. 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a poll 增加: Duelling time: Remus Lupin vs Fenrir Greyback. 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a poll 增加: Duelling time: Alastor Moody vs Antonin Dolohov. 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
an answer was added to this question: Name 1 death eater and 1 member of the order of the pheonix that you like the most? 一年多以前 by lucy32
an answer was added to this question: Do you think Voldemort was virgin? 一年多以前 by zanhar1
an answer was added to this question: Do you think Voldemort was virgin? 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
an answer was added to this question: For you who is the most powerful wizard in the Order of the pheonix and Death eaters except Dumbledore and Voldemort?? 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
an answer was added to this question: Name 1 death eater and 1 member of the order of the pheonix that you like the most? 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort: 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who is the best Occlumens? ? 一年多以前 by -Cristine-
a comment was made to the article: 你 know you're obsessed with Bellatrix Lestrange when....... 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a reply was made to the forum post: 1000 Reasons why the Order of the Phoenix is better than the Death Eaters 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the answer: Death Eater: I don't really like any of them, but I'd have to say Bellatrix. She's the best at death eating. [b][i]Order of the Phoenix[/b][/i]:... 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the answer: Death Eater: Bellatrix of course, 爱情 her. 最喜爱的 character in general Order: Nymphadora 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the answer: Bellatrix and 唐克斯 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the answer: Death Eater: I don't really like any of them, but I'd have to say Bellatrix. She's the best at death eating. [b][i]Order of the Phoenix[/b][/i]:... 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the poll: Your favourite character is.... 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the poll: Choose your side! 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the poll: okay, this is a straight question- death eaters 或者 oop? 一年多以前 by meow_lps
a comment was made to the photo: Ask A Death Eater! 一年多以前 by zanhar1
a comment was made to the photo: Ask A Death Eater! 一年多以前 by zanhar1
a comment was made to the photo: Ask A Death Eater! 一年多以前 by zanhar1
a comment was made to the photo: Ask A Death Eater! 一年多以前 by zanhar1
a comment was made to the answer: No. She only dedicated her life to him, spent years in Azkaban for him, killed friends, family members & innocent muggles for him, had a huge fit if... 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
an answer was added to this question: Is Bellatrix in Love with Lord Voldemort?? 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
an answer was added to this question: Name 1 death eater and 1 member of the order of the pheonix that you like the most? 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Who's the better right hand woman 一年多以前 by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Dueling Time: Bellatrix Lestrange VS Severus Snape 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite Death Eater/Order couple(slash-femslash) 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite Death Eater/Order couple? 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Good vs. Evil (Be honest) 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Who do 你 like the most? ? 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Do 你 wish the death eaters wouldve won. 一年多以前 by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Voldemort vs Harry 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Who is the most powerful between these two? 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: If 你 suddenly found yourself in the middle of the final battle with a wand in your hand would you: 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Which Symbol 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the poll: Dueling time: Bellatrix VS Harry 一年多以前 by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who is Rabastan Lestrange married to? 一年多以前 by TwirlyWirly
a comment was made to the poll: Snape vs Dumbledore 一年多以前 by Jenna4093
an answer was added to this question: Is Bellatrix in Love with Lord Voldemort?? 一年多以前 by kaystar20
a comment was made to the poll: Who is the most powerful between these two?? 一年多以前 by Beckett-13
a comment was made to the poll: Remus Lupin 或者 Antonin Dolohov? 一年多以前 by ErnieHannah333
a video 增加: Bellatrix Lestrange - Mad House 一年多以前 by KateKicksAss