你 named your band deadmau5 because there was a dead 老鼠, 鼠标 in you're 吉他 case i know that because im a 粉丝 my fave song is professional greifers.
发布 一年多以前
... Um. Deadmau5 isn't a band.... It's pretty much just one guy... and he named himself deadmau5 because he found a dead 老鼠, 鼠标 in his computer.... So yeah.... This is awkward.一年多以前
Deadmau5 is my favourite producer. I am a musician, and have been influenced 由 Deadmau5 a lot. The best judge of my music, is YOU, Deadmau5 fans. Give us a listen, please? :o
omg deadmau5 is the bomb i have one of his heads ive drawn so many pics and have all his cds i have like six posters pillows and a beadspread i 爱情 deadmau5 i wish i could meet him
发布 一年多以前
I am da biggest 粉丝 of deadmau5 too!!!I own all his albums and my sketchbook is full of my deadmau5 drawings!!!!! With and without his 老鼠, 鼠标 head!!!!!!! My 老友记 hate him so bad!!!! They think Skrillex is better!!!!!! Heck no!! Deadmau5 is cuter better and funnier!!!!! Lolz
发布 一年多以前
嘿 guys, RCN is giving 你 the chance to WIN free tix to Deadmau5 @ the House of Blues in Boston, MA on Oct 12th. VIP ACCESS + $200 gift card!! Check out the link to enter..