I 爱情 Dana Delany in portraying her role in the hit TV series CHINA 海滩 which is one of the premium and much-admired TV 显示 produced 由 ABC production. For the whole 4 seasons, it really captivates ever viewer’s 心 由 giving great entertainment to everyone! The program scheme is about the Vietnam War with volunteer American soldiers and nurses which doesn’t mainly focus on the war itself but in the lives of the people who was sent during the battle. This is a very heartwarming TV series and Dana Delany is the best actress for me during that time. Very thankful that www.DVDbooth.com provided me a very decent DVD boxset of this show. The quality of each discs is absolutely outstanding and I’m still amazed how did this company preserved and produced this kind of pretty excellent copy. China 海滩 is the best heart-warming soap opera of all-time!一年多以前