Damon & Elena Wall

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delena94 说 …
DELENA is so epic:)))))))) 发布 一年多以前
lipglosssexy 评论…
That 4 words are the truth!!! 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
very much so!! 一年多以前
chelle11 说 …
wow I can't believe how much hostility and anger the DE 吻乐队(Kiss) is causing. Please refrain from going to other boards to start something. 显示 respect to other couples in the series. Everyone has the right to BELIEVE in what they want. Enjoy the series, it is a good series overall. 发布 一年多以前
RoseJackDawson 评论…
No,SE 粉丝 are such asses,but who needs them? They should stop watching show,we don't need them! 一年多以前
chelle11 评论…
lol, They think DE 粉丝 are assess to, because there are some DE 粉丝 going over to their boards to make fun of them. That would be immature if the stop watching the 显示 because they kiss. They knew that was coming. The 显示 is about a 爱情 triangle, it is not twilight. :D 一年多以前
chelle11 评论…
Exactly loveofdelena..So whoever 发布 those 评论 on the SE 墙 should 删除 it. :) 一年多以前
Laynaa 说 …
Did anybody else notice how genuine & caring Damon was this episode? The looks he has 显示 how much he loves & cares for Elena. Yes, we all 爱情 bad boy Damon, but am I the only one who likes the sweet Damon? It makes me think of 1864... 发布 一年多以前
chelle11 评论…
I know! he is a sweetheart. And its funny, there's a line in the song that says, "Sometimes we're holding angels, and we never even know". He is an Angel, but he has learn not to let that side show. Well until now, with Elena. 一年多以前
RoseJackDawson 评论…
He's not sweet,he still can be an ass,but he cares about her and he don't want to let anything happen to her.He's just the Damon he've always been but he always hided. 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
Yeah Damon isn't sweet, but who knows what the real Damon is. Is he the caring, genuine but this bad boy act is just a mask? Elena brings out the best in Damon! 一年多以前
DelenaDiaries 说 …
Did anyone else notice the lyrics?
One door swinging open (Delena)
One door swinging closed (Stelena)
I don't mean the 粉丝 bases I mean the actual couples!
发布 一年多以前
chelle11 评论…
Yes And I 爱情 the fact that the door to her house was left open after Damon comes out and during that scene. It was perfect! 一年多以前
DelenaDiaries 评论…
OMG totally!!! 一年多以前
big smile
DelenaDiaries 说 …
That Delena 吻乐队(Kiss) was 更多 intense than any Stelena scene I have ever seen... 发布 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
haha delena was ALWAYS 更多 intense than the ever cheesy and overexagerated stelena!! 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
你 see delena don't need words to express their love, it's written all over them!! 一年多以前
DelenaDiaries 评论…
exactly! 一年多以前
STEFIdi 说 …
help delena link 发布 一年多以前
Thug-Angel 评论…
Done 一年多以前
big smile
DelenaDiaries 说 …
I have watched the 吻乐队(Kiss) scene SO MANY TIMES, OMG!!!! I remember the exact moment I saw it. I was with my 2 best 老友记 and my 心 was beating SOO fast. Then I screamed and started jumping around. Ooooh I'm gonna go watch it again.
I see we've gotten A LOT 更多 粉丝 since the episode! ;) 发布 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
I cant stop watching it!!! 一年多以前
DelenaDiaries 评论…
Same!!!!! 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
yeah it was gorgeous and beautiful!! 一年多以前
big smile
IcyHeart 说 …
Can anyone still believe that they kissed? I can't. I keep getting up and watching the kiss, and it all feels so new to me. I'm still smiling like a idiot. 发布 一年多以前
Lostie58 评论…
I feel the exact same way. It's like it's too good to be true. :) 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
me too :) 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
:) Yes! 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 说 …
Guys I think it's time to stop fangirling about the 吻乐队(Kiss) and help DELENA win that portraitmagazine poll!!!
After the KISS, SE and BD 粉丝 are again helping Chair gain 得票数 out of envy!!
It's only 2 weeks left and we're 80k 得票数 behind!!!
If we keep slacking off we will loose!!!
The way it's going now we can already announce defeat!!!!
Cuz nobody is voting & everybody is still high from the KISS.
Time to 移动 on!!!
Fangirling doesn't do anything!
here's the link:
www.portraitmagazine.net 发布 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
i couldn't agree more!!!! im voting my 屁股 off here!! where are 你 all!!! yes the 吻乐队(Kiss) was amazing and im sure there will be plenty 更多 to come, but right now delena needs 你 all to win the portrait poll!! iv'e just managed to get us a 170 votes, but chair are on to us!! so go vote quickly!!!! 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
We should have a voting party everyday. 一年多以前
delenasalvatore 评论…
@HaleyDewit, that's what I was thinking. 7 days of voting parties at the same time each day, so there will be 更多 than 1 person voting. 一年多以前
STEFIdi 说 …
I 爱情 IT!!!!!!!!!!!DELENA FOR ENDGAME!link 发布 一年多以前
twinflames 评论…
Beautiful! :) 一年多以前
RachaelF8 说 …
Just thought about when I first seen TVD,my sister was turning the channel and stopped on itv2 and it was on. She was curious so watched it while I refussd to as I hated Twlight and thought it was just like that. Eventually I caved in and payed attention to what was happening. It was Plan B and it was the SE break up scene. I felt bad for them because they were crying and all but obviously loved each other. But I already could tell from one scene that they lacked something, I couldn't put my 发布 一年多以前
RachaelF8 评论…
finger on it. Maybe it was the chemistry 或者 lack off 或者 that it just didn't hit me like it should have. I was getting bored all ready, they reminded me of Edward and Bella a little and I was ready to give up on it when Damon appeared. Elena was walking away obviously heartbroken and then she turned towards Damon and though I didn't know these characters I could tell there was something there. Her pain seemed to ease a little when she looked at him and I could already tell he loved her from the way he was staring at her and talking. it was as if he could feel her pain . I was intrigured..cut to a 月 later and my sisters boyfriend brought me season 1 on DVD for 圣诞节 and I was hooked! 一年多以前
xoxoGG115 评论…
哈哈 i loved this description<3 it's so funny how 你 had an instinct to 爱情 delenaa<3 一年多以前
IcyHeart 评论…
I totally get you. I still can't remember the first episode of TVD. The only episode I can remember is 1x06. After that the first ones are a blur to me. But I won't lie, I hated Damon from the start. I even had daydreams where Elena and Stefan were married and had a kid (shudders). Now as I look back on my foolish thinking, I realize that I was stupid to like SE, and to this 日 I am wondering what ever made me like them. I now 爱情 Damon and Elena and I have so many daydreams of them that they passed the kids. My daydream right now is Damon and Elena on the porch scene. 一年多以前
RoseJackDawson 说 …
To all new fans:I hope you'll have great time with us and WELCOME :) 发布 一年多以前
Renee_Cullen 说 …
What do 你 think will happen now they kissed? Of course there's gonna be the chin-touching scene and the fight between Stefan and Elena so it looks that the ground for DE becomes clearer...I pray for a delena relationship!! <3 发布 一年多以前
SpuffyDelena 评论…
They won't have any type of 'relationship' until S5 at earliest. We're still gonna get amazing scenes, I really don't care what their label is as long as theirs progression. 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
YEAH!! DELENA ARE TO BEAUTIFUL AND TOUCHING TO EVER BE RUSHED!!! NO I THINK THEY ARE ARE GOING TO BUILD UP THE DELENA RELATIONSHIP, TILL THE VERY LAST SEASON OF THE VD!!! at least that's how i hope it will be, we've endured stelena for this long, we can endure it for longer!! GOOOOOO DE!!!! 一年多以前
iandamonfan 评论…
AAAAAHH! Hadn't thought about it... the scene where he caresses her chin is after the kiss.... I'M GONNA DIE! 一年多以前
Delena4eva 说 …
Please enter! - it's the best scene EVER to edit!

link 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Delena4eva 说 …
19 new 粉丝 within a day! wow... Welcome to all of them! :-D

发布 一年多以前
STEFIdi 评论…
loveofdelena 评论…
Yeah!! haha that's the power of our amazing OTP!!! lolz A VERY BIG WELCOME TO ALL NEW FANS!!! WE SINCERELY HOPE 你 ALL ENJOY YOUR TIME HERE!!! 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
Emmett Rosalie we're coming for u:) 一年多以前
STEFIdi 说 …
“I’ll always choose you”, I whisper to my OTP while I cry over their perfection. 发布 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
I know!!, such a BEAUTIFUL couple!!...*tear*... i hope they NEVER end!! DELENA FOREVER!!!! 一年多以前
DamonsAngel 说 …
we all know Elena is not stupid. she has figured out that she is not in 爱情 with Stefan anymore. And quite frankly, its his fault that she has to send Jeremy away. She did not do anything to make Damon stop 接吻 her. And... she didnt act on anything with Damon til after Stefan became a jackass :) 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
i think the problem with the 三角形, 三角 here is that they changed elena's character from the books, elena character was a normal teenage girl who can have fun, but elena in the series has too much high morals and this needs to change there is no one like this, she cares about everyone she wants to sacrifice her self, ignore her feelings, just doing the right thing each time and i disagree with this and this makes the writers stuck on how to make her moving on to damon without looking immoral, anyways i think the best way is if stefan comes back but break up with her, like what happened with joey and dawson and pacey was there for her and then they got together...and that how it should be elena and stefan must break up official after stefan regains his humanity, otherwise 由 the looks of it delena will never happen and continue to be a big tease for the rest of the 显示 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
this is the best DE 吻乐队(Kiss) video, must watch, IrinaRusinova just make the best delena videos

link 发布 一年多以前
sophievn 评论…
wow. it's beautiful<3 一年多以前
delenaluv 说 …
i guess that 吻乐队(Kiss) really did piss s/e and b/d 粉丝 off since we r back down in the portraitmagazine poll. why r they so pissed? according 2 them 2x22 was a pity 吻乐队(Kiss) and the stelena slap showed 更多 passion so why all the hostility? cuz they're full of shit!! it took 2 episodes 2 吻乐队(Kiss) and 10 to have sex and 3 1//2 seasons 2 get a mutual 吻乐队(Kiss) from d/e so who is really the rushed and forced relationship here. oh how i would 爱情 2 pull this 1 out right at the end and win this 民意调查 n say nice try. 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
they are so annoying and keep bashing the 吻乐队(Kiss) and damon for 接吻 elena and most of all they are hating elena big time and saying that they don't want stelena anymore and want katherine to come back...i told some of them bamon and stelena force as u joined forces to be anti-delena how about 你 加入 ship of S/B they started working together and as thomas gal vin 说 in his recap: bonnie has a crush on stefan 哈哈 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
very good if they don;t want SE anymore!!! find someone else to ship with Stefan 一年多以前
delenaluv 评论…
well then i guess we're on the same page cuz we don't want stelena either. bring on steferine!!! 一年多以前
traceypharm 评论…
^Exactly! Steferine needs to come back! 一年多以前
delenaluv 说 …
one thing i'm hoping 4 in the 下一个 ep. is that when s/e have their big emotional scene, that somewhere in there stefan confronts elena on her feelings 4 damon. i want him 2 call her out and she needs 2 not deny it that way it can't be 说 that she's only moving 前锋, 期待 with damon cuz stefan rejected her again. when elena says "u had me" stefan should say "and now damon has u 或者 r u gonna deny it?" she should say nothing so then they both realize it's true. i'm not saying she should run 2 damon 发布 一年多以前
delenaluv 评论…
but she should accept the facts of who stefan is now and who damon always truely was. she always saw something in damon that nobody else took the time 2 see and now her eyes r open 2 who stefan truely was and that is someone with a hell of alot 更多 issues than damon 或者 someone that was never truely himself with her. either way it's the eye opener elena needs and i think is gonna finally get. 一年多以前
mata1987 评论…
damon deserve elena 爱情 and im not sustain see damon hurt again please no this is my nightmare i believe in the damon will be loved 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
i agree with 你 but somehow i doubt this will happen :( 一年多以前
mata1987 评论…
hope never die :)) 一年多以前
az0965022 说 …
Elena 2x10 " I don't want to be saved "
Damon 3x10 " stop saving me " 发布 一年多以前
delenaluv 评论…
there's another 1 that proves these 2 are twin flames!! 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
i just thought that may be the writers made jeremy leave so DEX can happen anywhere in elena's house 哈哈 或者 maybe so damon will 移动 in with elena!!!! wouldn't that be great! 发布 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
Omg that would be so cool 一年多以前
mariatsaltaki7 评论…
WOW!!! 爱情 it <3 一年多以前
DelenaDiaries 评论…
OMG LOL! Thats awesome! 一年多以前
big smile
FallenLove 说 …
YES! I just got Dedicated! And the 日 after the Kiss! <3 发布 一年多以前
bussykussi 评论…
congrats honey<33 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
<3 congrats!!! 一年多以前
traceypharm 评论…
Congrats!! 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 说 …
Anybody else who wants to see one of those cute cartoon pictures of damon and elena kissing? I just think they are adorable :D <3, but I don't know where to find them :/ 发布 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
I've uploaded one 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
link 一年多以前
Smolderholderx 说 …
Can't stop listening to the song 'holding on and letting go'
My new 最喜爱的 song <3 发布 一年多以前
rosyn_cullen 评论…
same here :D 一年多以前
sophievn 评论…
me too<3 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
Damon Salvatore: Come on Alaric! If I drink all of this 由 myself, I’m going to take my clothes off!

Expendable Waitress #142: Drink! Drink! Drink!

Damon Salvatore: And it would be way 更多 fun if we both took our clothes off!

Team Dalaric: Drink! Drink! Drink!

Alaric Saltzman: Not now, Damon! I have to set up a subplot about Jeremy’s return to Emotown!
发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
Thomas: Damon 你 pussy just 吻乐队(Kiss) her!

Damon Salvatore: Well… okay! Smootch!

Elena Gilbert: Smootch!

The Twitters: Explode
发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
Elena Gilbert: Hi Damon! I’m done mopping up blood off my floor again! Since this happens like three times a week, I was thinking we should replace the hardwood with linoleum!

Damon Salvatore: 你 know what 你 need? Some smoldering comfort! 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
Damon Salvatore: So, I wold like to 加入 Operation: Klauskill.

Stefan Salvatore: And why should I let 你 onto my team?

Damon Salvatore: Because Klaus is evil, devious, and vicious, and so am I, and you’re kind of dumb?

Stefan Salvatore: …Good point! I had the Ghost Witches hid the coffins in the mortuary. Don’t tell anyone! 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
thomas galvin's recap LOL:

Elena Gilbert: Nope! Also, you’re 日 drunk! That’s not attractive!

Damon Salvatore: Oh yeah? What is attractive?

Team Delena: Naked naked naked!
发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
someone wrote this and i like it :
I knew a Damon/Elena 吻乐队(Kiss) had to come at some point, but I reall wasn't expecting it today. Say what 你 like about them, but that really was an epic kiss, the 吻乐队(Kiss) of the whole series in my opinion. I mean, I was practically having 心 palpitations 由 the end of it.
The aftermaths of the 吻乐队(Kiss) will be interesting too. Elena will finally have to talk about it. She's been avoiding the topic for ages...I sort of want to see that conversation. 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
I know nothing is going to happen between them yet, Elena's 心 still belongs to Stefan. But the way Damon's sort of backed off from her, constantly feeling guilty, that's really sweet to me. 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
don't see Damon even referring to the 吻乐队(Kiss) in the future though. He didn't do it to get together with her, he didn't do it to ruin Stelena, he did it because he's going to feel guilty about wanting to do it, why not just do it? Either way, I'm a very happy girl :D 一年多以前
mata1987 评论…
i hope 吻乐队(Kiss) is only begin their relationship 一年多以前
overthedges 说 …
re-watching the kiss,damon’s car in the background is reflecting their bond because it started with their friendship beginning at their road trip to georgia. ♥ 发布 一年多以前
az0965022 说 …
i think this scene will be in the 下一个 episode and i think it's after the heartbreaking se scene
发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
yes for sure but i fear a rejection here 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
maybe they'll hug in this scene 一年多以前
Renee_Cullen 说 …
由 the way now its Elena's turn to 吻乐队(Kiss) Damon! <3 发布 一年多以前
misty11 评论…
i wanted elena too 吻乐队(Kiss) damon but i,m happy with the 吻乐队(Kiss) but now it,s elena turn 一年多以前
rosyn_cullen 评论…
Yep! And I want that to happen soon :) 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
i agree she just stood there like a greek statue 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
I really want the writers to make elena clear about her feelings and actually choosing damon even if she has stefan back...am tired of all stelenas saying that elena run into damon's arms because stefan left her and doesn't want her anymore...it is true that s what it seems , they have to make it clear that she loves damon, not as a 秒 best but equally to stefan..ouuufff i want 3x11 now to see what happens between DE and SE 发布 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
Elena didn't run into Damon's arms, Damon ran into hers. 一年多以前
STEFIdi 说 …
twinflames 评论…
I want a DE hug before DEx! xD 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
i want DEX 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
dex 一年多以前
maribou 说 …
What are they going to do in 3x11?
I want another Kiss! 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
哈哈 i wouldn't rely on that but there is the chin touch thing...i have a bad feeling that after her scene with stefan, elena is going to reject damon 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
i think we're gonna have another 吻乐队(Kiss) in 3x11 或者 3x12 一年多以前
Renee_Cullen 评论…
o plz o plz o plz they cant keep pretending nothings going on between them!! 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
guys i can't wait to see elena and damon first encounter after the kiss, do 你 think it is going to be awkward? julie 说 damon will be happy, but am interested to see elena's reaction, am worried the writers are going to make her act like nothing happened (denial again)...i would hate it !!! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
az0965022 说 …
I can't wait to see how damon and elena are gonna act around eachother after the 吻乐队(Kiss) 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
me tooooooooooooo 一年多以前
loveVD-DS 评论…
me to :p 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
the same as after the death 床, 床上 吻乐队(Kiss) pretend it never happened 一年多以前
kuisuira 说 …
Anyone know about the rating of 3x10 ?,cuz i bet it's the highest of ss 3 发布 一年多以前
jacky_ 评论…
3.2 million =) Not the highest but still quite good link 一年多以前
kuisuira 评论…
thank 你 一年多以前
vampiregirl92 说 …
Now that they've kissed i want the rest of my wish list,lol. Mostly i want Damon to give Elena a hug! She's hugged him, it only fair,lol. I thought he might do it last night, in the 厨房 scene. Oh well. 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Delena4eva 说 …
*Winners of the Delena stills editing contest* {Round 17}

1st place tie : DelenaDiaries & escada
2nd place tie : EllieLupin91, shine0n & twinflames
3rd place : STEFIdi

Thanks for entering! 发布 一年多以前
chelle11 说 …
Delena rocks the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the kitchens, the lawn, the porch, the haunted houses, my tv screen, Damon's car, the hospital, the grill. I appologize if I forgot one. Feel free to mention it. 哈哈 发布 一年多以前
NateHeartSerena 评论…
the entire town of Mystic Falls 一年多以前
twinflames 评论…
^hahha. True ;) 一年多以前
DelenaDiaries 评论…
Lol, your tv screen! thats all so true! 一年多以前
traceypharm 说 …
"Even when Damon seems carefree and tipsy, he’s always looking out for Elena, and trying to make her feel better about the admittedly horrible situations in which she seems to find herself on a nearly daily basis. He does this 由 lifting her spirits with flirty humor, and comforting words, disguised as nonchalant banter. It’s only when Elena’s truly distraught, that he allows himself to get serious with her, and let his true feelings show." 发布 一年多以前
traceypharm 评论…
link 一年多以前
traceypharm 评论…
"One of my 最喜爱的 Klaus moments in the episode was when he giggled at Damon’s obvious 显示 of affection for Elena. I know that part of him sees this as a weakness of Damon’s that he can exploit. But I strongly suspect that another part of him just sees it as really hot . . ." 一年多以前
twinflames 评论…
I 爱情 her recaps! :) 一年多以前
eve_k 说 …
Just saw it and I stayed away from the Internet before I did to avoid temptation...I was nervous at first because I did not know how it was going to play out but after viewing...I am still in shock,trying to believe that my eyes did not lie....It's everything we wanted!!!I think that "epic" does not even begin to describe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Everything was just perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
not everything i wanted elena could have been 更多 active instead of standing there like a greek statue 一年多以前
eve_k 评论…
I liked that she was not so active,I think for now that is what she should have done.Next time she will be,I hope!!! 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
i didnt mean at the time of a 吻乐队(Kiss) i meant before damon is telling her bla blah blah brother's girla dna leaving and she's just standing there she would have let him go away 一年多以前
chelle11 说 …
Does anyone else besides me, have a feeling that they are going to make Stefan and Bonnie a couple. Instead doing the Damon and Bonnie thing, like in the books? They have changed a lot of things. So who knows. Anything can happen in TVD world. Just curious to see what everyone thinks? Since Bonnie is kinda hanging out with Stefan and helping him hide the coffins. 发布 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
very good!!! i was all for Bonnie/Stefan n the books!!!!!!!! anythng but SE!!!!!!!!!! 一年多以前
Mangilicious 评论…
I've always loved Stefan and Bonnie from the beginning of the show. Damon and Elena must be together, but if Stefan and Bonnie get together, they're TOTALLY going to be my 秒 最喜爱的 couple, aside Tyler+Caroline! <3! 一年多以前
Delenarocs 评论…
I hope so 一年多以前
big smile
DaniKatZ 说 …
Guys! They have EVERYTHING! My favourite couple of all time, i cant stop saying how amazing they are, i havent even watched the episode.. but the fact Elena actually let him 吻乐队(Kiss) her, was like OMG THEY HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR SO MUCH MORE!!! ♥ AAAAAAAAAAHHH! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
chelle11 说 …
I 爱情 the fact that the door to her house was left open when Damon walked out. It was perfect with with the song. " one door swinging ppen, one door swinging close". They made that scene so beautiful, parallels were amazing. 发布 一年多以前
traceypharm 评论…
Wow, I didn't notice that!! I was so blinded 由 the kiss! :) 一年多以前
Anna_JH 说 …
Better late than never......

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
Laynaa 说 …
I actually like Carinas answer...for once!

@cadlymack I'm confused, Stefan doesn't really know about any of the delena kisses right? what would happen if he finds out?
@XiiskaTVD he doesn't care about Elena anymore, so... I don't think anything?
@cadlymack I'm confused, Stefan doesn't really know about any of the delena kisses right? what would happen if he finds out?
@XiiskaTVD right, his brother, but not elena.

发布 一年多以前
az0965022 说 …
I wanna sleep but I can't stop watching THE 吻乐队(Kiss) it was so epic 发布 一年多以前
Manonx 评论…
Exactly the same with me.. Delena is just too epic <3 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
I couldn't sleep last night! 一年多以前
Delenarocs 评论…
I am still rewatching it. Everysingle time it gets 更多 epic 一年多以前
loveofdelena 说 …
guys chair have slowed down thier votes! now is the chance to take back the lead, so hurry and VOTE frantically, IF 你 CAN!!!! D/E FOREVER!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
I really don't get it, with all these 粉丝 we have gained, we should be well ahead of chair 由 now!! this is rediculous!!! 一年多以前
xoxoGG115 说 …
I knew they would kiss!! I 说 it! Oh yeah. oh yeah. oh yeahhh.... (i'm doing a little dance right now...)

GO FOR THE 年 OF DELENA<3 发布 一年多以前
Smolderholderx 说 …
In the promo of the 11th episode.. Elena says 'I cant lose anyone else that I love' is she saying that to damon ? 发布 一年多以前
xoxoGG115 评论…
that's what it looked like... 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
Yeah I think so 一年多以前
iloveyou6 评论…
Klaus is kinda awesome.. but I do most definitely want him dead! He's been a pain in my hiney since he came MF. Bonnie should be the one to kill him! After all she did have a dream that he was in a coffin. I wonder.. if Klaus dies does that mean Tyler is free? He doesn't have to sire to Klaus anymore? I want freaking Forwood back together! 一年多以前
big smile
loveofdelena 说 …
WOWZER!!!! what a beautiful and tender kiss! i tell you, that 吻乐队(Kiss) was sooooooo worth the wait!! OUTSTANDING!!!! not to passionate, but not to full on either!!, it was just perfect, for the stage they are at in their growing relationship now!! lolz, i expect we will be seeing ALOT 更多 delena foreplay in the episodes to come!!!! 发布 一年多以前
xoxoGG115 评论…
i could do with a litle 更多 passionate... but 你 could tell the directors asked them to make it 更多 simple... because ... well... damon and katherine? Talk about hot and heavy stuff... 哈哈 they kissed like they would eat each other... if only damon and elena could be the same.... *sigh* 一年多以前
delenasalvatore 说 …
"One of my 最喜爱的 moments of that whole scene, weirdly, is after he kisses her. It’s very clear that her breath has been kinda taken away and that he’s knocked her socks off a little. Then he just looks at her and says “goodnight” and walks away. He said, “If I’m gonna feel guilty about something, I’m gonna feel guilty about this.” He took the moment, he seized the day, he was a cowboy. "[Laughs] - Julie Plec on the 吻乐队(Kiss) in 3x10, EW.com, Inside TV. 发布 一年多以前
iloveyou6 评论…
Let's just hope that Julie will ship DE now.. honestly she should've shipped them a long time ago. Oh well.. she's missing out. 一年多以前
saraochoa 说 …
This 吻乐队(Kiss) made up for the long break, well worth the wait =D. 发布 一年多以前
Laynaa 说 …
Who's replaying Ross Coppermans song, "Holding On & Letting Go?" It's such a beautiful song <3 发布 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
I am! already got it on my cellphone, but 下一个 time they 吻乐队(Kiss) I would like the song to be everything 由 lifehouse :) 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
^ OMG I 爱情 THAT SONG! That is on my DE playlist! 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
Oops I mean lifehouse 一年多以前
loveofdelena 说 …
soooooo we are back dow to 18% in the portrait 民意调查 eh,....oooooohhh someone's jealous and bitter!!! 3 GUESSES WHO!!!.....hehe 发布 一年多以前
xoxoGG115 评论…
i know im so pissed.. no matter how many times i vote... it just won't work! 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
yeah, same here!! why can't we just vote once!! it will save us all this trouble!! and lets face it, we could win this 民意调查 或者 any 民意调查 we wanted wearing a blindfold!! we know the only reason those bitches are in first place is because our spiteful enemy ships can't 熊 to see us as the BEST and most 流行的 couple on fanpop!! idiots should grow the hell up and get a life!! DELENA ALL THE WAY!!!! 一年多以前
loveofdelena 评论…
az0965022 说 …
I keep rewatching the promo of 3x11 and there is a scene where elena says "stefan is in danger" I don't that she really is talking about stefan I think she says " stefan, damon (or anyone) is in danger. 发布 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
I just watched it & you're right. Something is off, like edited out who she was saying was in danger. Hm... 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
Yeah i listened to it like 10 times to make sure of it and it really seems like they've cut the name 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
Listen good when she says it 一年多以前
big smile
tvd_Rachelxx 说 …
i just have one thing to say...OMFG Delena kiss! it was so amazing, sweet, beautiful! can't wait to see 更多 scenes from our favourite couple x) <3 发布 一年多以前
delenasalvatore 说 …
I have a new 文章 about 3x10, 'Drop Dead Epic'. Please read it if 你 have the time! 发布 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
I will :) 一年多以前
deedeedot 说 …
That 吻乐队(Kiss) was EPIC!!! So glad he finally made a move. And I think she 说 no to herself, cos she finally realized she loves him and can't fight it anymore! HA! :) 发布 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
that's exactly what i was thinking 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
yeah it took her less than a 秒 to close her eyes when kissed her <3 she finally can't deny it anymore, she is in 爱情 with him! 一年多以前
deedeedot 评论…
let's be honest 哈哈 who wouldn't be :DDD 一年多以前
big smile
RubyRing 说 …
I LOVED how Klaus seemed to notice the attraction between Damon & Elena at the Grill, looking back & forth at them as if he just realized that the most important person to Elena, is Damon. Which is probably why he saved Damon's name for last when he was naming who he could go after next. Klaus knew that the idea of him coming after Damon would affect Elena most. Now I'm just waiting for Klaus to point out that Elena is in 爱情 with Damon♥ 发布 一年多以前
delenafrenchfan 评论…
Totally !! I loooove the way he says "Damon" and smiling after :D 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
me too, everybody can clearly see it <3 一年多以前
traceypharm 评论…
In Homecoming, he also had threatened 'Elena' with Damon's life. Klaus gets it. 哈哈 一年多以前
sophievn 说 …
Guys i found this quote, i think it's so true:
loveofdelena 评论…
so very TRUE!!! 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
True! 一年多以前
az0965022 说 …
i think we're gonna have another DE 吻乐队(Kiss) in 3x11 或者 3x12 发布 一年多以前
RubyRing 说 …
Damon:"I thought for one 秒 that I wouldn’t have to feel guilty anymore.”
Elena: “Guilty for what?”
Damon: “For wanting what I want.”

OMG, I could barely breath when Damon 说 this & when he went back to 吻乐队(Kiss) her my 心 stopped. The 吻乐队(Kiss) was PURE PERFECTION. The whole episode built up to that moment; the flirtation at the Grill, Klaus picking up on the attraction between them & how supportive Damon was when Elena was breaking down. 3x10 was EPIC for Delena♥♥♥ 发布 一年多以前
iandamonfan 说 …
Did 你 guys read Price Peterson's 照片 recap?
It has amazing gifs!! 发布 一年多以前
sophievn 说 …
That awkward moment when almost every 粉丝 here has the same icon!<3 发布 一年多以前
NateHeartSerena 评论…
哈哈 一年多以前
sophievn 说 …
Webclip for 3x11 "Our Town"

link 发布 一年多以前
Rosi91 评论…
I'm Not understanding... Jeremy didn't left how it seems :) i'm so happy if it's like that!!! 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 说 …
We're down to 18 again :(

link 发布 一年多以前
itshanya 说 …
The Awkward Moment When the Club Creator still Didn't change the banner and the icon. O.o 发布 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
Who is the club creator? 一年多以前
xoheartinohioxo 评论…
Ummm I'm sorry, but my banner won the pick for our new banner so why exactly does it need to be changed?? I'm sorry but I'm getting a little tired of the constant "omg we have to change the banner" every 5 seconds. 一年多以前
twinflames 说 …
My oh my!! It's a little late, but i just saw the episode. Damon and Elena kissed finally! It was such an amazing scene. Perfect. In fact, DE were awesome in this whole episode.. With every new scene, my 爱情 for them grows. My OTP is simply flawless. 爱情 them <3 发布 一年多以前
vidvida 评论…
爱情 them So Much <3333 The 吻乐队(Kiss) was EPIC! 一年多以前
RoseJackDawson 说 …
Ok,I really need 你 to read this because I really HAVE TO write it down.
SE fans,how can 你 be that selfish to ask for Stelena always?DE 粉丝 have never been like that(AND THAT'S WHY I 爱情 你 GUYS) and we always accepted SE even if we watched their million 'I 爱情 you' scenes and 2 seasons of Stelena.Now we get 10 episodes of Delena and one 吻乐队(Kiss) and you're angry,you don't want to watch TVD anymore etc?I mean,seriously?IT'S DELENA,PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS 爱情 DELENA,get over it. 发布 一年多以前
sophievn 评论…
You're so right! It's Delena time now, they should have to wait! 一年多以前
DamonsAngel 说 …
does anyone still do delena rp?i used to on myspace then sitemodel, jsut wondering if there was a new hang out for it lol
发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
after loosing hope on damon, Kat graham is saying that a romance with klaus wouldn't be a bad idea, saying it is like'' hate 你 吻乐队(Kiss) me'' relationship...geeezz find this girl a man please writers but not klaus.. 发布 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
Bonnie hates vampires, & seeing her fall in 爱情 with Klaus out of all of them? That would never happen! I wonder who Klaus 爱情 will be, Caroline? 一年多以前
sophievn 评论…
I have no idea with who Bonnie should end up with now Jeremy is gone! 一年多以前
RachaelF8 说 …
Im still estactic over the kiss!xD my stomach gets 蝴蝶 wondering what Damon was thinking in that moment,finally 接吻 the woman he's loved for so long. 你 know its one of the greatest moments of his life! And I can't really tell what Elena was thinking but 你 know she didnt want him to walk away 或者 to stop 接吻 her. It was passionate,yet soft,hot,yet sweet. One of my favourite kisses,the other two being 1x22 and 2x22.DE<3 发布 一年多以前
sophievn 评论…
i felt completely the same! I still have that feeling! Gosh i think i'm in 爱情 with Damon Salvatore<3 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
she closed her eyes, 你 only do that if 你 want to 吻乐队(Kiss) <3 一年多以前
STEFIdi 说 …
2x01:Damon kissed Elena
2x22:Elena kissed Damon
3x10:Damon kissed Elena

下一个 time,it's your turn WARRIOR PRINCESS! 发布 一年多以前
bussykussi 评论…
SO TRUE! 一年多以前
FallenLove 评论…
爱情 it! :D 一年多以前
RubyRing 评论…
哈哈 totally agree! I'd 爱情 Elena to just pull Damon into a passionate 吻乐队(Kiss) next:D:D 一年多以前
lipglosssexy 说 …
There is no reason to feel guilty,Damon. 你 deserve this chance of happiness and Elena had just fallen hard for you. Just be patient it wont be long until 你 get the girl. The one 你 deserve! :)

P.S If it doesn't work with Elena there is a LOT of girls here that would 爱情 你 to come for a visit! 哈哈 发布 一年多以前
Laynaa 说 …
I am staying away from 阅读 anything against DE. I am so glad to be a DE shipper after last night <3 发布 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
Me too :) 一年多以前
sophievn 评论…
Me too<3 Only Delena! 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
me too I don't care what they say, I couldn't be happier about the 吻乐队(Kiss) <3 一年多以前
Delena01 说 …
I'M SO HAPPY!!! I've been replaying the 吻乐队(Kiss) scene over and over! :D we have waited for like 2 years for a proper kiss, and I loved it <3 I swear I didn't even breathe when I first watched it, it was just perfect :) Delena are meant to be!! And it's just the beginning..! <3 发布 一年多以前
big smile
delenafrenchfan 说 …
we should put the 吻乐队(Kiss) in the banner 或者 for the icon, it's imperative to put it !! :D 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
agree 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
me too 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
i think the major problem of stelenas is that although the 显示 was about a 爱情 三角形, 三角 the writers delayed delena as much as they can to make the viewers wait impatiently for them to happen but that lead stelenas to believe that the 显示 is only about SE and that damon was a third wheel and now the 三角形, 三角 is happening, the SEs can't believe it and accept it, it s like a child when he has a newly born sister 或者 brother, they can't accept it because they thought they were the only ones.. 发布 一年多以前
RoseJackDawson 评论…
I agree.They're the most selfish people I ever seen in my life.Like everything have to be like they want,and most of all they're so unfer.Several time in this season Damon walked away from Elena because he didn't want to 吻乐队(Kiss) her.But now,after everything that happend to him with Katherine and Elena he finally can't fight his feelings,but he feels guilty because he kissed her and he will never forgive himself but SE 粉丝 have to be rude and say that Damon is bad because of it.Sometimes I think they need a doctor ( I'm sorry,but it seems like they are not really on this world). 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
i wrote this to SEs on youtube
SEs have to face it, damon and elena are meant to happen and they will have at least one season together 或者 not even more,it s like pacey and joey, it is a 爱情 三角形, 三角 so get used it from now i mean from the beginning before 你 will go even crazier, this is just a kiss, imagine the 秒 kiss, the i 爱情 you's, the sex , damon in elena's bed, elena in damon's 床, 床上 and elena and damon going on a date.
发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
..just start thinking of all these things and 你 will feel much better about the 吻乐队(Kiss) :) 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
so true, we had to put up with SE for two seasons it's our turn now! 一年多以前
RachaelF8 说 …
What do 你 guys feel about the Defan now? I have a soft spot for their relationship, watching all their angst from season 1 just makes me want them to hug it all out. I 爱情 DE 更多 than anything, but when they are endgame, yes they will be endgame, I want DS to be resolved as well. I just want them to be brothers again like in 1864. Plus, this season Damon is getting so much hate because everything Stefan is doing to save him. I just want Damon to save him epically to prove all those haters 发布 一年多以前
RachaelF8 评论…
wrong and that Damon loves Stefan just as much as Stefan loves him. People think he is being selfish this season for not saving his brother 或者 even thanking him for saving him so much, But what is he supposed to do? Stefan is all rippah/crazy ass/dickhead. So 由 the end of this season I just want Dam.on to save Stefan to prove that 一年多以前
damonelenakat 评论…
yes me too i really wish they end it like dawson's greek where dawson (stefan) accepted joey and pacey and let go of joey because he knew she belongs with pacey and Pacey and dawson were still cool ....my ideal ending will be stefan dying and leaving DE together, that way stefan has a heroic ending and damon a happy end for once but i have a feeling it will be damon dying , 或者 elena cos that s the only solution 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 说 …
OK so right now I don't care what anyone says, for me it was an awesome 吻乐队(Kiss) and I ain't complaining! So what if it made Damon seem like a bad guy becuase he kissed elena even if he knew that stefan had saved him? That's just an excuse from desperate stelena-fans who are angry and don't want to accept that this 显示 is based on a lovetriangel. Why should I care about what they say? I'm happy that they kissed!! Let's just look at the positive things instead of being all pessimistic! :D <3 发布 一年多以前
mata1987 评论…
totally agree :) 一年多以前
SpuffyDelena 说 …
Go 提交 your 吻乐队(Kiss) 图标 for the spot look:

link 发布 一年多以前
maribou 评论…
Grate! 一年多以前
itshanya 说 …
I didn't expect this 吻乐队(Kiss) and it was the best way to start 2012 发布 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
omg i just watched the promo for 下一个 episode and stelena scene made me cry, omg what s going on...that s why i didn't want DE to get together so soon while stefan is 迷失 because it makes us feel sorry for stefan and elena just desperate and went for damon as 秒 best...am not looking 前锋, 期待 to 下一个 week's episode...i feel it is going to be SE epic 发布 一年多以前
Delenarocs 评论…
I will not lie, I did cry. But not for SE 或者 Stefan, but Elena. Elena is my main character to worry about. I don't care about anyone else at this moment but her. She is trying so hard, yet she is the one getting all the hate when it should be Stefan. I don't give a shit about SE's "epic" moment. That 吻乐队(Kiss) did not mean they were together, it was just a kick start to DE's relationship. And besides that Stelena heartbreaking moment is the end to their relationship. 一年多以前
RachaelF8 评论…
DE aren't together yet...I don't think they will be for a long time. I think they may 吻乐队(Kiss) again 或者 confess their feelings but I don't see them together for along time. Theres just so much 更多 to overcome, and they are still building up. SE's epic moment will be their closure scene I am convinced! At least for now. I agree as well, I almost cried. Nina always makes me cry when she cries:/ But she yells 'You had me!' As in past tense...she is no longer his and he is no longer hers. They are ending. 一年多以前
sophievn 评论…
I agree with all of you! I also think it would be a definitely break-up scene, for now! 一年多以前
damonelenakat 说 …
guys am really annoyed that some delenas are 写作 on twitter and vampire diaries websites and other sites that the 吻乐队(Kiss) was not passionate, i told them even if 你 didn't see the passion re-watch many times and 你 will see it....a lot of stelenas are bashing damon and worst than damon, elena 哈哈 now they made feel wish that the 吻乐队(Kiss) should have happened before damon knew what stefan did like in 3x9 when elena held him, becos here the writers are making damon look bad and stefan the victim 发布 一年多以前
SpuffyDelena 评论…
This is how the first 吻乐队(Kiss) was suppose to go. It's the unsure/impulsive kiss. People were referring to the fact that it wasn't all out on Elena's end, and it SHOULDN'T be right now, they're not at that point. But that 吻乐队(Kiss) will come later. The 吻乐队(Kiss) was perfect for where they are emotionally right now. I would have been pissed off if it was an all out 吻乐队(Kiss) cause it's OOC for Elena's POV right now. 一年多以前
Delenarocs 评论…
That 吻乐队(Kiss) was a start 吻乐队(Kiss) to their relationship. They are still not together. And the 吻乐队(Kiss) was better than the Stelena sex scene. 一年多以前
STEFIdi 说 …

big smile
az0965022 说 …
i think we're gonna have 更多 than one DE 吻乐队(Kiss) this season 发布 一年多以前
Delenafan2 评论…
I hope so! That would be AWESOME!!! 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
after all the kisses SE has had, we sure deserve 更多 than 1 吻乐队(Kiss) per season! 一年多以前
kuisuira 说 …
omg the 吻乐队(Kiss) scene , i'm gonna melt..
it's time to go to sleep but i know that i can't..
ugh..just replay one 更多 time..and one 更多 time..and one 更多 time..again 发布 一年多以前
az0965022 说 …
i really wish in the SE heartbreaking scene elena tells stefan that she has moved on and she loves damon now 发布 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
yeah me too, I just hope she doesn't say something cheesy like " I will always 爱情 you" 或者 something like that -.- oh well 一年多以前
RachaelF8 评论…
Im kinda excited to see this scene, Im thinking it's going to be their closure...at least for Elena for now. She is moving on, but she really does need that. Plus, the way she says 'You had me!' in the promo breaks my 心 already! 一年多以前
Delenarocs 评论…
I will not lie, Nina made me cry a little in the promo. Its just so sad when she yelled "you had me" I think this is the first SE scene that I will cry in, but no because of SE but because of Elena. Stefan is 表演 like such a horsecunt. And when he destroyes Klaus what will happen next? Did he ever think about that? 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
agree with both of you, and what will happen then? will he just leave mystic falls 或者 what? what is he gonna do then? I would like for him to get together with katherine (btw what happend with her? :O) but I guess he hasn't forgiven her yet... 一年多以前
RachaelF8 说 …
I really think one of these would be the perfect spot icon! Obviously it's decided when the vote is taken place which is the new spot 图标 but these are beautiful. Actually any 图标 of the 吻乐队(Kiss) is the perfect spot 图标 but I really 爱情 these two. Credit to whoever made them:)
link 发布 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 评论…
I agree, we really should have the 吻乐队(Kiss) as the icon, we could have a pick with a couple of differnt pictures of the 吻乐队(Kiss) (differnt angels, differnt lightning, zoom, etc) 一年多以前
chelle11 说 …
Dies anyone else thought that Damon and Jeremy compulsion scene could be forshadowing future events. Like for example.Damon could compelled Elena to forget everything they to live throught, making her forget what she feels for him? I dont know why but I think this wull happen.at the end of this season. 发布 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
Omg no I wish it doesn't happen I don't want elena to forget the 吻乐队(Kiss) 一年多以前
lizzie_jo5 评论…
maybe after all she's done it twice to him so maybe it will be jeremy asking damon to let go of elena and make her forget to have a normal life 一年多以前
Delenarocs 评论…
I want Elena to have a normal life. As much as I 爱情 DE, but I can't help feel bad for her. She has been through so much shit in her life and why? It would have been all over if Stefan had taken the coffins and get the hell out of Mystic falls! 一年多以前
chelle11 评论…
I think she will ask Damon to turn her into a vampire. But he is not going to let her. And he will compulse her to forget. Damon will be the one that she will like to spend eternity with. But he will not be selfish and he will let her go. :( 一年多以前
TVDbiggestfan 说 …
嘿 guys, I made a pick asking if 你 want to have a picture of the 吻乐队(Kiss) as the icon, and so far 90% 说 yes. If 你 haven't voted yet, please do! :D If a week goes by, and the answer "yes" is still in the lead then I would like to ask the person that is in charge of the 图标 and such, to change it. Problem is I don't know who is.. XD Anybody who does? 发布 一年多以前
danibat1 说 …
I almost thought that we were going to get trolled during...THE SCENE. But thank fucking goodness Damon was like "Screw this, I have waited too long!" AGAGSDAFAGAHAGAHAGAGAHHABHGYA! I'm still smiling like an idiot! 发布 一年多以前
az0965022 评论…
Me toooo :DDDD 一年多以前
delenaluv 说 …
need 2 get a twitter account 2 follow nina and ian but can't decide on a name. delenian1111, smolderholic and somerholic are some i came up with. if anyone has any suggestions please give me some. i'd like 2 get set up 2day so i can be a part of trending our delena 爱情 across the world 2. 发布 一年多以前
delenaisluv 说 …
Somebody catch me because I'm about to faint from happiness <3 发布 一年多以前
Laynaa 评论…
*(I caught you)* Haha. I know I feel like I'm floating, it was amazing! 一年多以前
delenaisluv 评论…
We can all catch each other! lol. This will hold me up until the 下一个 episode! Can't wait! 一年多以前