Cole Sprouse Spot Makeover

Bibi69 posted on Jun 09, 2018 at 12:45AM
This spot really need a new look, so let's change it! Make all the submissions you want! You wanna make one, two, five, ten? Go ahead! You have two weeks.

Here's a couple of information to help you make your icons & banners:
- Icons need to be squared [100x100 px or larger. Not smaller, for quality]
- Banners need to be 800x100 px or a size that scales down to that. Mind the spot title, which is 170 px long and 40 px high, and will cover up whatever's in the lower right-hand corner of your banner.

- IMPORTANT!: To make sure we have an icon and a banner that match. We will start with voting for a new banner, then we'll make a poll with the icons that match the banner chosen.

So. Let's see what you got! ;)

Cole Sprouse 3 回复

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