眼镜蛇 Kai Updates

a comment was made to the video: 眼镜蛇 Kai: Season 6 Part 1 | Bloopers | Netflix ·9天前 by yorkshire_rose
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai: Season 6 Part 1 | Bloopers | Netflix ·25天前 by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the poll: What (out-there notion) would 你 most like to see happen in season 6? ·2个月前 by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the poll: 🥋🐍 [Cobra Kai Founders] → Which bad boy has your heart? ·2个月前 by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the poll: 眼镜蛇 Kai VI is being 分裂, 拆分 into three parts: July 2024, November 2024, and sometime in 2025. How will 你 watch? ·2个月前 by yorkshire_rose
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai 最佳, 返回页首 10 Marathon ·2个月前 by jasamfan23
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai Quote Trivia with the Cast | Netflix ·3个月前 by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the video: 眼镜蛇 Kai Season 6: Part 1 | Official Trailer | Netflix ·3个月前 by yorkshire_rose
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai Season 6: Part 1 | Official Trailer | Netflix ·3个月前 by DarkSarcasm
a photo 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai VI Poster ·3个月前 by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the video: 眼镜蛇 Kai Season 6 | 日期 Announcement | Netflix ·5个月前 by yorkshire_rose
a poll 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai VI is being 分裂, 拆分 into three parts: July 2024, November 2024, and sometime in 2025. How will 你 watch? ·5个月前 by DarkSarcasm
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai Season 6 | 日期 Announcement | Netflix ·5个月前 by jasamfan23
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What tattoo did Hawk get to replace his Grim Reaper tattoo? ·8个月前 by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the video: 眼镜蛇 Kai Season 6 | We're Back! | Production Announce | Netflix ·8个月前 by yorkshire_rose
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai Season 6 | We're Back! | Production Announce | Netflix ·8个月前 by DarkSarcasm
a pop quiz question 增加: Who said, “After the whole, 你 know... front wedgie thing, I know what it’s like”? ·8个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
fan art 增加: Moon Goes Green ·9个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a pop quiz question 增加: What tattoo did Hawk get to replace his Grim Reaper tattoo? ·9个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
an article 增加: Terry Silver’s Cheating: My Thoughts ·9个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
an article 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai 4x08 Party Time: My Observations ·9个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
an article 增加: My Thoughts on Hawk ·9个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a pop quiz question 增加: Who said, “Look, man, I’m sorry. For all of it”? ·9个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a comment was made to the poll: Which hairstyle is the best for Hawk? ·9个月前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a comment was made to the video: 眼镜蛇 KAI Season 5 | Gag Reel | Now on DVD! 一年多以前 by yorkshire_rose
a pop quiz question 增加: Who said, “You know what? At least I’m still here. Half the squad quit”? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a pop quiz question 增加: Who introduced Yasmine to the front wedgie during the party at the lake on Yasmine’s 16th birthday? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who hosts the party where both the teams get drunk? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a pop quiz question 增加: Who said, “Hey, yo, Hawk — free shot”? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a pop quiz question 增加: Who switched sides during the fight at the LaRusso house? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 KAI Season 5 | Gag Reel | Now on DVD! 一年多以前 by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the poll: Sam and Robby 或者 Sam and Miguel ? 一年多以前 by davasey_123
a comment was made to the video: 眼镜蛇 Kai | Season 6 Cast Reunion | Netflix 一年多以前 by yorkshire_rose
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai | Season 6 Cast Reunion | Netflix 一年多以前 by DarkSarcasm
a video 增加: 你 Call Me Senseï | 眼镜蛇 Kai (Season 1, Episode 2) 一年多以前 by bruno_knolle
a comment was made to the video: 眼镜蛇 Kai | Season 6 Announcement | Netflix 一年多以前 by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the photo: 眼镜蛇 Kai VI - Letter from the Creators 一年多以前 by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the poll: LEAST 最喜爱的 character in season 5? 一年多以前 by xxx_brit_xxx
a link 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai to End With Season 6 一年多以前 by jasamfan23
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai Season 6 "Final Season" Announcement (HD) 一年多以前 by jasamfan23
a video 增加: 眼镜蛇 Kai | Season 6 Announcement | Netflix 一年多以前 by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What was Demetri's 万圣节前夕 costume in season 1? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is Stingray's real name? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a comment was made to the poll: Who makes the best Sensei ? 一年多以前 by FanFic_Girl_26
a comment was made to the fan art: 你 have $100. Build your dojo. 一年多以前 by DarkSarcasm
an answer was added to this question: What do you want to see happen most in season 4 of Cobra Kai ? 一年多以前 by boytoy_84
a poll 增加: Which hairstyle is the best for Hawk? 一年多以前 by boytoy_84
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your 最喜爱的 Hector? 一年多以前 by boytoy_84
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** 一年多以前 by boytoy_84
a comment was made to the poll: 最喜爱的 character in season 5? 一年多以前 by boytoy_84