omg do 你 like justin bieber i 爱情 him so much even i am a alien with feelings for humans i protect the good i kill the bad u have been good so i protect u一年多以前
She`s always there for me: _When ever i cry,She cleans my tears!! _When ever i`m sad,She smiles at me,Her smile makes all the stars look at her,so when ever she smiles i smile and i will be happy(no 更多 sad)! _When ever i`m alone,She comes to me with a hug! _When ever i say:i 爱情 you!!,she says:i 爱情 你 way more!
Yeah thats why she`s my true friend and i will always 爱情 her <3
发布 一年多以前
shes been there: when i cry, when i get a broken heart, when i laugh, whenever there's been rough times, when i'm mad, when i'm happy, when i'm jealous, when i'm crazy, when i'm down, when i'm sad, when i'm pretty, when i'm ugly...basically shes been through everything with me, and that's a girl i call: MY BEST FRIEND <3
发布 一年多以前