圣诞节 Club
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added by chel1395
Source: 迪士尼
added by 约克郡玫瑰
Source: giphy
added by Lovetreehill
Source: @Perfectioninblack.com
added by Atypical_Kate
BTW it's not me on the video ;)
Naughty List:

*Scobie and Straker from Thunderbirds (1965)
*Kline and Mason from Joe 90 (1968)
*The Ghost Of 圣诞节 Never/Nanette Musette from The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries (1983)
*Texas Pete from Superted (1982)
*Clean Claude from Paddington 熊 (1989)
*King Bowser Koopa from The Super Mario Brothers (1989)
*Zip and Zug from TUGS (1989)
*Doctor Von Goosewing from Count Duckula (1988)
*Don Karnage from Talespin (1990)
*Bushroot from Darkwing 鸭 (1991)
*The Joker from Batman: The Animated Series (1992)
*Yokai Oomukade from Ninja Sentai Kakuranger (1994) (Deceased)
*Sly and Gobbo from Noddy’s Toyland...
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added by rakshasa
Source: @cozimastreats
added by shamad
(12/04/08 Update: I'm currently cleaning up the dead 链接 in this article. 你 can also

Ahh Christmas. The tree, the stockings, the mistletoe and - of course - the holiday 电视 programming.

Some of my fondest 圣诞节 memories were spent in front a of 电视 watching such classics as the animated Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 或者 one of the myriad versions of Dickens' 'A 圣诞节 Carol'.

So without further ado, I am presenting 你 with my big, big 列表 of holiday specials. I've tried to categorize the 列表 into subsections to make it a little 更多 bearable and consumable. The...
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Another Holiday season is upon us and 你 know what that means: break out the egg nog, light up the tree, put up the stockings, take out a 秒 mortgage for the credit card bill and 火, 消防 up The Carpenter's 圣诞节 album (turn it up to 11, will you?).

It also means it's time for another 列表 of 圣诞节 video goodies.

So kick back and get ready to enjoy another batch of holiday fun. Oh, and in case 你 missed last year's 列表 be sure to check out link

So without further ado...

The Essentials
I'm reposting these from last year's 列表 because these are the items most people want to see....
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added by DaviDDii
Source: DaviDDii
added by jessowey
Source: DesktopNexus.com
added by jessowey
Source: DesktopNexus.com
added by chel1395
Source: 迪士尼
added by shamad
added by jessowey
Source: wallcoo.net