
Chick Lit 问题

I need some good, summer romance chick lit. Any recommendations?

 hermione980 posted 一年多以前
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Chick Lit 答案

kelli23 said:
Pretty much anything 由 Sarah Dessen. Especially The Truth About Forever!!!!
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posted 一年多以前 
_lina_ said:
What kind do 你 like?

If you're interested in historical-type chick lit, I've recently been 阅读 this series 由 Lauren Willig. The first book is called The Secret History of the 粉, 粉色 Carnation. It's about this girl researching for her PhD in history. It alternates between her life (in the present) and the life of a heroine in the early 1800s. 你 kind of get two romances in one :)
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posted 一年多以前 
Sounds like a great book!
phantommusic posted 一年多以前
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