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Brian Molko Where is Bri-pie prettier?

24 fans picked:
 bittersinner posted 一年多以前
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LeggoMyGreggo picked A:
But it was a hard choice!
posted 一年多以前.
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bittersinner picked A:
it 's even hard for me that i've created...!well the only reason i've chosen this one is because his eyes are open...!
posted 一年多以前.
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LeggoMyGreggo picked A:
My choice was acording to ..... LIPS!
posted 一年多以前.
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Marta_Molko picked A:
It was hard...I choose picture from 2004 (He looked really cute at Belfort and Gurten in 2004) but 2003 (at Rock am Ring 2003 he also was hot);-D
posted 一年多以前.