
Boo Boo Stewart 问题

why does his parent give him a nickname "BOO BOO"?

 cutiestar posted 一年多以前
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Boo Boo Stewart 答案

luvantm102 said:
Correct me if im wrong something about him being a little kid and he used to suck on his fingers 或者 something
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posted 一年多以前 
teamboobooseth said:
whenhe was younger he use to suck on his fingers and his parents 说 it made him have a boo boo face and it just stuck
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posted 一年多以前 
NeonCandy95 said:
When he was a baby he would suck both of him thumbs and make a "boo boo" face, so his mom started calling him that and it has stuck.
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posted 一年多以前 
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