Blood on The Dance Floor Club
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added by KJBiggestFan
added by KaterinaLover
added by KaterinaLover
added by KaterinaLover
added by KaterinaLover
added by KJBiggestFan
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by KaterinaLover
added by KaterinaLover
added by KaterinaLover
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by KaterinaLover
added by KaterinaLover
added by KJBiggestFan
added by KaterinaLover
blood on the dance floor
posted by bvbiselmejor
嘿 im a new 粉丝 of BOTDF and ive fallen in 爱情 with Dahvie and Jayy, ive heard of alot of things about them good and bad and i dnt believe either of them did anything bad, i am positive theyr great poeple, and Dahvie isnt a pervert i hate that ppl say that, their not faggots, and i havnt found anything thats made me think otherwise. and the haters i really dnt hav anything to say bout them it's too bad they dnt 爱情 them like we do cuz they r really missin out, Dahvie and Jayy ignore haterz we should do tht 2 i luv thm and thts all thr is to say, thr awzum ppl and they hav awzum music!
posted by ArIeS_QuEeN
so...first of all u go on their 视频 and cuss at them..i have one question..why the fuck do u go to the YouTube bar and type BOTDF/JAYY VON MONROE/DAHVIE VANITY if u are just gunna cuss at them and say they're 情绪硬核 FAGGOTS..thats just immature ¬_¬..and stupid!...if u wanna cuss at them...GO TO THEIR TWITTERS AND CUSS AT THEM...don't do it behind their backs ¬_¬ idgaf if u are gunna 评论 that i am a bitch...because u cant do anything about it...and dont say that i like BOTDF cuz they talk about.SEX and BLOWJOBS...well NO..this is a 列表 of songs that AREN'T about sex:
1. bewitched...
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blood on the dance floor
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
Dahvie: i'm on my knees beggin 你 please don't leave me 或者 你 won't be able to breath

Jayy: why don't 你 leave them alone ill burn them until they're only bone your living in hell ding dong thats your death bell

Dahvie: run run run 火, 消防 in her eyes killing me killing other guys 你 leave me outside to die 你 think im gonna cry well 婊子, 子 its your death bell

Jayy:your soul,matches mine we,become entwined firery red eyes killing me and these other guys

Dahvie:unspoken words 你 dying murderers begging me please baby gezz

Jayy: Lying witch Dying 婊子, 子 follow 你 心 and maybe 你 can go home

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