Bebo What Do 你 Do On Bebo?

hahalol posted on Sep 01, 2007 at 09:31AM
do u just post coments or is its about who can get the most veiws ?
mabye its about who can get the most veiws.....but to be honest if its about any of those i wouldnt be doing to good please post!


Bebo 5 回复

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一年多以前 x-xmEx-x said…
well i post comments change the backgroud that kinda stuff
一年多以前 cicino1 said…
well i post comments and chat 2 me friends through bebo
一年多以前 ali22 said…
I've just signed up to bebo and still have lots to do to my far i've used it for chatting and leaving comments :)
一年多以前 babeepenguin said…
bebo luv <3 x x
一年多以前 dvillster13 said…
honestly i just do the quizes