芭比 电影 Wall


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Candywitch 说 …
Why is the 动画片 for the upcoming 芭比娃娃 movie weird? I thought it was 更多 like the old video game animations. 发布 ·4个月前
axinia_d 评论…
Same. The 动画片 is lazy and looks like it's not finished (especially the trees, the water, the mountains, etc) ·3个月前
FairyElina14 评论…
Agree... that Netflix 芭比娃娃 looks weird... I believe it will be a series instead of a movie but the 动画片 looks indeed weird ·3个月前
axinia_d 说 …
芭比娃娃 as The Princess and the Pauper is turning 20 years old this year! 发布 ·5个月前
FairyElina14 评论…
One of the best 芭比娃娃 电影院 ever ♥ ·5个月前
FairyElina14 说 …
Hi group! I am still hoping we get a classic style 芭比娃娃 movie someday, not 芭比娃娃 and her sisters, 或者 芭比娃娃 brooklyn related♥ 发布 ·11个月前
Candywitch 评论…
I wish they would make 更多 classics. They still have 更多 fairy tales they can choose from. ·11个月前
Candywitch 说 …
Any new 芭比娃娃 movie coming 下一个 year? I was hoping after the success of 芭比娃娃 movie they would release 更多 classic 芭比娃娃 animated movies. 发布 一年多以前
Keira17 评论…
芭比娃娃 and Stacie To The Rescue coming this spring. 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 说 …
I’m not sure if it has been released anywhere but Australia on Netflix yet, but in the uk, Barbie: A Touch Of Magic is available on the pop channel in the uk and I haven’t seen very much of it, but so far, it seems so nostalgic to how the 芭比娃娃 animations used to be ♥️ highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet 或者 is waiting for it. I think we finally have the 芭比娃娃 know and 爱情 back again. Huge improvement from It Takes Two. 发布 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 评论…
So many themes of fantasy, fairy tale, passion…It’s just so beautiful and comforting. I think a lot of us felt like that was completely missing from the last few series we have gotten. The new series also explores so much 更多 of Malibu instead of just being at the dream house all 或者 most of the time. 爱情 it ♥️ 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
I 爱情 it too! It's my fave 芭比娃娃 显示 now. 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
Good day, everyone! Does anybody know where I can download soundtracks from Barbie: Mermaid Power, Skipper and the Big Babysitting Adventure, 芭比娃娃 Epic Road Trip and 芭比娃娃 It takes two? 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
你 could download them from youtobe if 你 paste the urls in a youtobe To MP3 converter. 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
link 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
TYSM. I couldn't see these songs without vpn and I couldn't download them with turned on vpn (I used to download using a programm). But I figured out how to download them thanks to converter. 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 说 …
Hi friends. I hope you’re all doing well. I haven’t been here in a few months and I was just reflecting on how beautiful it has been to be a member here and how safe, comforting and warm it has felt from the moment I joined and began posting. It’s been an incredible escape from life and hopefully, we have many many years to look 前锋, 期待 to 更多 芭比娃娃 animated content 💜 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
❤️ 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 说 …
I really miss the 芭比娃娃 dreamhouse adventures series, thought they were heading in the right direction and had a really good thing going on. It felt family orientated and comforting. I wish they could have combined the other 芭比娃娃 from It Takes Two into the 显示 instead of completely making a new one. It Takes Two feels very typical and predictable with some of the characters and I don’t even think 芭比娃娃 would chase fame knowing how unimportant it is and how cold the industry can be. 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
I agree with everything 你 said. I wish Dreamhouse Adventures would return too, but I'm looking 前锋, 期待 to the new upcoming shows. They sound like they'll be fun and exciting. 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
芭比娃娃 A Touch of Magic:

♥ Fall 2023 – new animated series on Netflix
♥ 13 episodes to release in the Fall + 13 更多 to be released in Spring 2024
♥ Magic, Mystery, Fun – will feature both Malibu and Brooklyn
♥ Season 2 greenlit 发布 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 评论…
God, I’m looking 前锋, 期待 to this ♥️ 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
Barbie: Skipper and the Big Babysitting Adventure coming to Netflix on March 16th. 发布 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
My First Barbie: Happy DreamDay Soundtrack

1. Happy DreamDay (2:02)
2. Bedtime Ballet (2:58)
3. Dream Together (2:32)
4. Hello Dreamhouse (2:41)
5. Dream Team (2:06) 发布 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
"My First Barbie: Happy DreamDay" is a new 芭比娃娃 My First special, which will be released in 2023. The premiere will be on the 芭比娃娃 YouTube channel. 发布 一年多以前
Keira17 评论…
Sing along with your little ones, to new 音乐 from the My First 芭比娃娃 special coming to YouTube February 1st! Play and dance to songs inspired 由 all-new 芭比娃娃 dolls, made especially for preschool-age kids. 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
"Barbie My First" is a new 芭比娃娃 youtobe series, which will be released in 2023. 发布 一年多以前
Candywitch 评论…
Any new 芭比娃娃 movie coming this year? 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
"Skipper and the Big Babysitting Adventure" is a new 芭比娃娃 movie, which will be released in 2023. 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
We wish we will have 更多 solo 芭比娃娃 Movie 下一个 年 一年多以前
FairyElina14 评论…
Oh God... Please No 更多 芭比娃娃 and her sisters.. I really liked when 芭比娃娃 played other characters in a nice adventure 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
Where can I download new 电影院 if I don't have Netflix? 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
Make one 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
It doesn't work like that, we don't have it in my country. 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
芭比娃娃 Epic Road Trip is a new film arriving on October 25.

In this interactive adventure, 芭比娃娃 goes on a cross-country trek with 老友记 and makes big decisions about the future. Which dream will she choose? 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
芭比娃娃 电影院 Character Of The 月 民意调查 is up for September 2022! It will close on September 7th. I know the 论坛 for this was months ago, but I wanted to give it another try to make this club 更多 active. Nominations for October's Character of the 月 will begin on September 15th. Till then, vote! 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
芭比娃娃 电影院 Category of the 月 民意调查 is also up! Don't forget to vote! This will also close on September 7th. 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
According to 4ever 芭比娃娃 Blogspot, there might be a new 芭比娃娃 Special 或者 something related to Skipper (Barbie/Malibu's Sister) to be aired on Netflix. 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
Barbie: Skipper Big Babysitting Adventure!! 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
芭比娃娃 Mermaid Power a Little Golden Book
Release date: September 6, 2022

This Little Golden Book is based on the all-new special Barbie: Mermaid Power, premiering in Fall 2022 on Netflix! Read about 芭比娃娃 “Malibu” Roberts and 芭比娃娃 “Brooklyn” Roberts as they turn into 《美人鱼》 to save a sea kingdom in an epic underwater adventure! Coming Fall 2022! 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
I've 发布 a wiki about 芭比娃娃 called 'Barbie's filmography' . Go check it out! 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Cool! But in the short film section, it mentions 芭比娃娃 as Sleeping Beauty. that was a computer game, not a short film. 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
Sorry about that. Most of my info for the wiki came from 芭比娃娃 电影院 Wiki and Wikipedia. 芭比娃娃 as Sleeping Beauty was mentioned in Wikipedia. I'll change it now, thanks! 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
The most awaited 芭比娃娃 Live Action Movie just revealed new info today at CinemaCon 2022's Warner Bros. Presentation. Margot Robbie plays the titular character, Greta Gerwig directs, releasing this July 21, 2023. They also showed its first look from the movie 发布 here.

更多 Details/Source: link 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
Do 你 think 芭比娃娃 Life in the City Would be the new 芭比娃娃 movie that focus on Brooklyn? 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
Where did 你 got that source? 一年多以前
crystalelina 评论…
Most likely, yes 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
happy B 日 芭比娃娃 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
It's sad that even Barbie's official accounts didn't post about it. 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 说 …
If 你 want an active 芭比娃娃 论坛 to go on, there's one on 芭比娃娃 电影院 Wiki: link 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Barbie: Epic Road Trip is probably a "Interactive Special" for Netflix where YOU, the viewer, will get to pick which location these two Barbies (plus their family and friends) are going next, and choose the activities to try. 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
Nice! 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
Tell every 芭比娃娃 粉丝 你 know about the 芭比娃娃 电影院 Character Of The 月 contest! We need 更多 people! 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
I did. I asked each and every one of my 芭比娃娃 粉丝 老友记 and even others on this site. 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
论坛 topic : 芭比娃娃 电影院 Character Of The 月 is open for February 2022!! 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 说 …
News about the Big City Big Dreams follow up series, It Takes Two: link 发布 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
Maybe "Sparkle Cove Adventure" is a new 芭比娃娃 movie, which will be released in 2022. 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
Source? 一年多以前
Keira17 评论…
Mattel Trademarkia 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
It sounds like 海豚 Magic and Dreamtopia 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
Vote for a banner!
link 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Barbie's youtobe Channel is livestreaming 芭比娃娃 in the Nutcracker in celebration of the movie's 20th anniversary for a limited time! 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
Please 加入 :
1. 芭比娃娃 Princes club
2. 芭比娃娃 电影院 Pets 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
It's officially the 20th anniversary of 芭比娃娃 in the Nutcracker! 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
Cool! 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
Please 加入 my new club : 芭比娃娃 Princes. I'm surprised that no one ever made a club for these princes before! 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 说 …
Hi! Please 加入 my new club 芭比娃娃 电影院 Pets 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Hi! There's a situation going on in 芭比娃娃 电影院 Fandom Club. There was this user who posts pictures from 图片 that have been 发布 here already to posts unrelated to the movies. Another thing is, they also 评论 on their posts such as 芭比娃娃 being obese 或者 serious stuff that might be harmful to young girls. Whenever 你 do, PLEASE 报道 THE USER AND THEIR POSTS and let this group neat and tidy. 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 说 …
Is there a subtitled version of 芭比娃娃 Big City Big Dreams online? 发布 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
The full movie was uploaded here. 你 just have to turn on the subtitles. They are 98% accurate. 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
Hope this helps. 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
There's rumors for 芭比娃娃 new movie called "Barbie Fairy Adventure" 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
Source? 一年多以前
papanoel 评论…
Source? please 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
oh I cannot imagine how DHA universe will be in fairytale theme 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Recently they had these upcoming 芭比娃娃 camping playset series named "It Takes Two" and they had Malibu 芭比娃娃 and Brooklyn 芭比娃娃 from Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams. I'm not sure if it's gonna be a series 或者 a movie sequel to BCBD but let's just wait. 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
Ugh!!! Mattel Plssss 移动 on from Dreamhouse Adventure universe!!!! We need new new and fresh story for 芭比娃娃 contain!! 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
content 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
"Barbie It Takes Two Camping Stacie Doll and Pet Set: Head to the great outdoors and play out camping fun with Stacie doll inspired 由 the hit 芭比娃娃 series, It Takes Two! This 芭比娃娃 It Takes Two Camping Stacie Doll and Pet Set inspires all kinds of camping stories with Stacie doll and her adorable pet puppy. Play out a 日 of exploration with a compass, map, pet carrier and a small tent that's the perfect size for Stacie doll's puppy. Expand play even 更多 with themed accessories and a sticker sheet for fun customization! With so many storytelling opportunities, kids can dream up endless outdoor adventures. Ages 3 and up." 一年多以前
big smile
WilliamBinh51 说 …
Mattel released the album soundtrack from a new movie that will be released to Netflix in the USA in September 1, 2021, "Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams". It includes 6 new songs from a movie:

01. Before Us
02. Work It
03. Good Vibes
04. Playground of Our Dreams
05. See 你 at the Finish Line
06. Big City Big Dreams

It's available now on Spotify.
Link: link 发布 一年多以前
vernorexia 说 …
I want to find all the revamped art for dvds, high quality. Not the DVD cover. They are in landscape format. The only ones I found are Island Princess and 天鹅 Lake. 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams will also 显示 in cinemas starting August 20 in UK (if I'm correct).

Source: link 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams premieres on Netflix this September 1, 2021, let's see if this is the real release 日期 for the movie.
Source: link 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
Hi Have 你 ever wonder what messages behind all these costume 设计 in each movies. 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
it must somehow reflect on sth about 电影院 theme. 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
But as fas as i know we have never heard 或者 seen anything onfo about the costume designer for each movies. 一年多以前
Genevievebarbie 评论…
你 mean like 12dp gowns... I think they 显示 that the princesses like 颜色 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Here's the press release 文章 from Mattel, stating 更多 details on Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams movie coming this SEPTEMBER 2021:
link 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Thanks! 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
New Details from the Upcoming Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams Movie is in the 评论 below, the 来源 is from the trailer description. 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
Discover double the 唱歌 and double the fun in this all-new musical movie 芭比娃娃 Big City, Big Dreams. 芭比娃娃 swaps the sunny shores of Malibu for the bright lights of Broadway to attend an exclusive summer performing arts program and meets…Barbie! Fast friends, the two discover they share 更多 than a name as they explore New York City and all the amazing things they have in common. As they compete for the coveted once-in-a-lifetime Spotlight Solo from Times Square, the 老友记 discover competition isn’t all about winning, it’s about striving to be your best, overcoming doubts, and sharing the spotlight. This exciting new sing-along adventure features new characters, a new setting in NYC, and six all-new songs! 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Found some 视频 of 芭比娃娃 Big City, Big Dreams 唱歌 Malibu/Brooklyn 芭比娃娃 玩偶 on Instagram, check out these 链接 below:

Malibu 芭比娃娃 - link
Brooklyn 芭比娃娃 - link
Both 唱歌 together - link

Thanks, xoxthebarbiefanaticxox! 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
Any trademark for 芭比娃娃 movie 2022 was announced yet? 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
I just checked, there's nothing yet. 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 说 …
Haven’t been on here in such a long time but I recognise a lot of users and hope everyone is doing well. So nostalgic to come back here and see what is going on. 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Hope you've been doing well, too! I miss when this place was busy 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
This club is such a big part of my childhood memories. I have beeb here since 2009. Lot of memories here 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
芭比娃娃 in the Nutcracker is back with some new dolls, starting with two Chelsea 玩偶 which I found on 芭比娃娃 World 脸谱 Page and Smyths Toys UK Website. Let's expect that there will be a Clara doll and other characters, too. This new toy series celebrates the 20th anniversary of the first ever computer-animated 芭比娃娃 Movie Classic which was released in 2001. 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Aw that's lovely. Earlier this 年 someone mentioned Princess Charm School will be 10 years old this year, but I forgot about Nutcracker turning 20. That's so crazy! 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
The 玩偶 look very cheap and have nothing to do with original ones. I'm disappointed. 一年多以前
big smile
WilliamBinh51 说 …
I just got full soundtrack on Spotify from the new movie, "Barbie™ & Chelsea: The 迷失 Birthday". The album inclucle 5 songs and here the list:

01 Make a New Day
02 I Am Brave
03 Keep On Looking
04 Roll With It
05 Patience 发布 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
Full soundtrack will 上传 on my YT channel soon :( 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
most of the song came from Dreamtopia. So glad they eventually released them 一年多以前
big smile
WilliamBinh51 说 …
I re-upload full movie of "Barbie™ & Chelsea: The 迷失 Birthday" on my ok.ru account. I used this website for a 年 and uploaded almost Barbie™ 电影院 on here and until now they're still on there, never take down 由 Mattel so I think this time will be fine also :)
👉 WATCH MOVIE ON OK.RU: link 发布 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
If 你 want to watch the older Barbie™ 电影院 click here: link 一年多以前
big smile
WilliamBinh51 说 …
Barbie™ & Chelsea: The 迷失 Birthday! 🎂 FULL MOVIE! Now Available on My YT Channel. Watch It Now Before It Gets Copyright and Blocked Forever!!!!!
link 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Thaaaaanks 😍 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Wow, they took it down already, they are fast :D 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
That's one of the reasons that I hate YT much!!!!! :( 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 说 …
Barbie™ & Chelsea - The 迷失 Birthday will be released on Netflix in April 16. 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Thank 你 for the info :) 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
I'm glad there's a release 日期 now 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 说 …
Hi guys, there's finally a 芭比娃娃 & Chelsea The 迷失 Birthday trailer! Hopefully we will get a release 日期 soon. 发布 一年多以前
Keira17 说 …
Hi, I published first two 玩偶 from the new movie Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams, which will be released in fall 2021. 发布 一年多以前
cinderwinter 说 …
Hi do 你 all collect dolls? I watch this one girl on YouTube who’s seen every movie 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
I've never collected the 玩偶 but I 爱情 the movies. 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
I collect 玩偶 and watch 电影院 😊 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
Nice I do both too! 一年多以前
big smile
WilliamBinh51 说 …
Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams (2021)


1. Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams is a new 芭比娃娃 movie that will be released in the fall of 2021.
2. The film will premiere on the Netflix online video library.
3. This is a brand new 芭比娃娃 musical.

芭比娃娃 发布 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
PLOT: 芭比娃娃 travels to New York to participate in the summer performing arts program and meets - Barbie! 芭比娃娃 Roberts of Brooklyn is charming, eclectic, and has been endowed with Beyoncé's voice and the attitude of Michelle Obama. The two quickly become 老友记 as they compete to find out which 芭比娃娃 has what it takes to get the coveted solo in the spotlight! 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
Very nice 一年多以前
big smile
Keira17 说 …
Hello everybody! I have great new! 芭比娃娃 & Chelsea: The 迷失 Birthday is a new 芭比娃娃 movie, which will be released in March 2021! 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Wow, this early! 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
This is great new I thought no 更多 good 芭比娃娃 电影院 left 一年多以前
sparkletoes 说 …
嘿 guys! I’m back after a very long time. Does anyone remember me? 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Hi, hope you're doing well! It's a shame this club isn't really active anymore. I hope another 芭比娃娃 movie comes out this year. 一年多以前
nmdis 评论…
嘿 welcome back! I remember everyone :D I occasionally visit the club for memories ^^ 一年多以前
sparkletoes 评论…
嘿 XTinkerBellx and nmdis! so nice to see 你 guys again. I haven’t seen the latest movie “princess adventure” as I don’t currently have Netflix but I am looking 前锋, 期待 to rewatching the old classics, it’s been a while and I’m feeling very nostalgic. 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
爱情 all of your pictures I 爱情 婴儿 as well, 电影院 too 一年多以前
BarbiePeach 说 …
I 爱情 芭比娃娃 (✷‿✷) 发布 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
Me too the 玩偶 too 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
I've seen this from Papusile Mele that they announced a new series: 芭比娃娃 and Chelsea: The 迷失 Birthday. Although they revealed the first dolls, but I asked her if this was an upcoming 2021 movie.It's all about 芭比娃娃 and her Sisters heading to a jungle-like place to celebrate Chelsea's Birthday. 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
I 发布 some 玩偶 from the (next 芭比娃娃 movie?) thing. If this does not happen, I'll 删除 the photos. 一年多以前
Keira17 评论…
link 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
Very nice 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 说 …
I wonder when the 芭比娃娃 live action movie will come out ? I heard some of information it will release in 2020 but its September now and we still not get any news 或者 even teaser trailer about the film yet. *so confused* 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
They probably 取消 this project silently. i guess. I have never heard Magarot shoot this flim yet. Almost entire last 年 she had been shooting suicide squad. 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
Very nice 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
I saw the new Barbie: Princess Adventure movie and it was very good. I can't believe they're making another 芭比娃娃 电影院 since 海豚 Magic, and I hope Mattel will make 更多 of them, but this time make it different than the usual princess swap plot. 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
I thought the movie was really fun. I hope they make 更多 soon. 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
Very nice 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 说 …
The quote from Princess Adventure is: "Life doesn't happen on camera. Life is what happens when the cameras are off".

I'm happy cause finally we got new quote after Great 小狗 Adventure :D 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Thanks for letting us know! 一年多以前
cinderwinter 评论…
Cannot wait 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 说 …
I tried to write out the lyrics for 芭比娃娃 Princess Adventure songs but I couldn't understand all of them. Can someone with Netflix look at the subtitles and check if the lyrics on 芭比娃娃 电影院 Wiki are correct? 发布 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
I had subtitles of this movie. I can send it to 你 :) 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
Give me your 电子邮箱 and I can send it to you. 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Thank you! 一年多以前
big smile
WilliamBinh51 说 …
Just got Princess Adventure on my pc and now I'm uploading it on my youtobe channel for everyone who not living in US can watch it :)

➜ HERE MY youtobe CHANNEL: link 发布 一年多以前
pinkbloom 评论…
Okay! Will be watching it. 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Thank you! 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Barbie: Princess Adventure is now out on Netflix, sadly it's only available in the US, but I don't know if it's released on other countries.

link 发布 一年多以前
big smile
WilliamBinh51 说 …

Got full album of "Princess Adventure" today and now 你 can download on my page

➜ DOWNLOAD LINK: link 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Thank 你 very muuuuuch <3 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 说 …
I just got 2 songs on iTunes from the new Barbie™ movie, Barbie™ Princess Adventure. And I decide 上传 it on my 谷歌 Drive account for all of 你 can download it to listen.


ENJOY IT! 😉 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
It's 说 'No access' тт тт 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
Oh sorry, I just change for everyone can see & download my file. So, just go back and check again :) 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
So the actress who voice 芭比娃娃 in Spy Squad , Video Games, Dreamty etc.
back to voice Princess Amelia in 芭比娃娃 Princess Adventure.
From This is my moment MV I can say that is her.
it's wired that Mattle bring back old 芭比娃娃 voice to voice for new character 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Barbie: Princess Adventure - Soundtrack Listing:
*Try It On
*Somewhere New
*Not A Picture Perfect Girl
*Life in Color
*King of the Kingdom
*This is my Moment
The soundtrack runs for about 15 minutes, and it will be released on August 28 on iTunes. Link/Source below. 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
link 一年多以前
braydenwest24 评论…
"This Is My Moment" sounds like a song 由 Rebecca Black (the singer who sings "Friday"). After releasing "Friday", she released a single titled "My Moment" and its chorus goes like "This Is my moment / my moment...." 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
i think Mattle should let go with Dreamhouse Adventure and do some new project!
it's disappointed me even Princess Adventure will absolutely be Dreamhouse Adventure special.
I think they sick of doing movie , so just created new series instead.
i 爱情 the show. but it's bored to see the same show. 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
The Official Release 日期 of Barbie: Princess Adventure will be on SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 on Netflix! New Details in 评论 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
The adventure begins when 芭比娃娃 and her 老友记 travel to the country of Floravia to meet Princess Amelia, who looks a lot like Barbie. Princess Amelia is nervous about becoming queen, so she comes up with a plan to switch places with Barbie. Their secret is 安全 until a rival prince discovers the truth. It’s then up to 芭比娃娃 and her 老友记 to stop the prince and rescue the princess in time for her coronation. With the support of her friends, 芭比娃娃 helps Princess Amelia discover the power in finding your own voice. Filled with lots of fun songs and new friends, this exciting musical celebration shows the best thing 你 can be is yourself. 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
so bored with this kind of plots 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
New Info on Barbie: Princess Adventure (from Step Into 阅读 book)

芭比娃娃 and Princess Amelia look exactly alike! 芭比娃娃 admires Amelia’s royal life, and the Princess wishes she could be carefree like Barbie. So they decide to trade places for a day. But when the princess disappears, will 芭比娃娃 be able to save her? 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
Source: link 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
芭比娃娃 princess and the popstar 2 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
To be fair, Anneliese and Erika never wanted to be each other, and they never switched places, Erika pretended to be the Princess to save her. Tori and Keira did want each other's life. So yes, 芭比娃娃 Princess and the Popstar 2. 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Barbie: Princess Adventure will be airing on Netflix, which is nearly coming soon. I think there's a few months left to wait (probably this Fall 2020), so 交叉, 十字架 your fingers on new information in the upcoming days.

On the other related news, some of its basic 玩偶 and fashion packs from the upcoming movie are now available in toy stores and sections in the US as I saw these on Instagram. 芭比娃娃 and 雏菊, 黛西 玩偶 will be released this August. 发布 一年多以前
pinkbloom 评论…
Sounds cool !! 一年多以前
mhikari 说 …
Anything new ,Anyone? 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
Beauty Inside A Box just recently uploaded a 芭比娃娃 Princess Adventure doll review on Youtube!
link 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
Any news about 芭比娃娃 Princess Adventure? 发布 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 评论…
As of now they have some new merchandise tie-ins to the movie. I don't know if this movie is going to be delayed due to this current situation, but it was stated to be released this Fall 2020. 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
Can't believe that 芭比娃娃 vlogs used to be so interesting but know we have useless challenges and THIS: link Who thought that was a good idea? 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
哈哈 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
芭比娃娃 dream House adventure go team Robert season 2 is on Netflix 你 guys!!!! 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Hopefully someone will 上传 it :) 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
Yeah 一年多以前
maha12 说 …
Hello guyz if any of 你 芭比娃娃 princess charm school hindi dubbed full movied then plz share with me.In youtobe this movie is not complete.I want complete movie till.last 秒 in hindi.So please guyz help me.If any of 你 have one then 上传 and share link with me.I Shall be truely thankful.!!!! 发布 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
link 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
HAPPY 61ST BIRTHDAY, 芭比娃娃 发布 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 说 …
I hope in the near future Mattel will remake all of classic 电影院 into A LIVE ACTION, like 迪士尼 did with Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Mulan, v...v... 发布 一年多以前
WilliamBinh51 评论…
I really want to watch a live action of "Princess and the Pauper", "Rapunzel", "Swan Lake", "Fairytopia", "12 Dancing Princesses", and many 更多 :D That will be so cool !!!!!!!!!! 一年多以前
PrincessRaine29 说 …
After I researched some new 芭比娃娃 Princess Adventure stuff, I just found out that the Step into 阅读 book will be released within this Fall. Does that mean the upcoming movie will be released this Fall 2020 too? 发布 一年多以前
FairyElina14 说 …
"Barbie Princess Adventure".. I still don't know if it will be a movie 或者 special.. I don't mean to sound salty but I am tired of Dreamhouse Adventures and everything related with that, even the animation... and I saw the movie plot description, will it be like another PP 或者 PaP Rip-off?? again the Princess Switch thing? and a musical too, I can't see the difference with that plot and PP 或者 PaP no matter how hard they try, but, I am happy we will have something like a movie at least 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
I also thought it sounded like The Princess & The Popstar, but I like Dreamhouse Adventures so I'm looking 前锋, 期待 to it. 一年多以前
FairyElina14 评论…
Yes, let's see, It may be good. 一年多以前
SilentForce 评论…
I hate the fact that its another Princess and the Pauper rip-off 一年多以前
connor3 说 …
Maybe I am wrong, but so far I think Princess Adventure is simply another Dreamhouse Adventure 'movie/special'. The reasons I think so are because firstly, from the promo picture we can clearly see it uses DA 动画片 style and characters. 发布 一年多以前
connor3 评论…
Secondly, the way it was listed in that magazine was exactly the same way they listed Magical Mermaid Mystery in there. Thirdly, I found this site which I will post link to below, that claims both Magical Mermaid Mystery and Princess Adventure are 'specials'. Lastly, the 秒 season of DA is now confirmed to include 22 episodes instead of 26 they announced earlier, which is four episodes less. And in some countries, MMM was released as exactly four episodes of the series, instead of an 1-hour special. Also, most sites simply dropped Dreamhouse Adventure part from the MMM title. Of course all of this are just my predictions and we won't know until later, but it seems to me as MMM and Princess Adventure are simply both considered a 电影院 set in DA canon. Which makes sense to me, because when they were releasing 海豚 Magic they were promoting it as 'first Netflix special' 或者 'first movie in new Dreamhouse Adventures series'. link 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
I think Mattle should 移动 on from DA and go 前锋, 期待 for new things. Why did they still stuck with this show. It's not even a global hit. 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
What award? flop award? 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 说 …
I found this news 文章 on it, which sheds pretty much the same information. Apparently, they have 照片 of the official Ken Prince doll which is a character from the new movie. link 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
His crown doesn't even fit тт тт 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
There will be a new movie which is called «Barbie: Princess Adventure». Synopsis: 芭比娃娃 discovers what it means to be a modern princess in this full-length, original musical when she switches places with her royal doppelganger. 芭比娃娃 helps a young monarch find her voice and use her position for social change.
Credit to vk.com/barbie_movies12009696 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
I cant believe 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Saaame. They say that it is not a Dreamhouse's special but a whole new movie. But there are characters from BDA on the cover so I wonder how it is different then? 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 评论…
I literally hope with everything that this is true. I’ve been waiting for such a long time as I’m sure we all have and omg...please be real. 一年多以前
nmdis 说 …
Since this 年 is going to end, I really felt I should come back here and post on BM spot.I have really very special memories here, and I always come back checking 俱乐部 and profiles of my friends, as much as I miss good old time I know we all grew up. And I really hope all of my 老友记 are healthy, and acheive whatever goals and dreams they have.
芭比娃娃 电影院 have taught me beautiful message, it's a part of who I am as a person and I sometimes forget these messages, but this place [cntd] 发布 一年多以前
nmdis 评论…
always reminds me of who I am, it always reminds me of my dreams and goals.Finally I'll always miss 你 guys and this club, and hope all of 你 have a wonderful 年 and life. 爱情 你 all <3 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
Thanks you. I check on this club once in a while since they stop making movies. I encourage what 你 说 because 芭比娃娃 flims have really taught me about positive aspect of human being we should be when i were little teenager. And i embraced that 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
Without positive life lessons from 芭比娃娃 Flims, i would be a grew-up-selfish-person. Barbie's positive attitude is part of me now. I always remind myself with her mottos to help me when i have some tough times. Thanks Mattle for creating such path of goodness for kids to grow up respectablely and properly 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Happy New Year! I'm glad I had these 电影院 and this club while growing up. I have a lot of good memories and the 电影院 helped me grow closer to people. I still think of the morals to this 日 :) 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 说 …
I’m not sure is they’re going to add magical mermaid mystery to Netflix I’m anytime soon but I did type it in and it’s on the database, so I’m almost 100% sure it’s gonna happen any time now. It did launch on the POP channel which I watched it on but sadly missed a few episodes. I felt like it didn’t really fit in with the series and should have been a movie? 发布 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
Have 你 seen Go team Robert? 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 评论…
I saw a little - but missed some of the episodes which is why I’m waiting for it to be released on Netflix UK. 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
So I have been watching Go Team Robert and it is obviously that they have divided magical mermaid mystery into 5 episodes in Go Team Robert.

And it is upset me why did they make magical mermaid mystery as a long-special ep in the first place? and it even lunched in some countries.
If they tend to separate it into 5 ep why would they make it make us feel like it will be new movie.
They even make a poster for magical mermaid mystery.
I am upset Mattle marketing strategy 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
100% agree. 一年多以前
Candywitch 评论…
Season 4 was supposed to be different because it has story arcs. 一年多以前
Lifeisafairytal 评论…
Story arcs? 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
芭比娃娃 Dreamhouse adventures: Go Team Robert Season 1 Dowlaod

link 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
Thank 你 so much!! 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
So what's about 芭比娃娃 Dreamhouse adventures go team Robert?
It launched November 1st on Netflix.
There are no promo 或者 teaser about them.
I think Mattle have some limited and strange marketing plan for Dreamhouse adventures.
Since magical mermaid mystery and now go team robert. It was released with limitation of religion.
Why can't them marketing these 显示 with quality so global 粉丝 can access these entertainments.
Gosh!! I miss the old time 发布 一年多以前
FairyElina14 评论…
OMG I didnt know about this, is like they want 芭比娃娃 to stay in the US only... 或者 what? I couldn't watch Magical Mermaid Mystery.. 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
I couldn't watch it too. This is so annoying. Don't they consider us as fans? Are we not part of the 粉丝 base? They shouldn't be surprised at the lack of popularity of the 显示 because we are not even aware of it. 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
right? 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
There r no 芭比娃娃 film come out so far and maybe forever.
When i had looked at my BMs dvd collection it bought back lots of memories of how each movie participate d in my childhood.
And the old time when this club was so active, everyone was so enthusiastic to find new info of the 下一个 film. 发布 一年多以前
FairyElina14 评论…
Exactly I miss those days, I still enter every once in a while to see if there is something new... I can't believe Mattel just let 芭比娃娃 电影院 fall like this. 芭比娃娃 MOvies were and ARE iconic. and there are thousands of possibilities for new ones. 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 评论…
I could not agree 更多 一年多以前
nmdis 评论…
It's sad, I always felt that 芭比娃娃 电影院 were and are soo underrated. But I'm glad that it was such an important part of my childhood. I hope Mattel makes comeback with new and amazing 电影院 soon though 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
Happy 15th Anniversary to 芭比娃娃 as The Princess and the Pauper :) 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Wow, 15 years! I remember watching it for the first time on VHS when I was a kid. I think it's still one of the best 芭比娃娃 movies! 一年多以前
connor3 说 …
To be honest I thought everyone would be 更多 excited about Magical Mermaid Mystery. Is there a reason why 你 guys don't seem to accept it as the new movie? Since there is literally no difference between this movie and 海豚 Magic in the way it's released? 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
It's probably because it's a compilation of Dreamhouse Adventures episodes, right? It is probably not seen as a "traditional" 芭比娃娃 movie. 一年多以前
mhikari 评论…
Well....I'm a 更多 "tradiational fairy tale" type of fan. (I Personally want to see 更多 classic tales(including folk tales) ,then modern 日 dremas.) 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
It's cute, just like other episodes and 芭比娃娃 vlogs as well but it doesn't leave a strong impression. Like, 你 watched it and forgot about it тт тт 一年多以前
CleoCorinne 说 …
嘿 there 芭比娃娃 电影院 fans! It's been a while since I last wrote here, eh? How are 你 all doing? Does any one of 你 still remember me? 发布 一年多以前
XTinkerBellx 评论…
Hi! I remember you! I still lurk here but I don't post anymore. I'm just waiting for the 日 another movie gets announced... 一年多以前
mhikari 评论…
Just hanging around....and waiting for some movie info...which didn't happen(in the way I hoping for) 一年多以前
cynti19 评论…
Yes, I still remember 你 but I'm not much active here [anymore] and I'm 更多 on Tumblr for nowadays. 一年多以前
axinia_d 说 …
Did 你 see the new 芭比娃娃 Dreamhouse Adventures: Magical mermaid mystery trailer? What do 你 think? 发布 一年多以前
axinia_d 评论…
I watched it here: link 一年多以前
connor3 评论…
Ooh, so that's why when 海豚 Magic was released they 说 it's the first one of the new Dreamhouse movie series. Basically some of the episodes from the 显示 will form a 'specials' like this one, I guess. 你 can find on the internet that it will be released also in the form of the four episodes, meaning the runtime will be around 90 minutes. Anyway, new 芭比娃娃 movie, amazing! I'm a little sad that it's again about a mermaid, but hey, after such a long time I won't complain! 一年多以前
barbieboonchit 说 …
Do 你 guys miss the old time when 芭比娃娃 电影院 was the main reason we lived for when we were kid? 发布 一年多以前
mhikari 评论…
I do...... 一年多以前
nmdis 评论…
mood :( 一年多以前
BarbiePeach 评论…
yeah 一年多以前