Hi! :) I’m 写作 my bachelor thesis and its topic is Barack Obama’s presidency. The practical part is a short survey (questionnaire has only 7 questions) and I would like to ask 你 if 你 could fill out my questionnaire. It will really help me and it will take about 2 分钟 only. :)
Here is the link: www.mojeanketa.cz/pruzkum/225838092/ Thank 你 for your time! :)
发布 一年多以前
你 know I'm not being Racist 或者 anything. But can 你 believe it was just a hundred years 以前 或者 so that we had slavery and about 50/60 years since the MLKJ incident. And now the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES is African American, see how fast we turned things around, he's our leader, and the economy is getting BETTER! WOO! I'm Proud of 你 America!:D
发布 一年多以前
Did he do that in the last 4 terms? No, whats up with people these days get the fuck over it. & Stop hating cause the 爱情 of your life didn't win the election the dude didn't even win the state he was gov of, that should tell 你 something right there.一年多以前
There's always a problem with Israel regarding Gaza. Are we suppose to drop everythings everytime there is an issue out there. I just bought the coolest Obama Collection set. Saved over $100, Check it out. Hope it's okay to post link. link一年多以前
Yea, and not even halfway through, millions of Americans have 迷失 their health insurance, the debt is rising, healthcare rates are rising, and hard working people are suffering. Yeah, four 更多 years alright, four 更多 years of bullshit and nothing getting done.一年多以前
As I 说 again, this is for people who like Obama, not people who hate him, Go leave 评论 on Mitt. Romneys page. And FYI The economy is actually getting better, if you've noticed. It is not in dust.一年多以前
Yeah @JackieI_! obama won so why don't 你 just go cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it. :P haha I'm just teasing. But still I'm glad Obama won.一年多以前
What people need to remember is the last three Wars were started 由 Republicans. The only reason went to Iran is Saddam made 衬套, 布什 sr. look like an Asshole! 衬套, 布什 jr. Declared victory real quick after that ! Funny i thought 你 got to come 首页 after victory was declared. Btw who snagged Bin Laden? Clue his last name sure as hell wasnt Bush!
发布 一年多以前
Everybody thinks that President Obama is the one who did this to our Economy, but he didn't. I think people need to realize he is making a difference
发布 一年多以前
President Obama didn't do this toour economy, he just took the responsbility. And he has tried to improve our economy he has done great things. Like bring our troops home, allow homosexuals to praticipate in the war, gave 50% discounts for seniors for there prescription drugs in the Medicare ' donut hole', and much more. And if 你 don't believe me go to The Democratic Hub.com and type in President Obamas Achievments and see for yourself.一年多以前
CONGRATS to President Obama for winning 2012 Big Daddy Awards "Presidential Candidate" over Romney!!! Possible Foreshadowing?? :) See all the winners at OnTheLine.com
发布 一年多以前
Obama is pro- a two state solution when it comes to Israel and Palestine. His policies on the Afganistan & Iraq war is nearly flawless. His policies on single-care insurance would've been beneficial for someone in my circumstances and I fully supported his urgency and passion behind the job's bill, as well as many other services and financial aid he provided to American citizens and businesses. Hopefully, people will appreciate what he has worked so hard to accomplish; & I hope that 日 is soon.
发布 一年多以前
I am pretty confident he will win his 秒 term. Not cocky confident, but confident. After all look at the mess that is the Republican " hopefuls" . Yeah....just what we need, one of those clowns. We wont even recover from BUSH's stupidity for God only knows how long.
发布 一年多以前
Obama is a great president, and i think he should serve 2 terms. Some ppl r complaining that obama isn't doing anything, but really he has done alot. It's us lazy americans not doing our part, and it is the democrat and republican parties who have to always be arguing. What we could be doing instead of arguing over and over, is maybe, build solar and wind plants, 或者 help ppl get healthcare, 或者 fix our low education level, anything but argue nonstop! Obama is stopping a war, wut r we doing.
发布 一年多以前
ggrrrr Obama stinks McCain should have won Obama is not doing the rite thin g wat do 你 democrats see in him. I see nothing.Nothing at all....Dont vote Obama for 2012 tell everyone please.........
发布 一年多以前
Obviously everyone has some pretty strong opinions about Obama and his presidency. 你 should go to link to support 或者 问题 Obama and his presidency.
发布 一年多以前
发布 一年多以前
So far Obama is killing this economy even 更多 and the new Health Care bill will kill many small buisnesses. Right now he sucks as a president. Many think he is responsible for capturing Osama Bin Ladin. Well it was all military! Obama might have 说 yes to go in and kill Osama (not sure if thats true 或者 not) but any president would've done that. Aren't 你 people glad 你 voted for him if right now he is letting this economy drop into the toilet. Unemployment obviously hasn't gone up.
发布 一年多以前
May I remind 你 that Obama is doing his best with the economy? He'd get 更多 done with proper Co-op. As for healthcare, well, obviously 你 didn't know that it says big buisness can't turn 你 down because of 前一个 illness. As for Osama: other Presidents would have just dropped a bomb on the whole place, but Obama risked his career on that raid. And Obama is cleaning up Bush's mess in the middle east in the first place.一年多以前
Thank 你 President Obama. 你 have served us well and done Justice 由 killing that SOB OBL. Yet here AGAIN the GOP and stupid right want to turn it into something its not, amazing isnt it. We could come together in this happy time, BUT NO. They have to mudsling us, with " ITS A CONSPIRACY, OBAMA IS 老友记 WITH THEM, THATS HOW HE GOT HIM". Really pathetic. I hope Karma comes around in 2012
发布 一年多以前
Its not because he's black cuz I'm not racist. He is just a president who isn't doing any good other then the whole freaking Osama bin Ladin thing. But he isn't doing any good with the economy at all!一年多以前